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[MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

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Srry another quick one is there a way to add Mod Trucks to carry ammo crates if you dont have time to explain you can just point me in the right direction

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Hey zbug, I got a Bug report for you.


    We was in the Town of Athira ,time was 2000hrs and down in the town of Gravia you could see a massive explosion going on from a distance. It was in the Grid 143176 on the map.  Something was spawning in and kept blowing up .



Great Game and Happy New year Everyone.   

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Love the mission, however I am having an issue. I have been trying to add RHS units, primarily the Abrams to classname and classname extension.sqf but whenever I add them the game no longer has any arsenal loadouts or spawns possible besides the Altas carrier. Reverting to the vanilla class extensions loads the current save back and allows loadouts and spawns. I have made sure the commas are correct as was posted a page ago. I have tried using the RHS class.sqf someone gave and merged/replaced the regular classname.sqf and when that resulted in a invisible build menu and a broken savegame I tried using classname extension again. But it continues to not work, I don't understand how anyone has managed to modify either the classname.sqf or the classname extension.sqf without breaking the server entirely in more than just the current save.


Any help would be very much appreciated as I am probably missing something incredibly obvious.

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Love the mission, however I am having an issue. I have been trying to add RHS units, primarily the Abrams to classname and classname extension.sqf but whenever I add them the game no longer has any arsenal loadouts or spawns possible besides the Altas carrier. Reverting to the vanilla class extensions loads the current save back and allows loadouts and spawns. I have made sure the commas are correct as was posted a page ago. I have tried using the RHS class.sqf someone gave and merged/replaced the regular classname.sqf and when that resulted in a invisible build menu and a broken savegame I tried using classname extension again. But it continues to not work, I don't understand how anyone has managed to modify either the classname.sqf or the classname extension.sqf without breaking the server entirely in more than just the current save.


Any help would be very much appreciated as I am probably missing something incredibly obvious.


Do you mind putting up your classname.sqf and classnames_extension.sqf files somewhere so I can look at them?  Pastebin.com or something like that?  That'd probably be easier than troubleshooting by posts.

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you probably have a vehicle in the classnames or extention list with the base variation. This will fork up the list.


rhsusf_m1a2tank_base something like this perhaps?


you should be using this : rhsusf_m1a2sep1d_usarmy





heavy_vehicles_extension = [























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Do you mind putting up your classname.sqf and classnames_extension.sqf files somewhere so I can look at them?  Pastebin.com or something like that?  That'd probably be easier than troubleshooting by posts.

im edited baddies section like this and work pretty well (took few bases and nothing bad happend)

// *** BADDIES ***

// Guerillas. It's only classnames the game will pick from, not the actual squad that will spawn, unlike the CSAT pre-made squads further below
militia_squad = [ "B_G_Soldier_SL_F","B_G_Soldier_A_F","B_G_Soldier_AR_F","B_G_medic_F","B_G_engineer_F","B_G_Soldier_exp_F","B_G_Soldier_GL_F","B_G_Soldier_M_F","B_G_Soldier_F","B_G_Soldier_LAT_F","B_G_Soldier_lite_F","b_g_soldier_unarmed_f","B_G_Sharpshooter_F","b_g_survivor_F","B_G_Soldier_TL_F"];

// Same principle, only an array with everything for the game to randomly choose from
militia_vehicles = [ "rhs_btr70_chdkz","rhs_zsu234_chdkz","I_MU_mercs_Offroad_01_armed_F","I_MU_mercs_Offroad_01_armed_F","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","LOP_AFR_BTR60","LOP_AFR_M113_W","LOP_AFR_T72BA","I_MU_mercs_Offroad_01_armed_F"];

// All the CSAT pre-made squads. This is exactly what will spawn so take care with the number of units you put in each.
opfor_squad_low_intensity = ["rhs_msv_officer","rhs_msv_sergeant","rhs_msv_medic","rhs_msv_LAT","rhs_msv_LAT","rhs_msv_machinegunner","rhs_msv_rifleman","rhs_msv_rifleman"];
opfor_squad_8_standard = ["rhs_vdv_officer_armored","rhs_vdv_sergeant","rhs_vdv_marksman","rhs_vdv_machinegunner","rhs_vdv_medic","rhs_vdv_at","rhs_vdv_LAT","rhs_vdv_LAT"];
opfor_squad_8_infkillers = ["rhs_vdv_officer_armored","rhs_vdv_sergeant","rhs_vdv_marksman","rhs_vdv_machinegunner","rhs_vdv_medic","rhs_vdv_at","rhs_vdv_LAT","rhs_vdv_LAT"];
opfor_squad_8_tankkillers = ["rhs_vdv_officer_armored","rhs_vdv_medic","rhs_vdv_sergeant","rhs_vdv_LAT","rhs_vdv_LAT","rhs_vdv_LAT","rhs_vdv_LAT","rhs_vdv_LAT"];
opfor_squad_8_airkillers = ["rhs_vdv_officer_armored","rhs_vdv_sergeant","rhs_vdv_marksman","rhs_vdv_machinegunner","rhs_vdv_medic","rhs_vdv_aa","rhs_vdv_LAT","rhs_vdv_aa"];

// Single units that are used for secondary objectives and cargo posts garrisons
opfor_sentry = "rhs_msv_rifleman";
opfor_lookout_1 = "rhs_msv_marksman";
opfor_lookout_2 = "rhs_msv_machinegunner";

// All the vehicles that can spawn as sector defenders and patrols, the game will pick randomly
opfor_vehicles = ["rhs_bmp2e_msv","rhs_btr80_msv","rhs_btr80a_msv","rhs_t72bc_tv","rhs_bmd4_vdv","rhs_t80a","rhs_bmp2_vdv","rhs_bmd1k","rhs_gaz66o_vv","rhs_btr60_vv"];
// Same, with lighter choices to be used  when the alert level is low
opfor_vehicles_low_intensity = ["rhs_bmp2e_msv","rhs_btr80_msv","rhs_btr80a_msv","rhs_zsu234_aa","rhs_bmp2e_msv"];

// All the vehicles that can spawn as battlegroup members, again the game will pick randomly
opfor_battlegroup_vehicles = ["rhs_bmp2e_msv","rhs_btr80a_msv","rhs_t72bc_tv","rhs_bmd4_vdv","rhs_t80a","rhs_bmd1k","rhs_btr60_vv","rhs_zsu234_aa","RHS_Mi24V_vvs","RHS_Mi8MTV3_vdv","RHS_Mi8AMT_vdv", "RHS_Ural_VV_01"];
// Same, with lighter choices to be used  when the alert level is low
opfor_battlegroup_vehicles_low_intensity = ["rhs_bmp2e_msv","rhs_btr80a_msv","rhs_bmd4_vdv","rhs_bmd1k","RHS_Mi8AMT_vdv", "RHS_Ural_VV_01"];

// All the vehicles that can spawn as battlegroup members (see above) and hold 8 soldiers as passengers.
// If something can't hold all 8 soldiers then buggy behaviours may occur
opfor_troup_transports = ["rhs_btr80a_msv","rhs_btr60_vv","RHS_Mi8AMT_vdv", "RHS_Ural_VV_01", "RHS_Mi8MTV3_vdv"];

// Battlegroup members that will need to spawn in flight. Should be only helos but, who knows
opfor_choppers = ["RHS_Mi8MTV3_vdv","RHS_Mi8AMT_vdv","RHS_Mi24V_vvs"];

// Opfor attack aircrafts to choose from
opfor_air = ["RHS_Su25SM_vvs"];

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and was also trying to figure out how Change the LHD to this Nimitz if you could help


Sorry, but no clue, I don't even know how the Nimitz works (the LHD is a collection of big objects being assembled together)


Srry another quick one is there a way to add Mod Trucks to carry ammo crates if you dont have time to explain you can just point me in the right direction


You have to look for "box_transport_config" in classnames.sqf, for each entry in this array you have :

- classname of the truck

- offset when unloading the boxes (i.e how far behind the vehicle the first box should pop)

- offset of each box when they're loaded


Getting it right requires a lot of trial and error, didn't find a better way yet


Hey zbug, I got a Bug report for you.


    We was in the Town of Athira ,time was 2000hrs and down in the town of Gravia you could see a massive explosion going on from a distance. It was in the Grid 143176 on the map.  Something was spawning in and kept blowing up .


Without steps to reproduce it's hardly a bug report :D


how to change ally AI skill?




If you want different sets of skills for east and west you'll have to add one more condition

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I have figured out that the reset savegame, reset settings, and reset arsenal loadouts are just a side effect of modding the classnames. The classname extension sqf does add the units I put in it however I figured the server wasn't supposed to forget all the arsenal loadouts and the settings. I will put the pastebins here anyway incase something is wrong with them that caused the server to 'reset' everything. Thank you for your responses


Classname.sqf: http://pastebin.com/XJt8YA1H

Classname extensions.sqf: http://pastebin.com/n2Pa9FP5

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I have figured out that the reset savegame, reset settings, and reset arsenal loadouts are just a side effect of modding the classnames. The classname extension sqf does add the units I put in it however I figured the server wasn't supposed to forget all the arsenal loadouts and the settings. I will put the pastebins here anyway incase something is wrong with them that caused the server to 'reset' everything. Thank you for your responses


Classname.sqf: http://pastebin.com/XJt8YA1H

Classname extensions.sqf: http://pastebin.com/n2Pa9FP5


I should have mentioned that it was certainly messing up something in classname.sqf/classname_extensions.sqf that was causing the problems.  I had suspicions but wanted to be sure.  I think the first problem with aresenal/spawns not working was due to a typo in classnames.sqf.  Even having one incorrect comma or quotation mark wrecks everything, the file is incredibly sensitive to typos as it stops the mission defining very important things like what objects are FOBs for respawn points, what vehicle is the Huron equivalent, what trucks can load ammo, what is considered an ammo box, etc.


What I'd suggest is doing your edits in small chunks, like changing the infantry section only, saving, testing the mission and seeing if everything still works. That way you can diagnose which section has the typo, and if you still can't find the typo, remove all the changes and add units in small batches until you figure out which batch is breaking.  It's time consuming but much better than trying to spot a rogue , " [ or ] spread across 60+ units. 


The second problem of nothing being buildable is caused by typos in classname_extensions.sqf.


From what I can tell your current Classnames.sqf is the standard Liberation 0.918 file and fine.  You can make changes there but you have to be incredibly careful, which is why I suggest making small changes and constant testing for errors.  And your current classname_extensions.sqf works fine and the units are added in game, so your changes are all good.   :)  I'd only suggest removing lines like "air_vehicles = [ air_vehicles ] call F_filterMods;" from the end of the sections in your classname_extensions.sqf.  This is already done in classnames.sqf so it's redundant.  I don't think it's harmful at all, just redundant.



You have to look for "box_transport_config" in classnames.sqf, for each entry in this array you have :

- classname of the truck

- offset when unloading the boxes (i.e how far behind the vehicle the first box should pop)

- offset of each box when they're loaded


Getting it right requires a lot of trial and error, didn't find a better way yet


Argh I spent ages looking in through your scripts for where this was defined! I didn't think to check the clutter at the bottom of classnames.sqf  :lol: I'm glad you cleaned the file up, it's much nicer and much easier to read.  Thanks Zbug.

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Actually Zbug, are the changes you made to the player's gun stability still in Lib 0.918?  Since the hotfix to the main game the guns are pretty fun now, and in Lib you are far too accurate for my tastes.  If the changes are still in, could you point me to the file?  Thank you.

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aaaand how to do it? :D


The change is simple enough that you should try to do it by yourself ;)


Actually Zbug, are the changes you made to the player's gun stability still in Lib 0.918?  Since the hotfix to the main game the guns are pretty fun now, and in Lib you are far too accurate for my tastes.  If the changes are still in, could you point me to the file?  Thank you.


Yes it's still in, you think I should remove that fix now?



line 41

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The change is simple enough that you should try to do it by yourself ;)

so i just must del " || _side == EAST" right?  ;) then "else" section gonna be skill for both Opfor and Guer factions, yes?

i am "medium pc user", sorry)))

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Yes it's still in, you think I should remove that fix now?



line 41


Thanks!  I think the default weapon sway is fine now.  Guns are controllable and only get uncontrollable when you're firing fast without being stabalised on an edge or using a bipod.  It's your mission though, have a play with the new defaults and if you still don't like it keep it as is, or turn it into a configurable parameter. 

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Yes, there is several ways to achieve that. At the core the mission is a combined arms coop, you need infantry to clean up towns but you have to support it with other assets.


When attacking sectors with an high alert level (more than 60% or so) you should always have assets that will stay on the lookout for reinforcements.

That can be:

- A squad of AT and AA specialists sitting on a hilltop nearby, with a good view everywhere around the place you're attacking,

- Armored vehicles in the same kind of spot (if it's MBTs always make sure their cannon can aim downwards enough, the slammer is especially bad at it),

- Attack helicopters such as the blackfoot, or anything similar from mods (the apache from RHS is a beast).


If you don't have enough people to do that, you should use AI troops that you can boss around with the commander slot + limited Zeus interface. AI missile specialists are perfect at sitting on a hill and shooting everything that comes in sight, and they're rather cheap for the result.


Hope that helps !




The Zeus restrictions should come from the Zeus modules (costs and such) that have been put inside the mission. You'll find them near the player entities. Additionally when the commander mode is done, Zeus will get full functionallity for people who want to do some GM work


You gave us this advice about a month ago and I just wanted to say it's spot on! We've had much better experiences since. Anytime we go out, we now take a Heavy AT Squad with us, post them up high via the Commander, and let them rain hell down on enemy armor. We've also had some luck with mining intersections once we're in the town, in the event the armor gets passed the squad and rolls in.


Switching the FOB hunt to something we get to trigger via the menu, rather than just getting a POW back to the FOB is also a huge improvement. Now we have a way to manage that awareness percentage when we want to, which helps fit our schedule. Really, really looking forward to the additional objectives.


Thanks for all your hard work on this zbug. You've created the mission type that best fits what me and my friends have been looking for. It's resulted in some incredibly memorable gaming. Best of luck with Liberation through the New Year!

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v0.919 is out



  • New option to set a minimum amount of FPS that the game should try to keep at all times, by reducing the view distance if needed. It will help with severe fps issues in large towns. If you leave this option at 0 (default) it won't do anything.
  • Player score has been added to the savegame. To avoid saving values for every player that joins the server, only scores above 20 points will be tracked.
  • New notification warning about the next place that will be attacked by incoming hostile forces.
  • Classnames file has been refactored. If you had your own version, it's likely you'll have to do your changes all over again, however on the plus side OPFOR infantry will be much quicker to setup in this new version. And it will also affect secondary objectives as expected.
  • New gameplay constant for HALO drop altitude, if you want to tweak that.
  • Various tweaks and fixes.
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...this seems like it's possibly a new twist on cti? Are there capture-able camps surrounding the towns that become new choose-able spawn points as in the old CTI/Warfare missions? Also I didn't see mention of any dynamic main enemy base we need to hunt/destroy as an end-game option?


I'm assuming since this is being classified as a CTI that I may have simply missed it somewhere?

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So the map is dotted with minor points, usually on towns or interesting places, that you capture for benefits to help you out with capturing more stuff.  It also has enemy military bases you capture for more benefits to buy heavier equipment and unlocks some heavier vehicle variants.  There's no dynamic enemy base to hunt.  There is a side mission that spawns a very small enemy FOB in a random place to attack for a benefit.  The objective is to take 7 major cities which are usually nightmare CQC deathtraps against hordes of infantry, some vehicles and constant reinforcements if you skimped out on taking radio towers.


Don't skimp on radio towers.


You actually set up your own spawn points by either driving a FOB truck to a location or sling loading a FOB container to a location and deploying it.  There are also mobile spawn point vehicles.  You can switch between them and move between them instantly as long as you're at one.

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Hey zbug , I found out what was causing that problem with that constant explosion in the town of Gravia because it happen again tonight.  Someone shot down one of the civilian helicopter / Little Bird.

it kept blowing up on the ground. Restarted game & everything was good to go.  Can you set these with no damage ?


 Thanks again..

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Hey zbug , I found out what was causing that problem with that constant explosion in the town of Gravia because it happen again tonight.  Someone shot down one of the civilian helicopter / Little Bird.

it kept blowing up on the ground. Restarted game & everything was good to go.  Can you set these with no damage ?


 Thanks again..

Had same bug btw, and not only in liberation. As for now, shooting down civilian helis is punishable by 3-day ban on our server.

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v0.919 is out



  • New gameplay constant for HALO drop altitude, if you want to tweak that.



Awesome, thank you very much, downloaded and updated the server immediately :)


Do I need to edit the 6000 in do_halo.SQF file to lower the HALO altitude?

Or am I not looking correctly in the admin parameters?


Thanks again! ^_^

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So the map is dotted with minor points, usually on towns or interesting places, that you capture for benefits to help you out with capturing more stuff.  It also has enemy military bases you capture for more benefits to buy heavier equipment and unlocks some heavier vehicle variants.  There's no dynamic enemy base to hunt.  There is a side mission that spawns a very small enemy FOB in a random place to attack for a benefit.  The objective is to take 7 major cities which are usually nightmare CQC deathtraps against hordes of infantry, some vehicles and constant reinforcements if you skimped out on taking radio towers.


Don't skimp on radio towers.


You actually set up your own spawn points by either driving a FOB truck to a location or sling loading a FOB container to a location and deploying it.  There are also mobile spawn point vehicles.  You can switch between them and move between them instantly as long as you're at one.


woa, definitely doesn't play anything like a true CTI then, might be a good idea to rename/re-classify it.


In anycase...it sounds like really a ton of fun, especially for larger groups of people!

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woa, definitely doesn't play anything like a true CTI then, might be a good idea to rename/re-classify it.


In anycase...it sounds like really a ton of fun, especially for larger groups of people!


Out of curiosity, what is true CTI, I've never tried it? Zbug was asking if he should change the description a while ago as a lot of servers were doing it themselves.


I can confirm the mission is lots of fun, even though we only have a small group of 3-5 players.  It scales very well.  If you have a bigger group you can be more reckless.  We had to very carefully pick targets or get into massive knock-down drag-out fights that lasted an hour+.  That was our own fault though as we didn't want to use many AI and preferred to work in a squad.

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Basically, in CTI both teams have a main base (which includes a mobile HQ vehicle for the commander and a number of large factory buildings where you purchase units, vehicles, weapons, etc). These 2 main bases spawn far apart from each other at each mission restart so you're always starting at a different point on the map.


The goal is to find and destroy your enemy's main base HQ and all it's factories. Along the way you capture towns (owned and defended by guerrilla's typically) to earn the money which upgrades your factories and available spending cash so that you can purchase bigger and better weaponry to help defeat the enemy. Surrounding each town are small camp placements which you can use as re-spawn and rearming locations if you capture/own them. The more camps you capture, the less time it takes to capture the town itself. Capturing camps and towns are accomplished as they are in the Battlefield games where if your team has enough of a presence within range you must wait for a  progress bar to empty before the town/camp belongs to you now.


Some CTI missions are developed mainly for PvP, and some are developed mainly for PvE/Coop where you can choose to use the AI as commander (who buys squads and sends them out to help you capture towns/camps, hunt the main base etc).


CTI started back in 2001 with Flashpoint and basically ended with Arma2. There are really no completed & supported versions that exist for Arma3 unfortunately. A few folks have tried hacking away at Benny's old Arma2 version so they could play in Arma3...but it doesn't run correctly as there are scripting errors and issues. Benny has apparently stopped supporting the series a couple years ago.

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