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Map Custom Buildings Cursortarget Issue

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Hello all,


Let's begin this off with saying that We're both (Aussie and I) are binarizing with Mikero's PBO Project, no issues or errors logged.


When we go into game we used this script to detect nearby buildings:


house = nearestBuilding player; m=0; while { format ["%1", (house) buildingPos m] != "[0,0,0]" } do {m=m+1}; m=m-1; hint format["%1 \nlast idx: %2", typeof house, m];


At first we couldn't see many buildings classnames with the script. We were in the editor launching through local exec.


Aussie the map maker than added the path to configs of all the AIA buildings into Mikero's PBO Project setup option which states:


"Enter all paths-to-configs that declare Land_XXX classes on your island(s). The more specific your setting, the faster the binarise will operate"


Those buildings were now showing up through the script when near them all the Land Classes seem to work.




My custom buildings are still not showing up. The way I have my addons setup for example is this: the pbo is called: mm_bank.pbo


class CfgPatches
class MM_Bank
units[] = {"Land_CommonwealthBank","Land_Mattaust_ATM","Land_FurnitureA","Land_FurnitureB","Land_FurnitureC","Land_FurnitureD"};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Boat_F"};



AND the class name for the building I want to show up is this:


class CfgVehicles
class ruins;
class HouseBase;
class House: HouseBase
class DestructionEffects;
class AnimationSources;
class Land_CommonwealthBank: House
Here you can see that the Land_XXX is being used but the game is still not detecting it when placed by the map and packed. Aussie is adding mm_bank to the list but it's still not working.
Any ideas?
Cheers, Mattaust.

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Aussie is adding mm_bank to the list but it's still not working



the class name 'mm_bank' is irrelevant to bis binarise searching for a config some\where on p:


it's wherever your pbo is located in the p: folder tree


if it's p:\mm_bank. fine. otherwise it's





also, it should go without saying that the name of the model MUST be  commonwealthbank.p3d

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its been done correctly p:\mm_bank 

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I had the same error, with some buildings.




Re-packed/binarized the Island solved it for me.

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