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What works with wind, gusts, etc. (setWind, setWindStr, setWindForce, setGusts, etc.)

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Are these functional currently? If not, is there any way to get control of wind (direction, variability and speed) by scripts?

Yes, I've seen the wiki listings for setWindStr, setWindDir, setWindForce, setWind, but they don't appear to work.

I've seen some posts about only long change times working and some about multi-player issues. (I'm only concerned with MP play.)

Any insight/updates will be appreciated!

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setWind - works fine in MP.

setWindDir - works fine but may break the vector magnitudes set with setWind.

setWindStr - not sure what unit of measurement it is using. Works fine, but may break vector magnitudes set with setWind.

setWindForce - again, not sure what unit of measurement. unsure of effects.

windStr - returns value set with 'setWindForce' and 'setWindStr'

windDir - works fine

wind - works fine

windRTD - works fine, is alias of 'wind'

setGusts - is local, and unsure of effects. Must be propagated manually in MP

gusts - is local, returns value set by setGusts.


Looks like there was some unfinished effort to put a new system in for A3 but abandoned.

Especially setWindForce and setGusts seem out of place and unfinished.

Seems like an attempt to replace vector magnitude with direction+speed.


edit: personally I just stick to using setWind and avoid setWindDir/setWindStr

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Just did some testing and most of them work, however, some of the commands need some time to take effect.

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Hmm, OK, thanks. I have seen weird results with some, maybe just the "unfinished" ones.

Any recommendations on two things?

1) getting more than default variations in wind direction and speed during a MP mission?

2) a scripted way to quickly change direction and speed?

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There is an issue in Arma 3 where although weather commands work, the automatic weather simulation near instantly overwrites any weather settings. To use these commands you need to turn off automatic weather in the mission settings and manually simulate weather for the entire mission.


AFAIK this issue was introduced at some point in Arma 3's life, all commands used to work as expected with Auto weather enabled. I'll have to install Arma 2 again to check...


Also, windRTD just returns [0,0,0] for me in the mission editor.

Edited by ceeeb

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Yeah, Ceeeb, I have seen that phenomena where it seems to execute the scripted change, but only for a moment (1 frame? 1 second?).

So I tried putting all weather options on Manual, but nothing changes...it still jumps back in a moment. Does that make sense with your point?

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I'll take another look at the commands later today, and compare wiht Arma 2.

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I'll take another look at the commands later today, and compare wiht Arma 2.

Any chance you looked at these? I'm still baffled why it flips back immediately after the code (e.g., setWind [10,10,true] ) executes.

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Sorry, got distracted by Arma 2 install issues and then forgot why I had installed it :)

Work in progress...

ARMA 3 Single Player

[table=width: 750, class: grid, align: left]



[td]Effect - Weather Sliders Auto[/td]

[td]Effect - Weather Sliders Manual[/td]



[td]time setFog value[/td]

[td]Works as expected[/td]




[td]time setFog array[/td]

[td]Works as expected[/td]





[td]No effect[/td]





[td]works as expected (although the minimum times of any change is somewhere around 10-60 minutes)[/td]





[td]Works as expected[/td]





[td]Works as expected[/td]





[td]return value of wave command changes as expected, but actual waves do not change[/td]





[td]Roughly works when using forced true flag, resulting wind varies but stays close to the specified wind vector. Works when using the false flag, but gets near overridden by automatic weather within a couple of seconds[/td]




[td]setWindDir [azimut, force] [/td]

[td]Direction setting works as expected, force has no effect[/td]




[td]time setWindDir azimut[/td]

[td]Works as expected but gets overridden by automatic weather within a couple of seconds[/td]





[td]unknown effects?[/td]





[td]Appears to work, but gets near instantly overridden by automatic weather[/td]




Edited by ceeeb

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2) a scripted way to quickly change direction and speed?


setwind[x,y, true] will do it ("false" did not work IIRC). The transition at execution pretty fast... If we need smooth transition, IMO it can be done only via a loop and slicing a bigger speed/direction change into many small changes.

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Well, I had hoped to solve this 3 years ago, but I'm still stuck. Anyone have a documented way to change wind direction and speed on a dedicated server, and not have it revert back quickly?

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