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Will there be another Arma 3 modding contest?

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I was unfortunately extremely too busy to dedicate several months to work seriously on a mod for make arma not war, I'm wondering if there will be another one?

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I hope so!

I'd love to compete again. I have some mind-blowers coming next year.

I'd love to see a MANW Contest every other year with more categories.

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I really hope there isn't another competition. Granted, it was a fantastic PR boost for BI/ArmA3, however it brought to light a lot of bitterness and childish responses from some otherwise upstanding community members when they didn't win - some demanding recounts of the votes, others demanding to know who voted for what project (which spawned the link in my signature). I think the best course of action would be to leave it as a one-off.

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I hope not. Team Fortress went somewhat similar way and now it's a sad wreck of once amazing game.

I really hope that BI will not expand the 'sandbox' approach (after all, a jack of all trades is the master of none) and start to make it's own quality content instead of covertly outsourcing work to the modders.

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Hope not.

Pretty much what jackal said, while good PR it brought out some really ugly sides of people.

And imo, it was a waste of money.

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