twakkie 57 Posted September 6, 2015 First, thanks, Twak, for this help. I really appreciate it. I'm stumped! I am using this code, with the same thing to initiate it in the box's init box, and I can't stop the Titan's from showing up (I can't stop ANYTHING from showing up). I tried launching without our usual mods, but no change. I tried creating a clean mission with nothing else in it, but no dice. etc Okay no worries dude. We will figure this out. No I dont do anything other than this script. First off there are different Titan launchers, long and short. So just be aware of that. Secondly any weapon you have on your player will show in the arsenal irrespective if its blacklisted or not, thus use a "clean" player unit. Lastly, and I do think this might be the problem,try a different ammobox. Use a vanilla one (NB - One that doesnt have titan launchers/backpacks in it). I use this one: "Box_NATO_Wps_F". Sometime scripts and Mods dont play nice. Dont ask me why. Cheers Twak Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky44 13 Posted September 6, 2015 Well, I tried using that ammo crate and no change. I'm still seeing all 6 Titans and the Autonomous GMG backpacks, etc. Nothing is getting blacklisted. I understand what you're saying about the "if you're carrying it, it will show up in Arsenal" thing, yeah. I'm using a guy with no backpack and no weapons at all. A little more detail: I'm using a brand new, "clean" mission with nothing else in it but a NATO soldier and the crate (on Altis). I have no init.sqf, no description.ext, etc. in the mission folder. And I'm Previewing this out of the Editor (so not a compiled PBO - but I have tried that too, and the results are the same). There must be something we're not considering...hmm... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky44 13 Posted September 6, 2015 Here's a thought: I'm posting my mission (pbo) online so you can compare it. This is a Vanilla version, with no mods. If you want to do the same, I'd like to try a minimal test of yours that works! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thecoolsideofthepillow 22 Posted September 7, 2015 Just my two cents on the issue of Arsenal configuration: Instead of just a WHITElist, like it uses now, a BLACKlist would make it a lot more flexible and less tedious. That way instead of telling it what to use, you can tell it what not to use and use far less space to just remove launchers and rockets (for example). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fn_Quiksilver 1636 Posted September 7, 2015 Just my two cents on the issue of Arsenal configuration: Instead of just a WHITElist, like it uses now, a BLACKlist would make it a lot more flexible and less tedious. That way instead of telling it what to use, you can tell it what not to use and use far less space to just remove launchers and rockets (for example). whitelisting is better practice than blacklisting Quick question guys, too lazy to check today... Can a box be initialized on the server, with stuff added locally / separately on each clients machine? IE //on server ['AmmoboxInit'....] call BIS_fnc_arsenal //on client [...] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo will that work? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twakkie 57 Posted September 7, 2015 Here's a thought: I'm posting my mission (pbo) online so you can compare it. This is a Vanilla version, with no mods. If you want to do the same, I'd like to try a minimal test of yours that works! Okay will do when I get back home from work. @MDCCLXXVI - I have no idea. It would probably depend on which setting is initialised when. Clients are after servers right? Thus you could probably do something like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2828 Posted September 7, 2015 lucky44 I believe all your problems are down to a timing issue between the arsenal initialising and my script running. EDIT: It was actually a timing issue between my script finishing and the BIS remove commands. Due to how I was using isGlobal to hand off script execution to remoteExec, meaning the remove functions executed before my script had actually added them. Anyway I have a fix. I have rewritten the script, cleaned up a few errors in RPT about bad bool conversions and packaged it all up under CfgFunctions. It is now called LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal. You pass it an object for the Arsenal action to be applied to. An array of stuff to blacklist. Any Targets for remote arsenal. And it handles everything for you, adding the arsenal, adding all the gear minus anything blacklisted. //********************************** //[ myBox, blacklist, targets, condition ] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal; //********************************** //myBox - object to init arsenal on //********************************** //blacklist //ARRAY of equipment to be removed //OR //STRING name of a global variable holding the array of equipment to be blacklisted - saves passing large blacklist arrays across the network //********************************** //targets ( OPTIONAL ) - as per remoteExec ( ) //NUMBER, OBJECT, SIDE, GROUP or ARRAY of previous types, clients where function will be executed //use FALSE to only run locally, //if targets is provided the function is added to the JIP que and the function will return a STRING of the JIP que ID //********************************** //condition ( OPTIONAL default {true} ) //CODE condition for showing Arsenal action, passed variables as per addAction, _target - the box, _this - caller //********************************** Just copy the LARs folder into your mission and add either the descrption.ext or if you already have a description just make sure the CfgFunctions has my #include added. If your blacklist is getting rather large instead of an array you can pass the name of a global variable that will be used to save passing large arrays across the network. As per the included test mission a typical setup may look like this.. crates init box in editor.. nul = this execvm "myBox.sqf"; myBox.sqf //A blacklist that removes all secondary weapons and all weapon/respawn/special backpacks blacklist = [ "launch_B_Titan_short_F", //weapon launchers "launch_I_Titan_short_F", "launch_O_Titan_short_F", "launch_B_Titan_F", "launch_I_Titan_F", "launch_O_Titan_F", "launch_NLAW_F", "launch_RPG32_F", "B_Respawn_Sleeping_bag_blue_F", //backpack respawn sleeping bags "B_Respawn_Sleeping_bag_brown_F", "B_Respawn_Sleeping_bag_F", "B_Respawn_TentDome_F", //backpack respawn tents "B_Respawn_TentA_F", "I_GMG_01_A_weapon_F", //backpack static GMGs "B_GMG_01_A_weapon_F", "O_GMG_01_A_weapon_F", "I_GMG_01_weapon_F", "B_GMG_01_weapon_F", "O_GMG_01_weapon_F", "I_GMG_01_high_weapon_F", "B_GMG_01_high_weapon_F", "O_GMG_01_high_weapon_F", "I_HMG_01_A_weapon_F", //backpack static HMGs "B_HMG_01_A_weapon_F", "O_HMG_01_A_weapon_F", "I_HMG_01_weapon_F", "B_HMG_01_weapon_F", "O_HMG_01_weapon_F", "I_HMG_01_support_F", "B_HMG_01_support_F", "O_HMG_01_support_F", "I_HMG_01_high_weapon_F", "B_HMG_01_high_weapon_F", "O_HMG_01_high_weapon_F", "I_HMG_01_support_high_F", "B_HMG_01_support_high_F", "O_HMG_01_support_high_F", "I_AA_01_weapon_F", //Static launcher AA "B_AA_01_weapon_F", "O_AA_01_weapon_F", "I_AT_01_weapon_F", //Static launcher AT "B_AT_01_weapon_F", "O_AT_01_weapon_F", "I_Mortar_01_support_F", //mortar tripod "B_Mortar_01_support_F", "O_Mortar_01_support_F", "I_Mortar_01_weapon_F", //mortar tube "B_Mortar_01_weapon_F", "O_Mortar_01_weapon_F", "O_Static_Designator_02_weapon_F", //backpack remote designators "B_Static_Designator_01_weapon_F", "B_Parachute", //backpack parachute "I_UAV_01_backpack_F", //backpack UAVs "B_UAV_01_backpack_F", "O_UAV_01_backpack_F", "B_AssaultPack_Kerry" //backpack specials ]; if !( isServer ) exitWith {}; _ammoBox = _this; JIPID = [ _ammoBox, "blacklist", 0 ] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal; Tested in SP and MP on dedicated including JIP. Hopefully it fixes all the issues, only further testing in the wild is going to tell, let me know how you get on with it. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2828 Posted September 7, 2015 Quick question guys, too lazy to check today... Can a box be initialized on the server, with stuff added locally / separately on each clients machine? IE //on server ['AmmoboxInit'....] call BIS_fnc_arsenal //on client [...] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo will that work? Yes and that is what my functions were doing. The equipment shown in the arsenal is dependant on the variables held locally on the object and is why all my BIS_fnc_addVirtual#Cargo calls had param 2 set as false so equipment was handled locally. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twakkie 57 Posted September 7, 2015 lucky44 I believe all your problems are down to a timing issue between the arsenal initialising and my script running. etc. One day when I grow up, I want to be a Larrow. Thanks man. Your the Boss! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fn_Quiksilver 1636 Posted September 7, 2015 Thanks Larrow, always find some little gems when reading your posts. :) On a similar subject, is Virtual Garage as configurable as Virtual Arsenal? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky44 13 Posted September 7, 2015 Wow, you're the best, Larrow. That was really generous of you, and a lot of people will benefit from your time and talent. I'll be passing this along to people in my group to use. We've been looking for a way to put "almost everything" in a VA crate, but restrict certain things. So this is perfect. I'll go implement it now! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky44 13 Posted September 7, 2015 One note from my initial tests. (First, it's definitely working as expected, so thanks! And while I'm only an amateur coder, from what I see, this is really nicely done.) Just for kicks, I tried putting two different blacklisted crates down (using two different versions of the myBox.sqf). I found that it would not make two different crates. Don't know if that is a limitation of the code, and it's not a big deal to me at all. But someone might want a version of the crate for one group and a different version for others. -Does that seem consistent with your expectation, Larrow? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2828 Posted September 8, 2015 Just for kicks, I tried putting two different blacklisted crates down (using two different versions of the myBox.sqf). I found that it would not make two different crates. Works fine here for two different crates. Are you sure you renamed the blacklist array? The test mission uses a global variable so if you do not rename it, or use a private variable for the blacklist, one variable will overwrite the other. There are some optimizations i would like to do for multiple boxes but it should work fine as is. On a similar subject, is Virtual Garage as configurable as Virtual Arsenal? Only experiments ive really done with the garage can be found in this post and some info i dumped on the BIS_fnc_garage page on the wiki. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fn_Quiksilver 1636 Posted September 8, 2015 Also, re Arsenal ... Any way to stop the auto-adding of ammo when the player selects a weapon? For instance I put whitelisted ammo in the box, but when player adds a weapon it automatically adds ammo which isn't in the whitelist. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky44 13 Posted September 9, 2015 Yep! I made that mistake. Excellent guess! Thanks so much. Works fine here for two different crates. Are you sure you renamed the blacklist array? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2828 Posted September 10, 2015 Any way to stop the auto-adding of ammo when the player selects a weapon? No it does not check the whitelist, the arsenal script takes what ever weapon you selected and automatically adds four mags via BIS_fnc_addWeapon. e.g case IDC_RSCDISPLAYARSENAL_TAB_PRIMARYWEAPON: { _isDifferentWeapon = (primaryweapon _center call bis_fnc_baseWeapon) != _item; if (_isDifferentWeapon) then { {_center removemagazines _x} foreach getarray (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> primaryweapon _center >> "magazines"); if (_item == "") then { _center removeweapon primaryweapon _center; } else { _compatibleItems = _item call bis_fnc_compatibleItems; _weaponAccessories = primaryweaponitems _center - [""]; [_center,_item,4] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon; { _acc = _x; if ({_x == _acc} count _compatibleItems > 0) then {_center addprimaryweaponitem _acc;}; } foreach _weaponAccessories; }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barbolani 198 Posted November 1, 2015 Hi! I have a related problem which hopefully you guys can solve. In Antistasi I have a whitelist system to simulate logistics and weapon/item/backpack unlocking. Works like a charm but there is some problem. When player has a "blacklisted" backpack and uses the Arsenal, the backpack gets deleted. This is something very ugly for standard Medics and AT guys. I tried to override the function, and add a few lines in the addAction part like: if (backpack player != "") then { if (not((backpack player) in unlockedBackpacks)) then { [caja,[backpack player],false] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo; }; }; ["Open",[nil,_box,_unit]] call bis_fnc_arsenal; if (backpack player != "") then { if ((backpack player) in unlockedBackpacks) then { [caja,[backpack player],false] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualBackpackCargo; }; }; No success at all!!!! Any help will be very apprecieted by me and by all the medics :) EDIT: Finally made the script work, the problem was I wasnt adding the basic backpack. But anyway, the problem is still there: Does someone know how to make Arsenal NOT removing the backpack of a the _center if it is blacklisted???? I tried removing all the removeBackpack lines with no success. What am I missing??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2828 Posted November 1, 2015 What is caja ? You are adding the players backpack to the arsenal held on caja but are opening an arsenal held on _box ? What are the backpack classes you are having trouble with ? Are they scope 2 or scopearsenal 2 ? As they may not be included in the internal arsenals whitelist. For instance.. When an arsenal is first initialised it creates it own internal whitelist from all classes of CfgWeapons, CfgVehicles & CfgMagazines. If the class is scope/scopeArsenal 2 then it is included in the internal whitelist. When YOU whitelist stuff by using any of the addVirtual#Cargo functions this is added to a list on the object specified e.g caja When a player opens an arsenal a list is made from missionNamespace + the object holding the arsenal (_box) and all current equipment of the player (his backpack as thats what where talking about) These two lists are then compared and anything held on both is what is available in the arsenal. As the players backpack is automatically added to the list to check against it is likely that your medic/AT backpacks are not scope 2 so are not on the arsenals internal whitelist. You can check this once the arsenal has been initialised for the first time via backpackClassName in (( missionnamespace getvariable "bis_fnc_arsenal_data" ) select 5 ) Can you show me the rest of the action code that has the code you have shown in your post. This [caja,[backpack player],false] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo;also adds its own action to caja as param 3 is missing. Are your arsenals preInit anywhere else or is this the only code? As ["Open",[nil,_box,_unit]] call bis_fnc_arsenal;means the internal whitelist of the arsenal is not created until this point. Without seeing the rest of your code and as a players backpack is automatically checked against i would guess something like _backpack = backpack _unit; if ( _backpack != "" ) then { //Will it of been added to internal whitelist? _inScope = false; { if ( isNumber( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _backpack >> _x ) && { getNumber( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _backpack >> _x ) isEqualTo 2 } ) exitWith { true }; }forEach [ "scope", "scopearsenal" ]; if !( _inScope ) then { //Reset the internal whitelist missionNamespace setVariable [ "bis_fnc_arsenal_data", nil ]; //Create internal whitelist [ "Preload" ] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; //Force add backpack to internal whitelist _tmpWhitelistBackpacks = ( missionNamespace getVariable "bis_fnc_arsenal_data" ) select 5; _tmpWhitelistBackpacks pushBack _backpack; }; }; ["Open",[nil,_box,_unit]] call bis_fnc_arsenal; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barbolani 198 Posted November 1, 2015 Thanks Larrow! Caja is the Ammobox object which has the Arsenal stuff. Initialised from init.sqf. The code shown is a modification of an overriden BIS_fnc_arsenal. I modified the addAction part (line 2812 and below) to solve the problem, I don't check missionnamespace getvariable "bis_fnc_arsenal_data" ) select 5 (indeed it returns null in my tests!!) as I have my own global array containing unlocked backpack classnames, but the results should be the same. If I understand the scope thing you mean the "factory configured" backpack classnames are not considered by arsenal, such as Medics etc.. Never noticed the 3 param in addVirtualBackpack, will correct it as I use it in a lot of scripts. As I said in the post, I finally made the code to work, (adding just the backpack player call BIS_fnc_basicBackpack). BUT the REAL problem basically WAS when a player carryng any kind of backpack which is not in the whitelist opens the Arsenal, it gets automatically deleted. It happens with Medics, ATs, engineers etc.. also when I steal an enemy backpack and open Arsenal. And that WAS the problem as you code, even when is just a suggestion WORKED!! Not at 100% (when I open with a Medic, preserves the backpack but Arsenal adds him 2 more medikits, dont know why), but it doesen't remove the backpack and it's content!!! THANKS!! I see suddenly missionnamespace getvariable "bis_fnc_arsenal_data" is an array with everything. I tested and didn't affect the white/black lists, but better asking: will affect the whole thing in anything? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DieselJC 196 Posted January 26, 2016 So I am a bit late to this party but have a couple questions...I downloaded the zip file and have put the folder in my mission as question is do I need to make my own myBox.sqf to blacklist items and put that into the mission folder? Diesel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2828 Posted March 10, 2016 Forgot to post this, has been sitting in my github since the end of September :/ A set of functions to create and propagate multiple white/blacklisted Arsenal's on the same object. An object can have many Arsenals and each can be defined for only certain groups of players to be able to use. JIPID = [ OBJECT, [ WHITELIST, BLACKLIST ], TARGETS, NAME, CONDITION ] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal; OBJECT - OBJECT to place arsenal action on. [ WHITELIST, BLACKLIST ] - STRING, SIDE, ARRAY, where array can hold an of the previous types, STRING can also hold the name of a global variable or CfgPatches class. Passing true for the whitelist will provide all available gear from the config. TARGETS - Target machines to add arsenal on, follows remoteExec conventions. NAME - A unique name for the arsenal. CONDITION - A CODE {} block holding the condition for displaying the arsenal action. For white/blacklist's SIDE i have added some arrays of gear dynamically created at mission start from the config. It iterates all soldiers to find their default gear ( weapons inc mags for all muzzles and accessories ), the contents of all their backpacks, gear from side specific crates. etc Although not ideal it can give you a good base to start from and can be added to or subtracted from by using the lists. The SIDEs although not particularly heavy ,are preinit behind the mission load, do involve itterating around the config so i have provided a description.ext variable to enable them LARs_calculateSideGear = 1; I have added a NAME to the parameters as you can know have multiple arsenals per box and will be displayed behind the word arsenal in the action. This along with the features of TARGETS and CONDITION can lead to some powerful combinations. Some examples.. JIPID = [ myBox, [ west ], west, "west" ] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal; //all west players see Arsenal - west, and contains only west items JIPID = [ myBox, [ true, [ west, civilian ] ], east, "east" ] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal; //all east players see Arsenal - east, and contains east and independent items launchers = [ "launch_B_Titan_short_F", "launch_I_Titan_short_F", "launch_O_Titan_short_F", "launch_B_Titan_F", "launch_I_Titan_F", "launch_O_Titan_F", "launch_NLAW_F", "launch_RPG32_F" ]; JIPID = [ myBox, [ west, "launchers" ], west, "No Launchers" ] call LARs_fnc_blacklistArsenal; //All west players see Arsenal - No Launchers and contains all west gear minus specified launchers. There are a few known issues like some backpacks having wierd loadouts and ive noticed ugl shells and flares are missing although all smokes show. As for the definition of SIDEs gear this is unlikely to change other than a few oddities i may fix, but because of the limited data to search on without writing out fixed lists this is about as good as its going to get. Demo mission comes with several example boxes. Fixed issues since i wrote this and is compatible to 1.56. Hopefully some will find this useful or may wish to iterate on it. DOWNLOAD 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brink_za 11 Posted August 22, 2016 Hi Larrow, I am trying to do a similar thing with side and unit type adjustments on the same object. Unfortunately the side adjustment is made but my unit types are not. What am I missing here? Is there some kind of problem getting the arsenal to detect the "TypeOf player" on client side not server side? If I take away the !isServer then the whole thing doesn't work. I have tested my typeof player and it is definitely the right unit type to satisfy the if check. Been defining all the classes and side whitelists/blacklists for days and I just can't figure this out... #include "arsenalDefines.hpp" // Made by Raz, data entry from Josh, Zissou and stuffed sheep Made on AhoyWorld this script features all magazines, most weapons, Nato backpacks, Nato items, Nato clothes. You may use this on your mission start, please keep us credited! Enjoy. if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_box"]; _box = _this select 0; ["AmmoboxInit",[_box,false,{true}]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; private _availableItems = [] call derp_fnc_findItemList; _ArsenalUnitTypeFilter = typeOf player; // GENERAL BLACKLISTS _availableItems = (((((((_availableItems - ArsenalWeaponBlacklist) - ArsenalBlacklistedItems) - ArsenalBlacklistedUniforms) - ArsenalBlacklistedHelmets) - ArsenalBlacklistedGlasses) - ArsenalBlacklistedBackpacks) - ArsenalBlacklistedVests); // TEAM BLACKLISTS switch (playerSide) do { //NATO case west: { _availableItems = (((((((_availableItems - ArsenalWeaponBlacklistNATO) - ArsenalBlacklistedItemsNATO) - ArsenalBlacklistedUniformsNATO) - ArsenalBlacklistedHelmetsNATO) - ArsenalBlacklistedGlassesNATO) - ArsenalBlacklistedBackpacksNATO) - ArsenalBlacklistedVestsNATO); }; //CSAT case east: { }; //AAF case resistance: { }; //Civilian case civilian: { }; }; // UNIT WHITE LISTS switch (playerSide) do { //NATO case west: { if (_ArsenalUnitTypeFilter in ATmissileSoldiersNATO) then {_availableItems = (_availableItems + FilterNatoAT);}; }; //CSAT case east: { }; //AAF case resistance: { }; //Civilian case civilian: { }; }; [_box, _availableItems, true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo; [_box, _availableItems, true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo; [_box, _availableItems, true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo; [_box, _availableItems, true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo; // UNIT DEFINITIONS #define ATmissileSoldiersNATO [ \ "B_soldier_AT_F", \ "B_recon_LAT_F", \ "B_soldier_LAT_F" \ ] #define FilterNatoAT [ \ "launch_NLAW_F" \ ] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted September 7, 2016 Forgot to post this, has been sitting in my github since the end of September :/ A set of functions to create and propagate multiple white/blacklisted Arsenal's on the same object. An object can have many Arsenals and each can be defined for only certain groups of players to be able to use. Demo mission comes with several example boxes. Fixed issues since i wrote this and is compatible to 1.56. Hopefully some will find this useful or may wish to iterate on it. DOWNLOAD Gosh. Great work! Couple of things that seem odd; A bunch of the CUP backpacks are missing. The mahoosive Bergen for example. Many of the other CUP ones are there. Likewise for vests. More backpack weirdness. In the west only arsenal (you deserve a knighthood for this alone), all the backpacks can't be emptied using the arsenal UI. Looking at the backpack in the gear screen shows that it contains a PCML missile that didn't show up in the arsenal. I'm assuming this is a CUP config problem? The 3GL grenades (my weapon of choice) are a bit odd. The smokes are grenades, but the HE is a magazine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2828 Posted September 14, 2016 There are a few oddities with the automatic side items TB. Maybe ill revisit this at a later date but atm fixing this is some way down my todo list. It was a experiment and is why I hid side gear behind a description.ext switch. It has no hardcoded classnames and extracts gear based on gear worn by units in the config and their side. So if the items you are after (mahoosive Bergen) are not supplied by a units config they will not appear. If you want to use the side gear then you can always add/remove stuff by supplying extra white/black lists. all the backpacks can't be emptied using the arsenal UI This is the a similar problem, I have not dismissed backpacks that have supplied cargo, if the cargo is not related to the items your character is holding then you cannot remove them. e.g If (from vanilla) you choose the third Kitbag (green) which happens to be a "B_AssaultPack_rgr_ReconExp" you can clear all general things like mines, explosives, toolkit and mags (if they are of the kind used by the units weapon). On opening the bag you will see that it has a optic in it, it cannot be removed due to the arsenal having no options for optics in backpacks. Same with some of the carryall backpack (MTP)'s some contain PCML missiles which you cant remove (even see) until you equip a PCML as your secondary weapon and suddenly you can remove the missiles from the backpack. I really need to add the base empty backpack of its kind rather than the classname that has cargo defined. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites