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No Entry '.model'

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Hey guys, I'm writing my first Config.cpp. I have successfully placed 13 units into the game in my new faction. On my 14th and 15th units (called UFFA_Leader1 and UFFA_Leader2), I copy and pasted everything from the previous unit (which I verified as working) and just changed the gear and such as need be.

I now get this error "No Entry '.Model' " when I load units 14 and 15.

My CfgVehicles.hpp:

class CfgVehicles


class B_FieldPack_khk;

class B_Kitbag_rgr;

class B_Carryall_oli;

class B_AssaultPack_rgr;

class B_AssaultPack_MK: B_AssaultPack_rgr


scope = 1

class transportMagazines








class B_FieldPack_Sapper: B_FieldPack_khk


scope = 1; // There is no need for this bag to appear in the editor, Virtual Arsenal, or Zeus.

class TransportItems







class B_Kitbag_TL: B_Kitbag_rgr


scope =1;

class TransportItems









class B_Kitbag_Tech: B_Kitbag_rgr


scope =1;

class TransportItems







class B_FieldPack_Med: B_FieldPack_khk


scope =1;

class TransportItems






class B_FieldPack_AB: B_FieldPack_khk


scope =1;

class TransportMagazines





class B_Carryall_AT: B_Carryall_oli


scope =1;

class TransportMagazines





class B_Carryall_AA: B_Carryall_oli


scope =1;

class TransportMagazines





class B_Soldier_base_F; //Blufor Soldier

class UFFA_GRIM_Operative1: B_Soldier_base_F //Unit Class name: Class getting info from


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

backpack = "B_FieldPack_Sapper"; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "GRIM"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_GRIM_Operative"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "GRIM Sapper"; //In-Game Name

weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_bizon_a","hgun_mas_grach_F","Binocular", "Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_bizon_a","hgun_mas_grach_F","Binocular", "Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_5("64Rnd_mas_9x18_mag"), mag_3("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"),mag_2("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_3("FirstAidKit"), "muzzle_mas_snds_AK"};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_3("FirstAidKit"), "muzzle_mas_snds_AK"};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_5("64Rnd_mas_9x18_mag"), mag_2("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"),mag_2("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_I_G_resistanceLeader_F","H_Shemag_olive","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_I_G_resistanceLeader_F", "H_Shemag_olive","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

model = "\A3\Characters_F_Bootcamp\Guerrilla\ig_guerrilla_6_1.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "GOP1"; //uniform you are using

attendant = 1;

camouflage = .3;

sensitivity = .3;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\gop1.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};

engineer = true;

canDeactivateMines = true;


class UFFA_GRIM_Operative2: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

//backpack = ""; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "GRIM"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_GRIM_Operative"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "GRIM Grenadier"; //In-Game Name

weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_ak_74m_gl_c_a","hgun_mas_grach_F","Binocular", "Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_ak_74m_gl_c_a","hgun_mas_grach_F","Binocular", "Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_6("30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"), mag_3("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"),mag_7("1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"),mag_2("UGL_FlareGreen_F"),mag_6("1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell")};

Items[] = {mag_3("FirstAidKit"), "muzzle_mas_snds_AK"};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_3("FirstAidKit"), "muzzle_mas_snds_AK"};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_6("30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"), mag_3("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"),mag_7("1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"),mag_2("UGL_FlareGreen_F"),mag_6("1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_HarnessOGL_brn","H_ShemagOpen_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_HarnessOGL_brn", "H_ShemagOpen_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

model = "\A3\Characters_F_Bootcamp\Guerrilla\ig_guerrilla_6_1.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "GOP2"; //uniform you are using

attendant = 1;

camouflage = .3;

sensitivity = .3;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\gop2.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};

engineer = true;

canDeactivateMines = true;


class UFFA_GRIM_Operative3: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

backpack = "B_Kitbag_TL"; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "GRIM"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_GRIM_Operative"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "GRIM Team Leader"; //In-Game Name

weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_aks74u_c_a","hgun_mas_grach_F","Rangefinder", "Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_aks74u_c_a","hgun_mas_grach_F","Rangefinder", "Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_6("30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"), mag_2("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"),mag_2("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_3("FirstAidKit"), "muzzle_mas_snds_AK"};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_3("FirstAidKit"), "muzzle_mas_snds_AK"};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_6("30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"), mag_2("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"),mag_2("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_BandollierB_rgr","H_ShemagOpen_tan","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_BandollierB_rgr","H_ShemagOpen_tan","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

model = "\A3\Characters_F_Bootcamp\Guerrilla\ig_guerrilla_6_1.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "GOP3"; //uniform you are using

attendant = 1;

camouflage = .3;

sensitivity = .3;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\gop3.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};

engineer = true;

canDeactivateMines = true;


class UFFA_GRIM_Operative4: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

backpack = "B_FieldPack_Med"; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "GRIM"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_GRIM_Operative"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "GRIM Medic"; //In-Game Name

weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_bizon_a","hgun_mas_grach_F","Binocular", "Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_bizon_a","hgun_mas_grach_F","Binocular", "Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_5("64Rnd_mas_9x18_mag"), mag_3("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag")};

Items[] = {mag_3("FirstAidKit"), "muzzle_mas_snds_AK"};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_3("FirstAidKit"), "muzzle_mas_snds_AK"};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_5("64Rnd_mas_9x18_mag"), mag_2("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_BandollierB_rgr","H_Shemag_olive","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_BandollierB_rgr", "H_Shemag_olive","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

model = "\A3\Characters_F_Bootcamp\Guerrilla\ig_guerrilla_6_1.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "GOP4"; //uniform you are using

attendant = 1;

camouflage = .3;

sensitivity = .3;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\gop4.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};

engineer = true;

canDeactivateMines = true;


class UFFA_GRIM_Operative5: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

backpack = "B_Kitbag_Tech"; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "GRIM"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_GRIM_Operative"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "GRIM Technician"; //In-Game Name

weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_aks74u_c_a","hgun_mas_grach_F","Binocular", "Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_aks74u_c_a","hgun_mas_grach_F","Binocular", "Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_6("30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"), mag_2("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"),mag_2("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_3("FirstAidKit"), "muzzle_mas_snds_AK"};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_3("FirstAidKit"), "muzzle_mas_snds_AK"};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_6("30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"), mag_2("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"),mag_2("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_TacVest_oli","H_ShemagOpen_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_TacVest_oli","H_ShemagOpen_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

model = "\A3\Characters_F_Bootcamp\Guerrilla\ig_guerrilla_6_1.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "GOP5"; //uniform you are using

attendant = 1;

camouflage = .3;

sensitivity = .3;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\gop5.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};

engineer = true;

canDeactivateMines = true;


class UFFA_GRIM_Operative6: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

//backpack = ""; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "GRIM"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_GRIM_Operative"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "GRIM Marksman"; //In-Game Name

weapons[] = {"srifle_mas_m91_l","hgun_mas_grach_F","Rangefinder", "Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"srifle_mas_m91_l","hgun_mas_grach_F","Rangefinder", "Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_7("30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"), mag_3("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"),mag_3("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_3("FirstAidKit"),"muzzle_mas_snds_SVD"};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_3("FirstAidKit"),"muzzle_mas_snds_SVD"};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_7("30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"), mag_3("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"),mag_3("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_HarnessO_gry","H_Shemag_olive","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_HarnessO_gry","H_Shemag_olive","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

model = "\A3\Characters_F_Bootcamp\Guerrilla\ig_guerrilla_6_1.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "GOP6"; //uniform you are using

attendant = 1;

camouflage = .3;

sensitivity = .3;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\gop6.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};

engineer = true;

canDeactivateMines = true;


class UFFA_Fighter1: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

//backpack = ""; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA Rifleman"; //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_akm","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_akm","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_7("30Rnd_mas_762x39_mag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_7("30Rnd_mas_762x39_mag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_mas_rus_TacVest_f","rds_Woodlander_cap2","G_Bandanna_oli","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_mas_rus_TacVest_f","rds_Woodlander_cap2","G_Bandanna_oli","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF1"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = 1;

sensitivity = 1;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs1.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};


class UFFA_Fighter2: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

//backpack = ""; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA Leader"; //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_m16_gl_t","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_m16_gl_t","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_6("30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag"), mag_10("1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"),mag_6("1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell"),mag_2("UGL_FlareGreen_F")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_6("30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag"), mag_10("1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"),mag_6("1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell"),mag_2("UGL_FlareGreen_F")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_HarnessOGL_brn","H_Bandanna_khk_hs","G_Bandanna_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_HarnessOGL_brn","H_Bandanna_khk_hs","G_Bandanna_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF2"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = 1;

sensitivity = 1;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs2.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};


class UFFA_Fighter3: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

//backpack = ""; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA Grenadier"; //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_akm_gl","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_akm_gl","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_6("30Rnd_mas_762x39_mag"), mag_10("1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"),mag_6("1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell"),mag_2("UGL_FlareGreen_F")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_6("30Rnd_mas_762x39_mag"), mag_10("1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"),mag_6("1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell"),mag_2("UGL_FlareGreen_F")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_HarnessOGL_gry","H_Booniehat_tan","G_mas_wpn_shemag_w","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_HarnessOGL_gry","H_Booniehat_tan","G_mas_wpn_shemag_w","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF3"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = 1;

sensitivity = 1;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs3.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};


class UFFA_Fighter4: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

//backpack = ""; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA HMG" //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"LMG_mas_m60_F","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"LMG_mas_m60_F","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_4("150Rnd_762x51_Box")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_4("150Rnd_762x51_Box150Rnd_762x51_Box")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_HarnessO_brn","H_Bandanna_camo","G_Bandanna_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_HarnessO_brn","H_Bandanna_camo","G_Bandanna_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF4"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = 1;

sensitivity = 1;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs4.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};


class UFFA_Fighter5: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

backpack = "B_FieldPack_AB"; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA HMG AG" //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_m70ab","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_m70ab","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_7("30Rnd_mas_762x39_mag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_7("30Rnd_mas_762x39_mag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_TacVest_camo","rds_Woodlander_cap3","G_mas_wpn_shemag_r","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_TacVest_camo","rds_Woodlander_cap3","G_mas_wpn_shemag_r","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF5"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = 1;

sensitivity = 1;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs5.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};


class UFFA_Fighter6: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

backpack = "B_FieldPack_Med"; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA Medic" //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_arx","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_arx","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_7("30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_7("30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_BandollierB_oli","G_Balaclava_oli","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_BandollierB_oli","G_Balaclava_oli","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF6"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = 1;

sensitivity = 1;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs6.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};

attendant = 1;


class UFFA_Fighter7: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

backpack = "B_Kitbag_Tech"; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA Engineer" //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_m16","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_m16","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_7("30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_7("30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_I_G_resistanceLeader_F","H_Cap_blk_ION","G_Bandanna_blk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_I_G_resistanceLeader_F","H_Cap_blk_ION","G_Bandanna_blk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF7"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = 1;

sensitivity = 1;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs7.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};

engineer = true;

canDeactivateMines = true;


class UFFA_Fighter8: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

//backpack = ""; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA LMG" //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"LMG_mas_rpk_F","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"LMG_mas_rpk_F","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_6("100Rnd_mas_545x39_mag")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_6("100Rnd_mas_545x39_mag")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_HarnessO_brn","H_Bandanna_blu","G_Bandanna_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_HarnessO_brn","H_Bandanna_blu","G_Bandanna_khk","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF8"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = 1;

sensitivity = 1;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs8.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};


class UFFA_Fighter9: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

//backpack = ""; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA AT" //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_bizon","mas_launch_LAW_F","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_bizon","mas_launch_LAW_F","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_7("64Rnd_mas_9x18_mag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_7("64Rnd_mas_9x18_mag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_mas_rus_TacVest_f","rds_worker_cap2","G_Bandanna_oli","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_mas_rus_TacVest_f","rds_worker_cap2","G_Bandanna_oli","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF9"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = 1;

sensitivity = 1;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs9.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};


class UFFA_Fighter10: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

backpack = "B_Carryall_AT"; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA AT" //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_bizon","mas_launch_LAW_F","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_bizon","mas_launch_LAW_F","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_7("64Rnd_mas_9x18_mag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_7("64Rnd_mas_9x18_mag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_mas_rus_TacVest_f","rds_worker_cap2","G_Bandanna_oli","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_mas_rus_TacVest_f","rds_worker_cap2","G_Bandanna_oli","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF10"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = 1;

sensitivity = 1;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs10.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};


class UFFA_Fighter11: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

backpack = "B_Carryall_AA"; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA AA" //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_aks74u","mas_launch_Strela_F","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_aks74u","mas_launch_Strela_F","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_7("30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_7("30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_TacVest_oli","H_Bandanna_surfer_blk","G_mas_wpn_wrap_f","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_TacVest_oli","H_Bandanna_surfer_blk","G_mas_wpn_wrap_f","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF11"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = 1;

sensitivity = 1;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs11.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};


class UFFA_Fighter12: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

backpack = "B_AssaultPack_MK"; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA Marksman" //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"srifle_mas_m24_v_h","hgun_mas_bhp_F","Rangefinder","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"srifle_mas_m24_v_h","hgun_mas_bhp_F","Rangefinder","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_8("5Rnd_mas_762x51_Stanag"), mag_5("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_8("5Rnd_mas_762x51_Stanag"), mag_5("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_BandollierB_oli","H_mas_cer_Booniehat_b","G_mas_wpn_shemag","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_BandollierB_oli","H_mas_cer_Booniehat_b","G_mas_wpn_shemag","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF12"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = .2;

sensitivity = .2;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs12.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};


class UFFA_Fighter13: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

backpack = "B_AssaultPack_MK"; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Fighters"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Fighter"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "UFFA Spotter" //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_m4c_v_h","hgun_mas_bhp_F","Rangefinder","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_m4c_v_h","hgun_mas_bhp_F","Rangefinder","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_8("30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag"), mag_5("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit"),"muzzle_mas_snds_Mc"};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit"),"muzzle_mas_snds_Mc"};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_8("30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag"), mag_5("17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_I_G_resistanceLeader_F","H_mas_cer_c2","G_mas_wpn_wrap_t","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_I_G_resistanceLeader_F","H_mas_cer_c2","G_mas_wpn_wrap_t","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF13"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = .2;

sensitivity = .2;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\Gs13.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE"};


class UFFA_Leader1: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

//backpack = ""; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Leaders"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Leader"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "Stychiz" //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_10("6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"),mag_1("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_10("6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"),mag_1("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_Rangemaster_belt","SFG_Tac_BeardD","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_Rangemaster_belt","SFG_Tac_BeardD","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer1.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF14"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = .2;

sensitivity = .2;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\GsS.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE","WhiteHead_19"};


class UFFA_Leader2: B_Soldier_base_F


side = 1; //Blufor

faction = "UFFA"; //Your Faction

//backpack = ""; //Backpack

vehicleclass = "Leaders"; //Unit Group

author = "Stychiz";

_generalMacro = "UFFA_Leader"; //Class Name

scope = 2;

displayName = "Xian" //In-Game Name

Weapons[] = {"srifle_mas_m24_v_h","hgun_mas_m9_F","Rangefinder","Throw","Put"};

respawnWeapons[] = {"srifle_mas_m24_v_h","hgun_mas_m9_F","Rangefinder","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {mag_20("5Rnd_mas_762x51_Stanag"),mag_3("15Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

Items[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

RespawnItems[] = {mag_1("FirstAidKit")};

respawnMagazines[] = {mag_20("5Rnd_mas_762x51_Stanag"),mag_3("15Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"), mag_2("HandGrenade")};

cost = 300000;

threat[] = {1,0.7,0.3};

linkedItems[] = {"V_mas_cer_PlateCarrier1_rgr","G_Spectacles_Tinted","H_mas_cer_c2","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_mas_cer_PlateCarrier1_rgr","G_Spectacles_Tinted","H_mas_cer_c2","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};

model = "UFFA\data\o_officer1.p3d"; //Path to model

uniformClass = "UF15"; //uniform you are using

camouflage = .2;

sensitivity = .2;

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};

HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"UFFA\data\camo\GsX.paa"}; //Uniform textures

identityTypes[] = {"Male02GRE","WhiteHead_17"};



Any Ideas? Thanks for your time.

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Look at your model config and setup of your model, there maybe a problem with it. :)

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So I need a model config? It has been working just fine with the model in the data folder with the rest of the camo.

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What would cause the model to work with the other units but not the new units?

---------- Post added at 14:59 ---------- Previous post was at 14:56 ----------

Sorry for the double post, but I can use the first 13 units before and after the error, in the same session. They all used the same model at first. Then I copied the model and renamed it to see if that would change anything. Nothing has fixed it. Anyone?

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I just tried using a vanilla model instead of the one saved in my data folder, and got the same problem. Is there no one on the forum that can help? A dev perhaps? Someone who works at BI? Can someone even just refer me to someone else? I'm really at a loss.

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Would you mind sending me your addon, so I might take a look at the rest of the files as well? It would make looking for the problem easier. :)

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You are missing a ; (semicolon) in the "displayName" line of quite a few classes (UFFA_Fighter4, ..., UFFA_Fighter13, UFFA_Leader1, UFFA_Leader2)

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Awesome I'll fix that. Thanks!


I got fighter 14 working. I tried to give him a hand grenade that wouldn't fit in his vest. Assigning that grenade caused this fiasco. I suspect a similar error in fighter 15. I'll update when I confirm.

How did I find it? I went into the Virtual Arsenal to make sure the camo was working correctly. When I clicked on the uniform, I received an error about a hand grenade. I removed it and it worked.

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I found the culprit.

In my config.cpp, I define the macros for the lines that use mag_xx() to define the amount of that mag or item to spawn. I had called for mag_20("5Rnd_mas_762x51_Stanag"), but I only defined through "mag_12". After I defined it, everything works. The same goes for the hand grenade issue. I called for mag_1("HandGrenade" ), but I only defined from mag_2 through mag_12. Silly me. Thanks for the help guys.

Locklear, I'm not going to need your help after all, but if you don't mind... I may use you in the future.

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I'm glad you fixed the issue. :) As you see now, finding a source of a config issue is rather tricky and kinda difficult without looking at the whole addon. There's a reason why config department is sometimes called Seat of Black Magic around here… :icon_twisted:

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Yea I can definitely see that. I have found that although monotonous at times, writing an add-on like this is one of the funnest parts of arma. I spend more time creating than playing.

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some one can help me pls.

i edited a mision and now i get this error and i don't know where is it...

how can i found this error in my mission.sqm?

i can donwload some app to catch this error like a "script debug " or something like this... 
I're completely noob in this...

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