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Is airpower ruining a good infantry game or how do you counter it effectively?

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Hi, a relative noob here after switching my flight suits of dcs for rather drab combat gear so please do not see this as a whinge, more a question or a cry for help.

I really enjoy the online game of Arma3 but the impunity of the airpower seems to be making my 'blip' fly of the fun radar sometimes.

A few pawnee's in the air with blackfoots and jets and it becomes a battlefield4 ésk type multiplayer environment that largely negates the good infantry environment the game provides.

Don't crucify me please, there just seems to be a disconnect between the ability to buy and get airpower up versus the ability to buy/get and sustain AA to counter.

I have tried working with mates on foot as rocket teams. Getting decent AA vehicles in to cover more often than not results in them being hammered before they get anywhere close.

The crux is, in reality airpower would have to tiptoe very carefully around some of the AA that is available in the game if it is active, but to me it seems they have the ovewhelming advantage and fly around just popping ' the missile will miss' flares with little worry.

Perhaps I am missing the plot completely, but when I login to play these days and see a whole lot of airpower just murdering one side in an infantry game I go and do something else.

If there are any good tutorials or threads on how to effectively counter this threat with the AA hardware available I would be most grateful for a point in the right direction.


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Which scenario(s) are you playing during this experience?

The base game is not ruined by air assets, as you don't need to add any to a scenario. You could create a scenario which has zero air vehicles, so this is not an issue with the game itself, but whichever scenario you are playing.

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Hi and thanks for the response.

Locally we have a tkoh server which is populated and I play on mostly.

I suppose this is probably the quick and nasty version of the game, but I did like it in games like ghost recon and such.

I have nothing against the aircraft/choppers being included at all, it just feels like the AA units do not have anything close to the punch {or rather effectiveness) they should have and as such are certainly not afforded the necessary respect they would be in reality.

I enjoy the game a lot, and am just curious as to if this is the case or am i doing it completely wrong, which is also quite possible.


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Thing is, the mission you are playing with air power being bought and able to own the skies is not an official mission and is user made by a fellow community member. It's doesn't tell the full story of Arma. AA units are actually quite powerful by standard.

There are other game modes, or better yet, clans/groups who would focus a lot more on the infantry side of things and air units would be rarer.

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Hi Slatts

Noted and point taken. Not much variety online down here on the local front but let me at least try and explore what else is out there.



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HostileTakeover servers do run an 'infantry only' version of king-of-the-hill.

I often play the CA2 server, inf only, 1st person view.

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I must just say, I am delighted that i logged in this evening and the server in question (the same one with all the air bs) was in fact, all infantry :).

Still tkoh but only heli's ferrying troops into the fight, 95% of the battle was on the ground.

Bloody marvelous!

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Many of the large servers have very restricted view distances, which favors air immensely as they can just spam the lock-on button while pointing the nose in the general radar direction of your AA tank, outside of render distance.. It's been a while since I played PvP but at that point there was also radar radius issues, where AA radars had very small radius compared to air. Like stated, it's up to the mission maker and server hosts to find a way to balance their scenarios.

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Many of people think the same as you and me being one of them. I DID like the regular KOH servers but with the poor optimization that carry's with Arma3 or more so the KOH server, the jets constant bombardment and the blackfoots hide and seek missile game made the game un-enjoyable to say the least. MAny of us took to the hostiletakeover forums and requested something be done and low and behold they released an infantry server :)

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