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Are there any mods available to make aircraft handling more realistic?

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One thing I don't understand is how aircraft handle in Arma 3.

First off, I'm a pilot in real life. So I know how airplanes handle. I've also flown in helicopters but I have never steered one, yet I believe the same principles apply to make them steerable at all.

So, there's that:

  • I bank the plane and it doesn't turn. Instead it continues to fly almost straight on (it does turn a bit, but really - not near enough). I understand that you could explain this with some sort of broken "Autopilot", but even then it's not, well, realistic. The aircraft would be slipping. An autopilot would avoid this energetic inefficient state. No one would expect this behaviour. Is there any mod to turn this off?
  • I bank the plane and it doesn't return to neutral when I release the keys / joystick. To return to neutral I have to steer in the opposite direction. Why? Again the "Autopilot", or rather, "Auto-Trim"? Aircraft are self stabilizing. Military aircraft less so and some of the newer ones are rumoured to be only self stabilizing with the help of computer aids, but nonetheless, all of them are. Look at the Wipeout's wings, it would definitely self stabilize. Helicopters have flexible (to a certain extent) rotors thus also being self stabilizing. Is there any mod that has aircraft and helicopters return to a neutral attitude by themselves, so that you need to maintain steering input to keep it in an attitude outside of neutral?
  • Cruise control. Is there any mod that allows me to set a thruster setting for airplanes instead of setting a speed? For helicopters I could remedy this by using the advanced flight model, which lets me set the collective to a specific value, where it stays. Unless you activate this, helicopters fly like a lift.

I searched Armaholic and the Steam Workshop and couldn't find anything that changes this.


Edited by specialsymbol

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There's some discussion re: banking in the fixed wing flight model thread, though the only specific mod that comes immediately to mind (as opposed to being something of a more all-in-one dealie like ACE3) is oukej's tweaked A-164 Wipeout config, linked to in that thread.

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Your observations are not because of 'autopilot', mostly limited physics simulation which leads to incorrect aircraft behaviour. Basically, airflow over wing surfaces is not simulated: your aircraft is just a sky-car with a speed and direction. This results in the behaviour that if you bank a plane you don't get any horizontal 'lift' and reduction of vertical lift. The (advanced flight model) helicopters are better, I have much fun flying them in game.

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We won't see a realistic flight model for Fixed Wing anytime soon. In the Future, one cannot tell. Someone was making a JAS-39 Gripen mod though that had a custom Flight Model, however, i haven't seen it around at all recently, so i can only assume it's dead. However, i have a hard time believing that it would have been much different from the BIS current flight model. In short, wait till the end of Arma 3's support, or Arma 4.

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We won't see a realistic flight model for Fixed Wing anytime soon. In the Future, one cannot tell. Someone was making a JAS-39 Gripen mod though that had a custom Flight Model, however, i haven't seen it around at all recently, so i can only assume it's dead. However, i have a hard time believing that it would have been much different from the BIS current flight model. In short, wait till the end of Arma 3's support, or Arma 4.

Well, if scripting commands to set forces/torques acting on object would be added, we can quite see it in ArmA 3. It's not that big of a change, and will enable to create very elaborate aerodynamics in SQF

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Well, if scripting commands to set forces/torques acting on object would be added, we can quite see it in ArmA 3. It's not that big of a change, and will enable to create very elaborate aerodynamics in SQF

Hmmm, can you make a ticket on the feedback tracker to request that? I'd gladly up vote, that's a good idea.

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