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Start vehicle "wrecked"?

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Hello All,

Basically, I have a vehicle that I want to spawn as a wreck already. However, when I set the health to 0, when it spawns it blows up in game. The problem with this, is it kills the units near it. I wan't to simulate an ambushed convoy.

Also, is it possible to spawn a "crater" under them to make it seem like an IED went off? I know there is a wrecks category but they either A) Don't have the vehicle I want, or B) They look like they are old and rusted rather than a fresh wreck.

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How deadly is it if you remove all ammo and fuel? Or use allowdamage false to units nearby?

Could you kill it somewhere else and then setpos it to correct place?

There's also at least 2 crater objects you might be able to create; CraterLong & CraterLong_small

Edited by Greenfist

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Might be that usefull?:

_Veh = cursorTarget;
_Part = "HitBody", "HitEngine", "HitFuel", "HitLFWheel", "HitRFWheel", "HitLF2Wheel", "HitRF2Wheel" (choose one for an example)
_Dmg = 1;

_Veh setHitPointDamage [_Part,_Dmg];

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this setDamage 1; this enableSimulation false; and for craters try to spawn it (CraterLong_small, CraterLong)

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