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Accessing user.arma3profile entries

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Is there any way, via a scripting command, to access the values of entries in the arma3profile file? Example, I would like to query the gamma and brightness settings of players as they connect.


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profileNamespace getVariable ["variableName",nil];

Not sure the actual names of the variables your after, I'm sure someone else can help out on that side.

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I'm also curious whether there's a list with all The accessable variables. Would love to see a netter documentation in the future.

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To find out the variables you can read them using allVariables.

Code that output the variablenames to log:

{diag_log _x;} forEach allVariables profileNamespace;

With a little bit of work it should be possible to figure out what most does. I recommend using in a read-only fashion though.

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To find out the variables you can read them using allVariables.

Code that output the variablenames to log:

With a little bit of work it should be possible to figure out what most does. I recommend using in a read-only fashion though.

Are you serious? Will this work? I mean, I once dug through the scripts for options menus and didn't find these. Didn't even think of the allvariables... :mad:

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I once accidently reset my userprofile using this method so yeah it works alright, just be careful with what you use it for :)

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I personally don't think the PBO/server/etc should be allowed to perform code such as this:

{profileNamespace setVariable [_x,nil];} count (allVariables profileNamespace);

Also I do not believe the scripts run in a server/session/mission should be able to access variables in the clients profileNamespace which aren't defined in the missionNamespace.

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And before anyone tries the above code: it clears your profile. Be warned. :)


allVariables profileNamespace didn't return the profile settings like gamma and brightness for example. :(

Edited by Greenfist

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Booo. I guess I'm out of luck. I was trying to query users brightness/gamma on an ongoing basis throughout the mission to see if players were adjusting it mid-mission as a 'cheat' method (from normal -> max). I know there are other ways but we simply wanted to know if someone was changing it, not necessarily to prevent it's change. Thanks for the comments though...not sure why I didn't get any notifications on this thread, I thought it was automatic for the creator?

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