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Cant solve this Error

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Hello! I am trying to get a helmet and uniform in game I made.

The thing is I'm entirely new to the config and coding at all.

I encountered an Error I failed to solve so I hope any one on this forum can help me solve it?

This is the Error it gives me: http://prntscr.com/78a9cp

The config.cpp:

class cfgVehicles
   #include "cfgVehicles.hpp"
class CfgPatches
   class BLOT
           "BLOT_Fr_uniform", "BLOT_Fr_helm"
class cfgWeapons
   class UniformItem;

   class BLOT_Fr_uniform: Uniform_Base
       author = "TechTeamA3";
       scope = 2;
       displayName = "France_infantry_uniform";
       picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_u_b_soldier_new_ca.paa";
       model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_original_F.p3d";
       hiddenSelections[] = {""};
       hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {""};

       class ItemInfo: UniformItem
           uniformModel = "-";
           uniformClass = BLOT_Fr_uniform;
           containerClass = Supply40;
           mass = 40;
class ItemCore;
   class HeadgearItem;
   class BLOT_Fr_Helmet: ItemCore
       author = "TechTeamA3";
       scope = 2;
       weaponPoolAvailable = 1;
       displayName = "Frence_infantry_helmet";
       picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_H_helmet_plain_ca.paa";
       model = "\Arma3 project\Uniform\BLOT_fr_helm.p3d";
       hiddenSelections[] = {""};
       hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {""};
       class ItemInfo: HeadgearItem
           mass = 40;
           uniformModel = "\Arma3 project\Uniform\BLOT_fr_helm.p3d";
           modelSides[] = {TCivilian, TWest};
           armor = 4;
           passThrough = 0.5;
           hiddenSelections[] = {"};


class cfgVehicles       // Character classes are defined under cfgVehicles.
   class B_Soldier_base F;                     // For inheritance to work, the base class has to be defined.
   class BLOT_Fr_schutter: B_Soldier_base_F       // Define of a new class, which parameters are inherited from B_Soldier_base_F, with exception of those defined below.
       author = "TechTeamA3";         // The name of the author of the asset, which is displayed in the editor.
       scope = 2;                          // 2 = class is available in the editor; 1 = class is unavailable in the editor, but can be accessed via a macro; 0 = class is unavailable (and used for inheritance only).
       scopeCurator = 2;                   // 2 = class is available in Zeus; 0 = class is unavailable in Zeus.
       scopeArsenal = 2;                   // 2 = class is available in the Virtual Arsenal; 0 = class is unavailable in the Virtual Arsenal.
       identityTypes[] =  {"LanguageENG_F","Head_NATO","G_NATO_default"};        // Identity Types are explained in the Headgear section of this guide.
       displayName = "BLOT_Fr_infantry";        // The name of the soldier, which is displayed in the editor.
       cost = 200000;                      // How likely the enemies attack this character among some others.
       camouflage = 1.5;                   // How likely this character is spotted (smaller number = more stealthy).
       sensitivity = 2.5;                  // How likely this character spots enemies when controlled by AI.
       threat[] = {1, 1, 0.8};             // Multiplier of the cost of the character in the eyes of soft, armoured and air enemies.
       model = "\Arma3 project\Uniform\BLOT_Fr_uniform.p3d";        // The path to the model this character uses.
       uniformClass = "U_B_soldier_new";                          // This links this soldier to a particular uniform. For the details, see below.
       hiddenSelections[] = {""};                             // List of model selections which can be changed with hiddenSelectionTextures[] and hiddenSelectionMaterials[] properties. If empty, model textures are used.
       hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {""};        // The textures for the selections defined above. If empty, no texture is used.
       canDeactivateMines = true;              // Can this character deactivate mines?
       engineer = true;                        // Can this character repair vehicles?
       attendant = 1;                          // Can this character heal soldiers?
       icon = "iconManEngineer";               // If a character has a special role, a special icon shall be used.
       picture = "pictureRepair";              // The same as above, but for the squad picture.
       backpack = "B_Kitbag_mcamo_Eng";        // Which backpack the character is wearing.
       weapons[] = {arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F, hgun_P07_F, Throw, Put};               // Which weapons the character has.
       respawnWeapons[] = {arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F, hgun_P07_F, Throw, Put};        // Which weapons the character respawns with.
       Items[] = {FirstAidKit};                // Which items the character has.
       RespawnItems[] = {FirstAidKit};         // Which items the character respawns with.
       magazines[] = {mag_10(30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag),mag_3(16Rnd_9x21_Mag), SmokeShell, SmokeShellGreen, Chemlight_green, Chemlight_green, mag_2(HandGrenade)};               // What ammunition the character has.
       respawnMagazines[] = {mag_10(30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag),mag_3(16Rnd_9x21_Mag), SmokeShell, SmokeShellGreen, Chemlight_green, Chemlight_green ,mag_2(HandGrenade)};        // What ammunition the character respawns with.
       linkedItems[] = {V_PlateCarrier1_rgr, H_HelmetB, ItemMap, ItemCompass, ItemWatch, ItemRadio, NVGoggles};               // Which items the character has.
       respawnLinkedItems[] = {V_PlateCarrier1_rgr, H_HelmetB, ItemMap, ItemCompass, ItemWatch, ItemRadio, NVGoggles};        // Which items the character respawns with.

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class cfgVehicles       // Character classes are defined under cfgVehicles.
   class B_Soldier_base F;                     // For inheritance to work, the base class has to be defined.

Space instead of underscore on Class?

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Yeah, cfgVehicles on line 3 should be "B_Soldier_base_F" instead of "B_Soldier_base F". Makes sense considering your error.

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Also, I'm not sure you need to contain the #include inside a 'cfgVehicles' parent, as your cfgVehicles.hpp has the cfgVehicles parent within it anyway. You could simply replace:

class cfgVehicles
   #include "cfgVehicles.hpp"


#include "cfgVehicles.hpp"

and as far as I am aware still have the same result.

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