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The best 3D editor?

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I want a 3D editor in order to place objects. Using the standard editor is a pain and it takes hours to place objects. I am going to use it for Singleplayer missions/campaign only. All objects must be visible to those who play my singlemissions or campaigns. It cannot be a mod that is required in order to see the placed objects.

I having been googling but I do not know what mods meets my requirements. Any suggestions? I want it very simple. All I want to do is to place simple objects in 3D. Nothing more.

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You don't rate Map Builder then? I found it much easier to get to grips with than X-CAM

To be honest, I've been ignoring it because I thought is was only for terrain building. But it can export to sqf also, it seems. Cool, I have to try it. Tanks.

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To be honest, I've been ignoring it because I thought is was only for terrain building. But it can export to sqf also, it seems. Cool, I have to try it. Tanks.

To be honest, I overlooked it too because it's in the Visitor forum. A clan member, perhaps not knowing what Visitor is, thus didn't ignore it and tried it before bringing it to my attention.

Note that it can also export to sqm. So it can make a mission file which you can merge with an existing mission file.

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ah I also didn't realize Map Builder could do more... has anyone used both? I find XCam fairly easy to use and very powerful (export to TB, SQM, SQF).

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The problem is, I think, that the 20 tutorial videos might seem a bit hard going. I don't doubt it's powerful and perhaps the number of tutorials is a measure of what can be got from xcam if you are prepared to stick with it. Personally, I found progress frustratingly slow and when a clanmate showed me map builder, I was up and running within 20 minutes.

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That's true the tutorials are certainly a time investment. I watched maybe 4 or 5 before I felt comfortable enough to dive in and muck about... mind you I'm not making a terrain here mostly just FOBs, mission-specific stuff, toying around, etc.

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Ok, I have learned how to place object.

What I wonder is this; I have to load the project every time I want to place object. But what about people who play my missions? Will the objects appear for them? Should I save the project file in the mission folder or how does it work?

EDIT: Tried to export the mission to single missions. All objects that I placed are gone!

Edited by Cyper

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guys...IF u take your time to watch all the tutorials all of your questions will be answered...

including exporting and how things are working properly..really i recommend u to watch the videos...


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X-Cam is dedicated to terrain builders but the possabilities are endless.

Map Builder and X-Cam are for sure the best Object 3d Editors out there.

The problem is, I think, that the 20 tutorial videos might seem a bit hard going

If something like that is a problem then you should not start thinking about editing/modding in arma ;)

Edited by Atsche

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