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Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog joystick and ArmA - big problem

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Hi guys, thsnks for the helpful info.

I created my own fcf file and binds. I run the profile and launch arma. Without the T.A.R.G.E.T. gui profile running, arma will recognize my warthog stick and throttle by thier correct names. With the profile running arma sees them as one device called thrustmaster virtual game controller. Problem is all my axis ranges are reduced by half. For example going full throttle will only input 50% thrust and so on.

Has anyone encountered this?

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Indeed, it was a classic bug easy to reproduce if you have several joysticks plugged in and enabled at the same time. I was able to reproduce the error not two patches ago with my WH and a Xbox360 controller plugged in and enabled at the same time. I've not tried it with 1.72 tho.


I've never tried with TARGET tho since I don't see the use for it when it comes to how I use my WH in Arma and DCS so if there is something fucky with TARGET ... well I dunno.

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I know this doesn't help, but I've used my Warthog pretty much as plug and play with no problems. Key bind it through the game and the only other gaming peripheral I have plugged in is a Logitech keypad.


Best of luck on your problem.

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thanks problem solved

if two axis are bound to the same function, arma will split the input between the two...so you get 50% for each.

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