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Custom Gun sound will not work.

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Hello, Below is my Weapons.hpp

I am the lead coder for the Napoleonic Wars mod found here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=436943890&searchtext=

I for the love of god cannot get the custom file to play. Any help or suggestions/nudges in the right direction?

class CfgMagazines


class Default;

class CA_Magazine;

class HandGrenade;

class 20Rnd_762x51_Mag;

class ice_musket_mag: 20Rnd_762x51_Mag


scope = 2;

count = 1;

displayName = "0.7 Ball";

descriptionShort = "10 Round Mag";

picture = "\ice123_musket\icon\ball_ca.paa";

ammo = "ice_musket_ammo";

displaynameshort = "0.7 Ball";

tracersevery = 1;

mass = 0.1;


class ice_musket_mag2: 20Rnd_762x51_Mag


scope = 2;

count = 1;

displayName = "0.7 Ball";

descriptionShort = "10 Round Mag";

picture = "\ice123_musket\icon\ball_ca.paa";

ammo = "ice_musket_ammo2";

displaynameshort = "0.7 Ball";

mass = 0.1;



class CfgAmmo


class Default;

class BulletCore;

class BulletBase;

class Grenade;

class GrenadeHand;

class B_762x51_Ball;

class ice_musket_ammo : B_762x51_Ball


hit = 10;

indirectHit = 0;

indirectHitRange = 0.200000;

cartridge = "";

visibleFire = 0.400000;

audibleFire = 0.400000;

visibleFireTime = 50;

cost = 4;

typicalSpeed = 220;

soundHitBody1[] = {"\ice123_musket\sounds\hitbody.ogg",1,1};

soundHit[] = {"\ice123_musket\sounds\hit_ground.ogg", 1, 1};

//reloadAction = "GestureReloadMusket";

model = "\ice123_musket\ball";


class ice_musket_ammo2 : GrenadeHand


hit = 12;

indirectHit = 0;

indirectHitRange = 0.200000;

model = "\ice123_musket\ball";

cartridge = "";

visibleFire = 0.400000;

audibleFire = 0.400000;

visibleFireTime = 50;

explosive = 0;

deflecting = 0;

cost = 4;

whistleDist = 0;

typicalSpeed = 220;

soundHitBody1[] = {"\ice123_musket\sounds\hitbody.ogg",1,1};

soundHit[] = {"\ice123_musket\sounds\hit_ground.ogg", 1, 1};

explosionEffects = "NoExplosion";

CraterEffects = "NoCrater";



class CfgCloudlets


class Default;

class MusketCloud1: Default


interval = 0.01;

circleRadius = 0;

circleVelocity[] = {0,0,0};

particleShape = "\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal";

particleFSNtieth = 16;

particleFSIndex = 12;

particleFSFrameCount = 8;

particleFSLoop = 1;

angleVar = 0.5;

animationName = "";

particleType = "Billboard";

timerPeriod = 1;

//lifeTime = 0.8;

lifeTime = 7;

moveVelocity[] = {"2*directionX","2*directionY","2*directionZ"};

rotationVelocity = 1;

//weight = 0.05;

weight = 0.05;

//volume = 0.04;

volume = 0.04;

//rubbing = 1.05;

rubbing = 0.1;

size[] = {0.3,0.7,1,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8};

color[] = {{0.9,0.9,0.9,0.08},{0.9,0.9,0.9,0.036},{0.9,0.9,0.9,0.012},{0.9,0.9,0.9,0.001}};

animationSpeed[] = {1.2};

randomDirectionPeriod = 0.1;

randomDirectionIntensity = 0.05;

onTimerScript = "";

beforeDestroyScript = "";

destroyOnWaterSurface = 1;

//sizeCoef = 1.2;

sizeCoef = 7;

colorCoef[] = {1,1,1,1};

//animationSpeedCoef = 1;

animationSpeedCoef = 0.2;

position[] = {"positionX + 0.12 * directionLocalX","positionY + 0.12 * directionLocalY","positionZ + 0.12 * directionLocalZ"};

lifeTimeVar = 0;

positionVar[] = {0,0,0};

MoveVelocityVar[] = {1,1,1};

rotationVelocityVar = 20;

sizeVar = 0;

colorVar[] = {0,0,0,0};

randomDirectionPeriodVar = 0;

randomDirectionIntensityVar = 0;



class MusketCloud


class MusketCloud1


simulation = "particles";

type = "MusketCloud1";

position[] = {0,0,0};

intensity = 1;

interval = 1;

lifeTime = 0.05;



class GunParticles;

class Mode_SemiAuto;

class Mode_Burst;

class Mode_FullAuto;

class FullAuto;

class cfgWeapons {

class Default;

class PistolCore;

class Pistol;

class Rifle;

class RifleCore;

class MGun;

class MGunCore;

class ItemCore; // External class reference

class InventoryItem_Base_F; // External class reference

class HeadgearItem;

class Uniform_Base;

class UniformItem;

class Vest_Base;

class VestItem;

class B_Soldier_base_F;

class U_B_CombatUniform_mcam;

class arifle_MX_F;

class ice123_england_cloth : Uniform_Base {

scope = 2;

displayName = "Red Cloth";

picture = "\ice123_musket\icon\england_co.paa";

model = "\ice123_musket\infantry_red.p3d";

//hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};

//hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ice123_swat\swat_co.paa"};

class ItemInfo : UniformItem {

uniformModel = "-";

uniformClass = "ice123_musket_dude1";

containerClass = "Supply20";

mass = 80;



class ice123_france_cloth : Uniform_Base {

scope = 2;

displayName = "Blue Cloth";

picture = "\ice123_musket\icon\france_co.paa";

model = "\ice123_musket\infantry_blue.p3d";

class ItemInfo : UniformItem {

uniformModel = "-";

uniformClass = "ice123_musket_dude2";

containerClass = "Supply20";

mass = 80;



class ice123_musket: Rifle


scope = 2;

scopeWeapon = 2;

scopeMagazine = 2;

dispersion = 0.015;

muzzles[] = {"this"};

model = "\ice123_musket\musket.p3d";

picture = "\ice123_musket\icon\musket_ca.paa";

uipicture = "\A3\weapons_f\data\UI\icon_regular_CA.paa";

optics = 1;

modelOptics = "-";

sound[] = {"\ice123_musket\sounds\musket", 4,4};

opticsZoomMin = 0.320000;

opticsZoomMax = 0.500000;

distanceZoomMin = 50;

distanceZoomMax = 50;

displayName = "Musket";

selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";

displayNameMagazine = "Ball";

shortNameMagazine = "ball";

drySound[] = {};

magazines[] = {"ice_musket_mag","ice_musket_mag2"};

minRange = 2;

reloadMagazineSound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\reloads\new_MX.wav",0.1,1,30};

minRangeProbab = 0.100000;

midRange = 100;

midRangeProbab = 0.800000;

maxRange = 350;

maxRangeProbab = 0.040000;

//reloadtime = 10;

recoil = "recoil_auto_mk200";

recoilprone = "recoil_auto_prone_mk200";

magazineReloadTime = 15;

reloadAction = "GestureReloadMusket";

// class GunParticles

// {

// class FirstEffect

// {

// effectName = "MusketCloud";

// positionName = "Usti hlavne";

// directionName = "Konec hlavne";

// };

// class SecondEffect

// {

// positionName = "Nabojnicestart";

// directionName = "Nabojniceend";

// effectName = "CaselessAmmoCloud";

// };

// };

class GunParticles: GunParticles


class effect1


positionName = "usti hlavne";

directionName = "konec hlavne";

effectName = "MusketCloud";


class SecondEffect


positionName = "Nabojnicestart";

directionName = "Nabojniceend";

effectName = "CaselessAmmoCloud";



class Library


libTextDesc = "A brown bess musket.";




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Which sounds are you having trouble with? You have multiple sounds listed in your config :)

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You need to define the firing sounds within a "fire mode". Inheriting from rifle is probably what is messing you up, here. Try this (untested):

	class ice123_musket: Rifle
	scope = 2;
	scopeWeapon = 2;
	scopeMagazine = 2;
	dispersion = 0.015;
	muzzles[] = {"this"};
	model = "\ice123_musket\musket.p3d";
	picture = "\ice123_musket\icon\musket_ca.paa";
	uipicture = "\A3\weapons_f\data\UI\icon_regular_CA.paa";
	optics = 1;
	modelOptics = "-";
	sound[] = {"\ice123_musket\sounds\musket", 4,4};
	opticsZoomMin = 0.320000;
	opticsZoomMax = 0.500000;
	distanceZoomMin = 50;
	distanceZoomMax = 50;
	displayName = "Musket";
	selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";
	displayNameMagazine = "Ball";
	shortNameMagazine = "ball";
	drySound[] = {};

	magazines[] = {"ice_musket_mag","ice_musket_mag2"};
	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\reloads\new_MX",0.1,1,30 };
	magazineReloadTime = 15;

	modes[] = {"Single"};
	class Single: Mode_SemiAuto
		dispersion = 0.00018; // set to whatever you want
		soundContinuous = 0;
		reloadTime = 10;
		recoil = "recoil_auto_mk200";
		recoilprone = "recoil_auto_prone_mk200";

		sounds[] = {"StandardSound","SilencedSound"};
		class BaseSoundModeType
			weaponSoundEffect = "DefaultRifle";
			closure1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_2",1.7782794,1,10};
			closure2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_3",1.7782794,1,10};
			soundClosure[] = {"closure1",0.5,"closure2",0.5};
		class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType
			begin1[] = {"\ice123_musket\sounds\musket", 4,4};
			soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 1};
		class SilencedSound: BaseSoundModeType
			begin1[] = {"\ice123_musket\sounds\musket", 4,4};
			soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1};

		minRange = 2;
		minRangeProbab = 0.100000;
		midRange = 100;
		midRangeProbab = 0.800000;
		maxRange = 350;
		maxRangeProbab = 0.040000;
		aiRateOfFire = 3;
		aiRateOfFireDistance = 500;

	reloadAction = "GestureReloadMusket";

	class GunParticles: GunParticles
		class effect1
			positionName = "usti hlavne";
			directionName = "konec hlavne";
			effectName = "MusketCloud";
		class SecondEffect
			positionName = "Nabojnicestart";
			directionName = "Nabojniceend";
			effectName = "CaselessAmmoCloud";

	class Library 
		libTextDesc = "A brown bess musket.";

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In addition, you have to have a "StandardSound" class now with the sound definitions in it, the old way of doing it (Arma 2 and earlier) no longer works.

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Another thing that may help you as well is that you can browse through the in-game config within the editor. (Tutorial here:


If you know or already know how to access the config editor, head through to CfgWeapons and find a classname that is a weapon, then look at it's config there and see what you can find that is missing from your config. :)

Hope it helps!


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