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body detection

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I'm making a stealth mission, and at the beginning something bother me with that was the AI ignores dead bodies, and well I'm here to search for help through the forum if there is any script or way to make the AI between mode of alert when they see a dead body. Note I'm already tried knowsAbout and did not work why not detect dead bodies.

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Use the module object modifiers to switch their mode to aware.

Theres other ways but idk if ur good At scripting.

maybe you did not understand what I meant, I wonder if there is any script that does the AI detects a dead body and goes on alert

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on trigger act: switch their mode to aware

If you're placing the dead bodies down, find the centermost one and put for trigger condition: enemysquadleader distance deadbodyguy < 10 (10 being the radius)

What language do you speak?

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on trigger act: switch their mode to aware

If you're placing the dead bodies down, find the centermost one and put for trigger condition: enemysquadleader distance deadbodyguy < 10 (10 being the radius)

He needs that concept applied through a Killed EH on all AI, but I'm not too sure if it's going to be very performance friendly.

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on trigger act: switch their mode to aware

If you're placing the dead bodies down, find the centermost one and put for trigger condition: enemysquadleader distance deadbodyguy < 10 (10 being the radius)

What language do you speak?

thanks so much EpicGoldenWarrior, sorry for my bad english, i'm from rússia

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Apply a killed EH for all units in a radius;

When AI is killed, spawn an invisible object that resembles the form of a dead body;

Check every AI's that is < 100 close to that object knowsAbout about that invisible object;

return knowsAbout;

change AI's behavior: new waypoints, etc. A run for alarm or a radio message for others to get it;


Attach the invisible object to dead bodie's position so if the players drags the body it transits too.

Why such workaround? Because dead bodies are not considered game entities in Arma. For performance, maybe. Or just laziness.

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Apply a killed EH for all units in a radius;

When AI is killed, spawn an invisible object that resembles the form of a dead body;

Check every AI's that is < 100 close to that object knowsAbout about that invisible object;

return knowsAbout;

change AI's behavior: new waypoints, etc. A run for alarm or a radio message for others to get it;


Attach the invisible object to dead bodie's position so if the players drags the body it transits too.

Why such workaround? Because dead bodies are not considered game entities in Arma. For performance, maybe. Or just laziness.


the code "distance" work at the beginning but then I realized it would be impossible to use the distance command on a trigger I made this code

leader distance dead < 15 AND !alive dead;

I forgot to mention the beginning of the post, I am a big noob I have very little knowledge on the issue arma with this code I did you perceive that I do not work for a mission with several AI, I really want to evolve, you have a tutorial somewhere where I can learn how to use event handler, or even if you have time to make the code you mentioned, any help from others who see this post is welcome.

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{groupLeader distance _x < 15} count allDeadMen > 0

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I'd like to necro this thread as it is relevant to what I am working on currently.

I'm hardly a scripting expert, so please bear with me if I make a fool of myself with questions.

I have tested that using a trigger with the condition set up so that if OPFOR detects a CIV unit, the specific OPFOR unit I have named will react accordingly by switching to combat behavior when I shoot his buddy and he technically becomes a CIV unit since he is now dead. I'd like to figure out how to properly apply this so that I am not relying on an area trigger, but instead am using knowsAbout since that seems to function with line of sight decent enough (I know sometimes AI can see through walls, but it's better than just an area trigger). Would there be a way to not have to name every single OPFOR unit, but have them react if they "knowsAbout" a CIV unit? This seems like it might be slightly simpler than using a distance check since units could be around a corner or something and purely based on distance they will react which I'd like to avoid if possible.

I want to think I need to do something with a script involving forEach or allUnits, but I'll be honest I've never used either of those before and am not confident enough guessing my way to a script.

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I'm wondering if something like this would work? I'm not sure I have the order correct for the commands or the structure correct however.

if (_x east knowsAbout civilian > 3) then {

{_x setBehavior "AWARE";} forEach allUnits east distance < 100;


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