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Vantage Point From Vehicles?

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Would it not be a good idea if the devs added an addAction to vehicles to allow players to clamber on top of vehicles so they can gain some elevation for a vantage point on the enemy? It would after all be a trade-off for vantage point vs exposure.

Just an idea :D

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Go even further and actually be able to attach yourself to the hood/roof of a vehicle so you can shoot from that position when it's moving. You'd probably have to use the AttachTo command anyway to make the soldiers not just clip through the vehicle.

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http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/M1A1_desant.JPEG (632 kB)

It's not safe, but when you're a badass you don't need to worry about safety.

LoL :) I found it intriguing that when I was a gunner in a HMG from a slightly elevated position and looking down at the enemy, when I got out to use a Titan AT, I could no longer see or target the armour that posed the biggest threat. If however I could have climbed on say the bonnet, I could have eliminated the armour.

It was just an interesting scenario, as if I would have engaged the armour with the 50cal, my life expectancy would have been milliseconds :D

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