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How to create a nopx.paa?

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Hello guys,

I got some custom textures for a map I'm creating, but I don't know how I can create a nopx.paa from my textures...I didn't found anything that helps me on google and I even still don't know for what nopx is for.:confused:

Can anybody help me please?



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The nopx.paa is the normal map, so you Need a Normalmap Generator to do that. There are plenty around out there. Crazybump, Shadermaps, Ndo just to Name a few.

by using the Example of Crazybump, you are impoting the imagefile, Play around with the Settings in order to adjust the normalmap effects and save the normalmap afterwards. Next Thing you want to do is to run TexView2 and save the Normalmap as paa...voila...you´re done.

This is the simple way...there are others of course ;)

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The nopx.paa is the normal map

Not quite. nopx is actually a Parallax map.

I usually start by creating a nohq map which is the normal map.

I use a program called pixplant which can spit out nohq and other maps at the same time. so ill load my main main texture in and export a nohq and the displacement map.

then in photoshop I open the nohq map and go to the blue channel and delete whats in it. then I create an alpha channel and paste my displacement map into it. the displacement map acts as a sort of heightmap. so youll want to be careful as any dark areas in your texture like a shadow will show up as a depression in your nopx map.

once done save and open in textview and save as a paa with the _nopx suffix

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Can't you create whatever you need, then convert the file through TexView 2? (Literally open the file and Save As nopx.paa)

Sent from my Motorola Moto G using Tapatalk

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I left the normal or nopx directory in my rvmat for my textures blank because I haven't gotten around to create them but what do they exactly do? And or they really needed?

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It's been a month since this question was asked, altho answered thought I'd chip in for those who are wondering what nopx parallax maps do for terrain.

If you

you'll see exactly how _nopx works and what it looks like in photoshop. It's essentially a normal map with full white on blue channel and an alpha channel for height. In-game it makes an illusion of 3 dimensional extrusion on a 2D flat surface, it is used to add bumpiness and is quite cheap on GPU resources.

Hope this helps.

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