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Intelligence as an Inventory Item?

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So there are a lot of random items in the game that are not actually items that go into your inventory (random bits of trash, medicines, junk food, intelligence folders etc) and I know you can make them into normal inventory items, but it would require making new weapon classes for them, which would mean they'd need to be "readded" to the game as an addon.

I am wondering, though, if there was any way around that and just have those items used as inventory items defined somewhere in just a mission PBO (maybe the Description.EXT)? That way the only thing a player would need is the game itself, and not an addon of content they technically already have.

I thought it would be cool to have a "Capture the Intelligence" type mission, but you would need to actually have space in your inventory to carry it. Or you could lose it, and have it need to be picked off your dead body by another to recover it, but as with everything I do, I want to make it as simple and easy for the players to just get in and play, so if ever I can avoid requiring additional downloads for them, the better.

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Only thing I can think of that could work is an extensive addAction system with get/set variables attached to the player, the intel items, and other players. I don't think it's possible to define new items in the description.ext, I could be wrong.

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Inventory items like those are in CfgWeapons or CfgMagazines, sadly (which makes sense) we can't use those in the description.ext.

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