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Trouble With Extraction

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I've been on numerous different forums and can not find the fix for this.

I have the extraction set up and everything seems to work fine but the helicopter will stop and "aggro" the enemies shooting at it upon leaving the extraction area. Sometimes it will fly to the LZ but most times it ignores the waypoint I have set and goes for the enemy.

I have a blufor UH-80 Nighthawk (named helo) with a pilot, copilot, and two gunners. My first waypoint is directly in front of the heli, a simple move waypoint. This waypoint is synced with the trigger.

The next waypoint is on the invisible helipad, it is a "load" waypoint with onact: dostop helo; helo land "get in" (I've tried "land" as well, the get in command keeps engine on)

My next waypoint is a move waypoint a few kilometers at sea with the condition: ((!alive player1) or (player1 in helo)) and ((!alive player2) or (player2 in helo)) and ((!alive player3) or (player3 in helo)) and ((!alive player4) or (player4 in helo))

The final waypoint is at my final landing zone on top an invisible helipad, it's an "unload" waypoint with onact: helo land ""

My problem is mostly upon leaving the extraction area, where 90% of the time the heli turns around and aggros any enemies shooting at it, not following its' waypoint commands.

What am I doing wrong? I have sincerely tried many different extraction methods, and have spent over 10 hours trying to figure it out. I've tried careless behavior, allowfleeing init on helicopter, setcaptive on helicopter, nothing works.

It seems whenever I fix one thing, something else breaks. Though this is as far as I've gotten and I'm so close to finishing the extraction where I can work on the other finishing parts to the mission.

Any and all help and advice is greatly appreciated.

Edited by Lavish

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AI heli's = the worst for evac! At one time I tried several ways too with no luck. Gave up and had player fly. AI seems to always go away from contact. no matter what I tried.

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Apparently so, I've got to find a way to get this working for my vision for the end of my mission. You're saying you had the ai squad disembark and you/your squad then embarked and left towards mission ending with you being the pilot? May have to just do that..

EDIT: Used your advice, have the helo get out and my squad will just manually take over from there and head to end trigger... Though there's my next problem. End trigger is synced with the empty (yellow) helo and it's set as vehicle present but it won't fire when I fly threw the end trigger.

Any thoughts?

Edited by Lavish

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for the mission sake, you could add in another factor, instead of having the AI heli come to you (pick up), possibly find an empty veh along the way and drive to it and place a heli ready to go on the deck perhaps 300m away from AO or something, you could have it fire up once your get 50m away and then SL commands it to fly off, more editing and testing but just idea,

may be sync trigger to SL or use trigger set to




cond: this && ((vehicle player) in thisList)

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I've created a short sample mission https://www.dropbox.com/s/79cqg2725rxmt56/heliExtractionSampleMission.Stratis.zip?dl=0

Try, if that works for you. The extraction gets called by pressing 0-0-1. I created that extraction for a mission I made a few weeks ago. It was quite tricky to make it work in the beginning, it seems that the position of the waypoints is vital for the extraction to work.

I would love to see Bohemia adding an extraction waypoint, which takes care of all that at once.

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I'm having a similar issue except I'm trying to do it with ai.

As the helicopter wasn't landing I tried to do it with a vehicle to remove the helicopter problem, and it looks like there's an issue with what I'm doing even before I try and involve a helicopter.

The plan is for a soldier to get in a vehicle, drive to a house, and wait for a HVT (HVT_4) and their escort (HVT_3) to get in before driving the HVT to the beach.

The soldier (Beach_Leader) gets into the empty vehicle (Beach_1), drives to the house and waits at the LOAD waypoint in the editor. This is waypoint number 10.

Meanwhile, HVT_4 goes into the house and waits for HVT_3.

When HVT_3 enters the house, the following trigger goes off:

[HVT_4] join Escort; 
Beach_Load_WP = Escort addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "Evac_Beach_Load_Mkr", 0];
Beach_Load_WP setWaypointType "GETIN";
Beach_Load_WP synchronizeWaypoint [[beach_Leader, 10]];
hint "Escort load fired";

If I set the waypoint type to "GETIN NEAREST" and remove the synchronize waypoint line, they get into any empty vehicle, so I assume it's something to do with the synchronization line, but I'm not sure what. They move to the waypoint, and then just stare at the waiting vehicle.

While I could put the waypoints into the editor without code, the overall plan is for the HVT to get into one of several vehicles depending upon which exfiltration method is chosen, and I don't think I can do this without coding the group and waypoints rather than placing them in the editor and using the synchronisation tool.

I suspect I've done something blatantly wrong, but checking the wiki didn't make things any clearer.

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You could try:

 _unit action ["GetInCargo",_veh];

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