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Insurgency | ALiVE - Official Release

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Downloaded ALiVE which included Insurgency however it doesnt show in Altis and Stratis, the other two do, Ambush and Sabotage

You must take the mission from the demo folders and either place it into your MPMissions folder or DePBO the mission and run from editor.

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This should be reported on the Alive thread itself. The mission is working as it should at the moment but you might have having an issue with the DB locking up on you. Nothing mission dependent is locking you up.

With Alive Version: red grids in map are not showing.

This should be reported here, or Alive thread?

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go to the CQB module(s) and set the TRACE value, it was reset to None with the update to Alive

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I see now grid was replaced by TRACE.

Thanks for the info.

Anyway, I have changed TRACE value to solid and now I am getting this error:

No entry "configbin/CfgMarkerBrushes.None"

Any idea about how to solve this?


For some reason the setting was not saved in one CQB module.

Its working perfectly now.

Thanks for the help.

Edited by Bratwurste

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I see now grid was replaced by TRACE.

Thanks for the info.

Anyway, I have changed TRACE value to solid and now I am getting this error:

No entry "configbin/CfgMarkerBrushes.None"

Any idea about how to solve this?


For some reason the setting was not saved in one CQB module.

Its working perfectly now.

Thanks for the help.

Care to share what you changed?

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In CQB Modules changed T.R.A.C.E setting to solid (was none).

hm, i also changed this value but i still get "no entry" error. Strange.

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A few questions:

1. If I wanted to alter this mission to never end and just keep spawning intel and caches how would I go about doing that? I imagine just change a variable in one of the files inside the mission folder but I can't seem to locate it.

2. Also where would I increase or decrease the change of intel spawned?

3. What times of day does the Call to Prayer happen?


Edited by DoRo

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A few questions:

1. If I wanted to alter this mission to never end and just keep spawning intel and caches how would I go about doing that?


Try increasing the number of caches to 99 or something. IIRC it is stored in description.ext under Params. Look for the array holding values of possible caches


class cachesLimit {
	//--- paramsArray[6]
	title = "Number of caches to hunt";
	values[] = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16};
	texts[] = {"Two","Four","Six","Eight","Ten","Twelve","Fourteen","Sixteen"};
	default = 2;

try changing one of the elements in values[] to a bigger number, then change the default to it, see what it does

Edited by sorophx
added code

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This is one of my prefered Insurgency.

But a few things would be greate if you could implement it.

- An ratio Option enemy vs. Players, because we played it an 5 players on the map and nearly an inpossible amout of enemys.

- A base defense. Sometimes the enemy rush's over the base :(

- With a good base defense it might be also possible to use an Airport as base


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>- An ratio Option enemy vs. Players, because we played it an 5 players on the map and nearly an inpossible amout of enemys.

Open map in editor, open CQB option, change amount of enemies

>- A base defense. Sometimes the enemy rush's over the base

ZeuS is available. Place some squads at base...

>- With a good base defense it might be also possible to use an Airport as base

It is already possible. Altis base is placed at airport. So far, i played Isla Duala, Panthera3, base always placed at airports... Takeoff and landing can be rough, i remember one time i was landing and constantly shooting flares..

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Is there an easy way to get this running with a headless client or something to get this mission up and running so that I am not staring at a loading screen for eternity..:p

Besides Stratis what is a good map to get this working on that does not take a ton of mods to run?

Edited by lunchbox35

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It does not need any mod except ALiVE. Porting this to any map is relatively easy, and somebody already done this (read previous pages).

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Works for me

Yes, works with latest ver of Alive here too.

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Since ALiVE indexed SMD Sahrani, why not give it a try?

Grab Sahrani version here: https://lex.io/pub/arma3/

Please note: quickly hacked together. No bugreports, no support - but it works.

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Is the MASH suppose to make a spawn point. I put one down and died and did not have the option to spawn on it.

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Is the MASH suppose to make a spawn point. I put one down and died and did not have the option to spawn on it.

Mash only really works in an MP environment. The Mash is placed down by a medic and can be used as a spawn point if members die via the BIS respawn menu dialog. However the medic CANNOT spawn on his own medical tent. When the medic dies the tent goes along with him. This is to avoid abuse. Also a player cannot die, and wait for a medic to place the Mash.

This is a separate system than the MHQ. If you want a teleport back and forth system use the MHQ. The mash is built as a system for you to protect and respect your medic, as you would in real life. You let your medic die, your teams die.

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I have been faced with one situation.

While MHQ is already being unpacked (takes 30 seconds) by one player and if some other player also perform the "unpack action", after being unpacked is not possible to pack it again, no matter the player who may try. The ammobox and net gets packed bu the flag and therefore the player spawn position remains in position where it was deployed, also cannot be be moved after this.

Is this a bug or it is by default?

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Ok what is the MHQ and how is it used. Sorry new to the mission. We are loving it. Thank you for all the great work and support. I see hours of melting my brain on this. Also thanks to everyone for the ports. Especially rlex!

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MHQ = Mobile HeadQuarter.

Means that you can move in to some other location and deploy (unpack) it there, it will make an aditional respawn point and also you can use the flag in base to teleport to the flag of the MHQ and vice-versa.

For the one existing in this mission (medical container) you will need the helicopters from DLC to lift and transport it, only these can lift that kind of cargo.

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