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Laser guided artillery

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I have a question:

I have created an ai support module, which includes an m4 scorcher with laser guided bombs.

so i got myself a laser designator, spawned a tank and called a laser guided bomb from the support module. I had my crosshair aimed at the tank when I called the artillery, then used the laser designator to point about 10 meters away from the tank. I was pointing at the ground.

The shell still hit the tank. Why? I thought the guided shells were heatseaking, and laser guided followed my laser designator. this is evidently not the case. So can someone offer better documentation on how this is supposed ot work?

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Yeah, I have yet to figure this out aswell. Guided and Laser seem about the same to me. There does not seem to be a way to guide the bomb with the laser (like follow a moving target). Still hits on point where it was asked.

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I have to agree it works for aircraft but not for artillery .

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I havent played Arma3 for ages so i dont know how the support module works.

But to simulate laser guided artillery ammo, i belive you have to script this.

Because if you want a bomb to follow the laser (you/the weapon) needs to have a "lock" on a targer before you fire the weapon.

Only then will the bomb/rocket follow the lasertarget. this is how the engine work.

This is ofcource not doable with an artillery since you cant lock on to a lasertarget after you have fired.

Although, it is rather easy to script such a system.

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I think it's just the way targeting works with ArmA, if you're like on a tank and look at a house, it says like (2 Story Brick House) or something like that, and even if you look slightly away from it, your dynamic targeting is still looking at it because it's the closest thing, atleast that's how i think it works. Try doing that again with like, three or four vehicles relatively close together at an awkward angle. Or a vehicle close to a building or something like that. Actually i think i may try to do that myself!

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They recently fixed Guided Shells, and accidentally made Laser Guided shells identical. They used to work perfectly, just like you'd expect (the same way the aircraft-dropped bombs do), but the update to Guided Shells broke it.

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They recently fixed Guided Shells, and accidentally made Laser Guided shells identical. They used to work perfectly, just like you'd expect (the same way the aircraft-dropped bombs do), but the update to Guided Shells broke it.

I am not even remotely surprised by that. :D

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