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Takistani Army A3 - TKA_A3

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now with latest update to cup the other day all infantry are csat no matter whether you use alive or not. mod is broken.

Probably because in the long term this mod will be part of CUP.

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cant verify just yet.... but i noticed that this mod is porpably ALREADY part of CUP 


edit  : it seems its not  :(  

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I have found a problem with your T-55: as gunner when I zoom in the optic and then zoom out, the reticle disappears. Leaving the vehicle and mounting up again fixes it until you zoom again. Commander sight is not affected.


Really annoying because there is no way of aiming this way... I remember it happened long time ago also with a T-72 possibly from an old RHS build.

Any way of solving this?



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