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ASOR Vehicle Selector

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  On 12/6/2015 at 1:32 AM, lecks said:

vengeance1: You should be able to use the setting UnitInsigniaOption = 1;

(so the full config would be)

class ASORGS {

     Enabled = 1;

     ConfigName = MyConfig;

     class MyConfig {

          UnitInsigniaOption = 1;



It's disabled by default because we set them with script for squads.


Yes I understand and I did copy that from the sample mission.  The Insignia selection comes up until it populates all fields then disappears??  Maybe its a Addon problem I'll do more testing.



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  On 12/6/2015 at 1:46 AM, lecks said:

I can't seem to reproduce this. The only reason it should not show up is if there's nothing available to select. By default, uniforms are side-specific (UniformSideRestriction = 0; to disable).. I don't suppose you're ending up on a strange side like ENEMY (all uniforms will be east,west,guer or civ afaik) ?

 duh!  That makes sense as i was testing a mission as civilian  :lol:


Sorry about that.

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hey i'm utilizing your preview of asor mod, however i can not get anything to spawn onto the carrier (nimitz) this is what i have in spawner (this addAction ["Call Helo", {[["helicopters"], [], "hspawn", 18, 5, "hpad"] spawn ASORVS_fnc_Open;}]; )  if you help me out, i saw that the vehicle base is what i should be looking at but not sure how i should label it to be for carrier deck (17.6).  Any assistance would be awesome.

Edit: disregard it works like it should i goofed and had marker named wrong, though it doesn't seem to be clearing out vehicles that are there.  I spawn one helo, wait a idk 15-30seconds, and spawn another and instead of clearing previous it just spawns inside the other and well you can guess what happens.  (this could be b/c when testing marker was inside rearm/repair script area) Otherwise works fine good job.

Edit2:  After further invesigation and moving spawn point outside of rearm/repair zone, ya seems i've goofed somewhere as it won't clear out vehicles from spawn zone :/ (this addAction ["Call Helo", {[["helicopters"], [], "hspawn2", 17.6, 10, "hpad2", 17.6] spawn ASORVS_fnc_Open;}];)

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@ironhawx: You're right.. i did screw it up. I got it working on a ship (LHD) first, then moved it to land to fix there and didn't test on the boat again.


Since I can't work out how to reliably get a position to both delete and spawn a vehicle on a ship, I've changed it so it spawns an arrow first (locally), then deletes everything near the arrow, then spawns the vehicle and deletes the arrow.


My hard drive died the other day so I don't have access to the source until I setup GitHub again, but here's the fixed PBOs:


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@Lecks sorry if I missed it on this thread but can I limited the number of spawn vehicles from a location,  Can I just set a number limit for a class of vehicle at a set time or a hard number for the mission. I love the script but just want to limit the number of vehicles spawned at a given time period during a mission. Having ten tanks or 6 birds in the air is over kill for most missions lol.

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AVIBIRD: There's no way to limit the vehicles built in, sorry.


The only way I can think of doing it is to edit the blacklist during the game (it would have to be the side specific one, ie ASORVS_Blacklist_EAST at runtime).


When we want to have a limited number of vehicles we usually just place them on the map (it looks cooler that way too).

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Lecks wanted to say awesome job, thanks for the quick help w/ the new pbos everything works flawlessly now.

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Hey lecks once again want to first say great mod really helpful.  Was wondering if there would be a way to add a way to drop the cargo from a vehicle like a paradrop ammo crate.  I found this https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/159265-simple-ammo-crate-drop-script/but problem is has to put stuff into an init field, didn't know if there was a way to maybe just implement this script into your mod so we can spawn a chopper or a c130 and be able to do supply drops.  I have no clue if this is possible or super difficult to do as my knowledge is limited to what one can do w/ mods/scripts for arma 3.  So if its to much completely understand, just designing a cpl missions and w/ fsf sac ventral not working, needed a way to resupply the ground troops since they can't bring along their back packs.

So basically what i'm asking is can you add function to where choppers/planes can para drop supplies, and if able utilize your itemized cargo selction that currently works w/ the vehicles cargos so easy to customize the ammo box's contents quickly and easily depending on mission needs.  If you can make this happen you will have my eternal gratitude :P , either way you are awesome.  thanks again for awesome mod.

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@ironhawx: Glad you enjoy the mod. Unfortunately there's nothing built in to do para drops, and I can't think of how I could fit it in. Here's a few options you might be able to use:


1. If you have dedicated pilots, you can set up a vehicle selector to spawn only weapon crates, and they can use normal sling loading (obviously not really the same as paradrop, but it looks cool and gives the pilots something to do).


2. You can add an init script to call that one you linked for vehicles spawned from a specific vehicle selector. You would do it like this (sorry, it's confusing code.. an add action for the vehicle inside an addaction for the :

this addAction ["Paradrop Vehicle Pad",{ 
      [['helicopters', 'planes'], [], "helipad_marker_name",1000,5,nil,nil,{ 
           _veh = _this select 0; 
           _veh addAction ["<t color='#0000f6'>Ammo Drop</t>", "aw_drop.sqf",[1],0,false,true,""," driver _target == _this"];
      }] spawn ASORVS_fnc_Open;

You can put any 'init script' in where that inner _veh addAction is. This won't let you choose what gear is in the drop (I assume that's in the script).


3. If you use the ASOR gear selector, feel free to use our script. You can call it from a trigger (with execvm unless you want to add the function) or in a paradrop script or whatever.


It will reload your gear that you last got from the Gear Selector when you hit the ground (or shortly after). If you're already on the ground it'll do it straight away.


4. The last vehicle to be spawned will be called ASORVS_SpawnedVehicle if you can use that somehow.

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i cant get the asor vehicle spawner to spawn in cars, tanks and boats idk what i am doing wrong could you help me :)



this addAction ["Spawn Cars" ,{[["Cars"], [], "carspawn"] execvm "ASORVS\open.sqf";}]; 




this addAction ["Spawn Tanks" ,{[["Tanks"], [], "tanksspawn"] execvm "ASORVS\open.sqf";}]; 




this addAction ["Spawn Boats" ,{[["Boats"], [], "BoatSpawn"] execvm "ASORVS\open.sqf";}]; 



if you could send me and fix on this it would be soo great 


THX IN ADVANCE :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

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Are you using the newest PBO version? If so, you need to use

this addAction ["Spawn Cars" ,{[["cars"], [], "carspawn"] spawn ASORVS_fnc_Open;}]; 


I think cars, boats, tanks may be case sensitive (needs to be lowercase) too because it uses https://community.bi...io.com/wiki/in 


That's the only thing I can think of off hand. If that doesn't help, what is happening when you choose the action? Any log errors?

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Anyone else having issues spawning vanilla cars?  my code = this addAction ["Spawn Vehicles", {[["autonomous","cars","tanks","helicopters"], [], "CARSPAWNER"] spawn ASORVS_fnc_Open;}];"



It spawn modded vehicles just fine, and vanilla tanks, helis, but for the cars its a no go  :(


basically i see the script place the arrow for where the car will show for a split second and then no car spawns...

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jcae2698: by default, only vehicles from your side will show up. I think the cars you're talking about are civilian. You can add SideRestriction = 0; to your config to change this. (or ASORVS_SideRestriction = false; in the debug console to test).

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  On 3/10/2016 at 2:39 AM, lecks said:

jcae2698: by default, only vehicles from your side will show up. I think the cars you're talking about are civilian. You can add SideRestriction = 0; to your config to change this. (or ASORVS_SideRestriction = false; in the debug console to test).


I was trying this as BLUFOR but i'll give this a go and let you know.  Appreciate the reply.

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thanks good script. I use script version.

how can I do use BIS_fnc_mp.

I try this one. but not work.

please help. 


[[sign_1,["<t color=#1a86ff'>Spawn cars</t>","ASORVS\open.sqf",[["cars], [], "marker"]]],"addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

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buzzrock: If it's a sign that's there from the start of the mission, you don't need to BIS_fnc_MP, just put it in the object init (which runs everywhere).


I think this is how you would do the BIS_fnc_MP (which might be necessary if you're manually spawning the sign in):

[[sign_1,["<t color=#1a86ff'>Spawn cars</t>","[['cars], [], 'marker'] execvm 'ASORVS\open.sqf'"]],"addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

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  On 3/15/2016 at 12:40 AM, lecks said:

buzzrock: If it's a sign that's there from the start of the mission, you don't need to BIS_fnc_MP, just put it in the object init (which runs everywhere).

I think this is how you would do the BIS_fnc_MP (which might be necessary if you're manually spawning the sign in):

[[sign_1,["<t color=#1a86ff'>Spawn cars</t>","[['cars], [], 'marker'] execvm 'ASORVS\open.sqf'"]],"addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

Thank you reply.Yes I know that.

I wanna use this vehicle spawner middle of mission.

Sign_1 is object name. It is spawn middle of mission too. From my compotision script.

Then I try to use bis_fnc_mp but I couldn't.

So l need help.

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@buzzrock: Did you try using the one I modified?:

[[sign_1,["<t color=#1a86ff'>Spawn cars</t>","[['cars], [], 'marker'] execvm 'ASORVS\open.sqf'"]],"addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;


Note that I think BIS_fnc_MP is deprecated, so it might be best to configure it with remoteExec (but I think that would need a function defined in CfgFunctions, not just an sqf path). https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_MP

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  On 3/15/2016 at 1:21 AM, lecks said:

@buzzrock: Did you try using the one I modified?:

[[sign_1,["<t color=#1a86ff'>Spawn cars</t>","[['cars], [], 'marker'] execvm 'ASORVS\open.sqf'"]],"addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;


oh ! sorry. I did not notice that you modified.

that work well !!

thank you so much your help.

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heya there guys,


can anybody help my try to fix this elevated spawn for my helicopters ? cause i cannot seem to get it working: the code in the init line is :

this addAction ["Spawn Helicopters", {[["helicopters"], [], "bamspawn", 67] execvm "ASORVS\open.sqf";}]; removeAllWeapons bamspawner;

and the spawn height should be 67


any idea's why this is not working guys?

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hey Lecks,


i am trying to spawn the helicopters on the helo deck of the bam destroyer from the FFAA pack but i will try it with your comments there ... the location of the height was correct ?

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@schuurmanst: Are you using the mod version or the older script version? I don't think the script version had a working height feature. It is in the correct spot for the mod version.


Note that there's not much difference between a script/mod.. It could be converted back to a script quite easily by exporting/defining the RscControls. I think all the changes would just have to be in menu.hpp, changing all the RscText to something like ASORVS_RscText like the old script has, #including the define like the old script does, and #including the config.cpp from your description.ext), but I don't have time at the moment.. we only use it as a mod. Feel free to convert it back yourself.


The changes to the spawning will be in fn_CreateVehicle.sqf, which now creates a dummy arrow to test for nearby vehicles, deletes them, then spawns the vehicle using fn_CreateVehicleFromArray.sqf (the array contains all the new properties in the mod version like 'parts', gear, and paint/variants).

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hey lecks yeah i was using the script version but i will try the mod version now then ;) cheers for the responses m8


dumbquestion though perhaps ..


where is the download of the mod and not the script ? xD

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