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silvador special price for modders?

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i'm wondering if there is a a special (low) price for the silvador for arma 3

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i'm wondering if there is a a special (low) price for the silvador for arma 3

It is not being sold seperately.

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??? really? maybe the lite version

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??? really? maybe the lite version

I think you may have missed:

It is not being sold seperately.

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You can't really strip Silvador down to a 'lite' version anyway. Most of the features I've seen on the YT videos are pretty much needed to generate the different LODs and get the quality some of the BI vegetation has.

Would love to have it though, won't deny that. Vegetation is a pain to do manually and most Arma trees imo look a lot better than what passes in other games as 'trees'.

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I think you may have missed:

i download a lite evalutation version, few weeks ago directly from Bohemia site and works separately

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I would buy it if it was sold as standalone.

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i download a lite evalutation version, few weeks ago directly from Bohemia site and works separately

I didn't say it didn't work seperately, but when a BI Dev tells you there are no plans for the tool to release separately, I'm fairly sure that would include any 'lite' (non-evaluation) versions. While I can't speak for BI, I can surmise that if that were not the case, Smookie's reply would have read:

"It is not being sold separately. However we plan to release a 'Lite' version as a standalone project, sold separately"

As that is not what was said, I think we can surmise my above statement to be the outcome.

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My reply does not come from the fact i am BI Dev (remember silvador is sold by BISim, not BIS - different company) but from the fact I (my vbs stuff company) was interested in buying it myself and received this answer from first-hand source.

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