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Wind Turbine animations

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Hi guys, I need some help.

Can the animated state of the wind turbines be altered at all?

I'm trying to stop the wind turbines from spinning, and failing. Has anyone achieved this?

I thought this might work but no joy - place game logic called Logic1 next to a wind turbine with this in the init:

(1462225 is ID of turbine)

(position Logic1 nearestObject 1462225) enableSimulation false;

Any help will be massively appreciated!

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Interested in this, too. You can try using animate (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/animate).

Ah, but that would be too easy. Tried that and no luck. I've been beating my head against a wall, trying any command i can think of on the biki that might work. I'm stumped. :icon_frown:

I'll post back if I find out how to do it, but TBH, I'm almost out of ideas.

Maybe some value, hidden in some config file somewhere, can be changed? There are 3 animations on the turbine, the main rotor, the wind speed sensor on top and the gentle rotation of the turbine head. The values for these must be able to be called and changed somehow...? Surely.

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You could always hide the wind turbine and create its exact replica with its simulation disabled? The nearestObject approach should work however - try using it with the turbine's classname as opposed to the ID number. Good luck!

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