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Arma 3 Medical Items

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Im working on a new vanilla style version of the medical system deployed with Arma 3.

Does anyone know the answer to the following questions?

1. Are the Medical Item (such as the "First Aid Kit" and "Medical kit") actions hard-coded into the game like switching weapons or are they triggered upon event handlers firing?

2. Are the Medical Item user actions free to be changed/blocked so that I can create my own?

I have asked for documentation about the medical system and how the background computations work but I do not think this will get published



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As the first ID returned by addAction is 0, I assume that default actions like switch weapon or medical support are at least not added using SQF.

As for documentation, a while back I was also requesting a documentation for the AI path finding and specific network implementations like the networking behind "publicVariable". But you're not gonna get anything deeper than SQF. The actual source code (C++) may only be seen by BI developers.

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I asked the devs and they refered me to the scripting wiki which leads me to belive that it is scripted into the game. I have a look through the extracted A3 .pbo's and I tried to looking at the default respawn scripts to see if the action is added in there. No luck!

If anyone reads this and knows the answer please let me know.

Thanks for the help Johnny, guess I'll have to keep looking



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I believe the action is added locally (then broadcast) by the engine itself upon unit creation using some code not unlike:

_newUnit addAction ["Heal Self",
//play animation
//waitUntil animation finished
(_this select 0) setDamage 0.8;
}, [], 6, false, true, "", "damage _target < 0.8"];

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I believe the action is added locally (then broadcast) by the engine itself upon unit creation using some code not unlike:

_newUnit addAction ["Heal Self",
//play animation
//waitUntil animation finished
(_this select 0) setDamage 0.8;
}, [], 6, false, true, "", "damage _target < 0.8"];

Do you now in what script file this is found? I have been looking ages for this!



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BUMP** - have waited 48 hours

Still have this problem. Really need help from dev or community member in clarifying this issue



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