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How To disable thermal monitors in Vehicles?

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I would like to disable the thermal monitors in vehicles. You can disable the the thermal sight easily with disableTIEquipment but the monitors are still showing the thermal image.

Best regards


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Actually; I would like to work out how to do the opposite to you; so that must mean I have the answer to your question in this mission file somewhere. I don't know where, but I'm going to scrounge around for you and see what I can dig up.

Found this. I'm guessing TI is thermal imaging;

if !(_class isKindOf "AllVehicles") exitWith {}; // goodbye everything that isnt a vehicle

_vehicle disableTIEquipment true; // This is the line you want to put into places and things

I assume you could apply the disableTIEquipment paramenter wherever you want depending on how you want it applied. Single vehicles, or like this - in a script that checks all the vehicles.

>Excerpt of script modified for clarity from A3Wasteland files with thanks to AgentRev (Original Author)

Edited by Serion

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You can change the PiP screens in vehicles. For example, run this while in Ifrit's gunner seat: ["rendertarget2",[getpos vehicle player, player],vehicle player,true] call BIS_fnc_PIP;

Gives an error but cripples the screen. I haven't looked at the code in the function and don't really know enough about these things, but I guess in theory it can be done.

The disableTIEquipment should definitely affect PiP also though, I hope BIS fixes it.

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There is no way to "completely" remove the Thermal Imaging from the vehicles since some have the PiP screen with a Thermal readout,

You can only get rid of that by "crippling it" and throwing errors like Greenfist has said.

Until BIS decides

remove_veh_ti = {

// remove vehicle thermal imaging

private "_veh";

_veh = _this select 0;

_veh disableTIEquipment true;

should have an effect on those screens.. We wait.

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The function I mentioned gave errors for me, but you could do the same properly manually. (or figure out how to get the function working)

Create a camera, attach it to the vehicle (maybe there's a suitable turret memorypoint for that), setPipEffect, render to texture and all that which I don't know enough about to help you more.

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Thanks for all the help. I think I will wait until BIS will (hopefully) fix that problem.

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