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About serion

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  1. serion

    WIll they ever optimize it?

    Put this on a shirt and sell it dude.
  2. Multiple clients using the same steam account? Do they all have different profiles?
  3. serion

    aircraft Carrier Vs Physics

    May I ask - because I intend to do something very similar to you; I intend to create a sea runway model, position it out to sea and use that along with land piers to create a sort of manmade island without having to edit the terrain / create a new map. Your deck, is the tarmac top of it completely and 100% flat? Do they explode without any moving or is it when you try and get in and 'drive / fly / takeoff' they explode? Does the carrier itself move or is it intended to be static?
  4. In your description.ext add the following class if it's not there already. The soundfile to use must be a .ogg, use audacity to convert. put it in the root of your mission folder. As far as I know there isn't a hook that's called each and every time the diary is opened, (unless it does literally '[] execVM "briefing.sqf";' every time it's opened). I reckon you could use addAction to add a scroll wheel menu with 'Mission Briefing' or 'SitRep'. You can have addAction open the diary and execute the sound file. Then you'd probs need to add a check loop to stop the file if the diary window was closed or it would keep playing... Or just have the sound play as the player first joins... (EASY MODE) Go into init.sqf and find where the player spawns. Maybe yours looks something like; Add In them brackets. Sound will load every time player first spawns into server. If you use this method and have regular returning players; I advise you keep the audio short and try and make it humerus. Better still change it once a week if you can. You can use this method to add intro music instead of the mission briefing. At the moment we have the top gun 'Danger Zone' theme playing. ;)
  5. Actually; I would like to work out how to do the opposite to you; so that must mean I have the answer to your question in this mission file somewhere. I don't know where, but I'm going to scrounge around for you and see what I can dig up. Found this. I'm guessing TI is thermal imaging; if !(_class isKindOf "AllVehicles") exitWith {}; // goodbye everything that isnt a vehicle if !(_vehicle isKindOf "CLASSES_OF_VEHICLES_YOU_WANT_THERMAL_IMAGING_ON") then { _vehicle disableTIEquipment true; // This is the line you want to put into places and things }; I assume you could apply the disableTIEquipment paramenter wherever you want depending on how you want it applied. Single vehicles, or like this - in a script that checks all the vehicles. >Excerpt of script modified for clarity from A3Wasteland files with thanks to AgentRev (Original Author)