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CfgSounds for Sound Files In AddOn

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So I was looking at all of the human character sfx and stumbled upon this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178691-Looking-to-team-up-to-create-a-death-scream-mod&p=2727271&viewfull=1#post2727271

I'd like to add the sounds that are in that directory to my mission, but dont want to quadruple the mission file size, since all the players already have the files in their vanilla PBOs. How do I add the sounds from the addon?

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Something like this: "A3\sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\POx" (x being from 1 to 6)

You'll have to look in the pbos for the exact path or you could probably just grab the filepaths from config.

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Something like this: "A3\sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\POx" (x being from 1 to 6)

You'll have to look in the pbos for the exact path or you could probably just grab the filepaths from config.

I dePBO'd the whole file so I have the exact paths, but good to know it starts with A3\. Thanks!

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I think he is pointing you in the direction of the CfgViewer, where you can easily just look for "CfgSound" and then go to the drop down, and get the file path of the sounds you want :D.

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That file directory doesnt work, no errors. When I move the file into the mission folder it works fine. Any ideas?


Its not in the config :(

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If it's from an addon, I think you can find all of the related configs in CfgPatches, but not sure as I've never used addons

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The AddOn is activated and has Cfg entries, but the sounds I'm interested in don't have any. :(

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If you are going to use some custom soundfiles open the

Here is an example of a "Soundfiles AddOn" I created for someone who requested this for his server:


Of course You will have to remove/replace the logo with your own!

If You want to use sound files that are already in the games source files, ignore my post.

Greez KiloSwiss

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If you are going to use some custom soundfiles open the

Here is an example of a "Soundfiles AddOn" I created for someone who requested this for his server:


Of course You will have to remove/replace the logo with your own!

If You want to use sound files that are already in the games source files, ignore my post.

Greez KiloSwiss

Just to be clear, I'd like to use the .WSS sound files located in an ARMA3 official addon file, without having to include them in my mission file. :)

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