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Functionality and gameplay suggestions (possible to implement)

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This thread is dedicated to functionality and gameplay suggestions for A3 or its future installments. Provide code to your suggestion, if possible or you've already made an addon of it.

  • CTRL+F search function for maps to enter names of locations of interest, GRID or other pos (ie, Ghost Hotel -> enter -> camera centers on Ghost Hotel).
    All locs and else are defined in CfgWorld config by the addon author.

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Some functionalities of ArmA 2 would be nice, like the healing (Handle Heal) for example. Or the medic modules of ArmA 2.

Besides that, something like a "Low Command" would be nice too.

Giving you the possibility to handle teams ("Red", "Green", etc) like a single unit.

Giving them a different formation, let them stay in "formation" for example with commands like "advance", "stay back", "flank left/right".

Atleast I am not able to do this at the moment.

Lets say, you want your first 4 units (2-5) be Team Red, flank left and advance twice, and the next 4 (6 - 9) Team Green flank right and advance once. 10, perhaps a medic, with you.

You want to start your attack, but what do you see?

Well, Team Red is pretty well aligned, they are still close together. But the latter units are already at distances > ~30m.

Your Medic won't close up, he stays where he would also stay if the rest of the team would keep the formation.

Only solution would be to give every team a move command so they will have their own formation leader and everything is solved - but then you have to order every 10m to move on.

In the end, from what I noticed, the team does not really have a function yet, it only makes your calls shorter (team red is shorter then two, three, four, five, seven, eight, nine). Thats it.

Imagine the team would have its own formationLeader that could stay relative to your position/formationDirection.

something like:

_handle = _x getVariable ["ASS_RelMovement", -1];
if (_handle >= 0) then {
	terminate _handle;

_handle = _x spawn {
	_unit = _this;
	_leader = leader _unit;
	_posLeader = position _leader;
	_posUnit = getPos _unit;
	_delta = [(_posUnit select 0) - (_posLeader select 0), (_posUnit select 1) - (_posLeader select 1)];
	_formDir = formationDirection _leader;
	while {true} do {
		_deltaDir = _formDir + formationDirection _leader;
		_xP = ((cos _deltaDir) * (_delta select 0)) + ((sin _deltaDir) * (_delta select 1));
		_yP = ((cos _deltaDir) * (_delta select 1)) - ((sin _deltaDir) * (_delta select 0));
		_posLeader = getPos _leader;
		_newPos = [(_posLeader select 0) + _xP, (_posLeader select 1) + _yP];
		if (((position _unit) distance _newPos) > 3) then {
			_unit doMove _newPos;
			_unit limitSpeed (speed _leader);
		sleep 3;
_x setVariable ["ASS_RelMovement", _handle];
} foreach _this;

make units move somewhere. Then selected the units you want to keep in that formation, and call (groupSelectedUnits player) call compile preprocessFile "relativeMovement.sqf";

now they will move relative to you, and rotate relative to the formation direction.

Errors: they will call every now and than "ready";

giving new orders results in problems, you'd have to terminate the procedures first. There is no EventHandler I know about, where I could terminate it automatically

Long story short - does anybody know what formationExcluded contains? I guess it's something hardcoded perhaps?

Missed the topic...

Edited by SnowSky
Missed the topic -.-

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Improved scripting documentation

Lack of even basic documentation for 100s of commands makes mission/mod makers' jobs way harder than it should be. IMO no command should even be put on the wiki without documentation written by Bohemia.

Improved AI squad control

Controlling squad members using the number keys is totally awful, sorry. I have enough trouble remembering my own PIN, let alone trying to quickly remember what the arbitrary number combination is to make my squad hit the dirt or hold fire. UI/UX in general is one of Arma's weakest points.

Dismemberment & improved gore / reactions to damage / medical system

Arma does a great job with strategic large scale combat, but it's never captured the actual "horror of war". Ragdoll is a good start, but to actually be able to see horrific wounds, screams of pain, shrapnel wounds, etc would bring a lot to the game I think. We don't need simulated trench foot, but we do need a better medical system than the current "click the heal button".

Ambient civilian module + ambient animal module + ambient combat module

Altis is an incredible terrain, but it's completely devoid of life and activity unless you script it in yourself.

Some kind of server-side database system

The community has made some really admirable solutions for this, but an official, easy to integrate database system for persistent missions would be great.


I may be alone in this, and it might be a silly suggestion, but to be able to create dialogs and controls using CSS & HTML rather than the current sketchy GUI editor would be fantastic.

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Improved AI squad control

Controlling squad members using the number keys is totally awful, sorry. I have enough trouble remembering my own PIN, let alone trying to quickly remember what the arbitrary number combination is to make my squad hit the dirt or hold fire. UI/UX in general is one of Arma's weakest points.

I have zero problem with remembering commands to have my AI soldiers perform commands.

Go prone = ` + 7 + 8

Hold fire = ` + 3 + 2

These are commands that have not changed since OPF. However as you mentioned you have difficulty remembering 4 numbers....

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The ability to rotate your compass while on the map, in order to use proper map reading on harder difficulties.

A "marching" speed somewhere between the slow walk and slow run we have now. Much like walking without a weapon is now, except with your weapon in your hands and not in a backpack.

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I have played a lot of KOTH/BP, and each has like a dozen servers, and I can't always remember which I joined. There's absolutely NO WAY to tell once you're in the lobby or game. This is just a ridiculous oversight.

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