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Where to report servers profiting with donation system?

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Hi, I'd like to know where the community of ArmA3 can report to Bohemia the servers wich are using a donation system (pay to have access to official contents of Bohemia and mods imported with official tools). I've tried to report to Matt but he doesn't answer. Is there something Bohemia can do about these illegal servers making money with people who have already paid for the game?

The information (legal rules) of those servers creators is not well known so they imagine they can do whatever they want just because a lot of popular servers are using the "donation system" with an access to the "donator shop".

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As I said, I did report to Matt but he doesn't answer, so I don't know if it is well received.

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I apologize for the obvious necro of this thread (and the fact I am asking about A2 here), but new accounts apparently cannot start new thread, and I couldn't find a more appropriate/newer thread to post in.


I was under the impression that monetizing and donations with perks/loadouts was not allowed at all in Arma 2 (per the monetization FAQ). The server I play on has massive perks available for donators, and apparently (they claim) the perks/loadouts are approved by BI.


I would have reported to Matt (per this post: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/171108-people-profiting-from-donation-servers-with-ingame-rewards/?p=2672083)....howeverhe seems to no longer be active (not logged in since June 15).


Could someone clarify? Is Bohemia allowing some servers/groups to monetize + allow donator perks?


I have no desire to publicly name & shame, but willing to PM a mod/someone from BI with that info. Or if someone in the community could direct me where to report/or to a BI mod rep who is active. Again this is for Arma 2, so there is no clear 'report server' button that I could find.

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apparently (they claim) the perks/loadouts are approved by BI.

I could claim to be the King of Scotland, but that doesn't make it true. Unless the perks they offer are anything but cosmetic, they're breaking the rules and should be reported via the proper channels.

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Thanks for the reply & link Jackal, I apparently missed that thread with my poor search abilities.

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