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Great Work so far!!!

Have waited it since i have seen the taru the first time!

Very much fun 2 play this!

But we have still found a problem:

Attach a inf transport pod

Land somewhere

Get out of chopper

Let infantry go in pod

When you get in as pilot the helicopter jumps up and makes a roll

Result: All crashed and dead...

Plz fix

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StiwiWonder :

Thx for your message, i'm happy you love the mod ;).

At this time i tried to reproduce the bug but i can't...

Could you provide more information ? You play in vanilla ? CBA, AGM ?

I tested in vanilla with the following procedure:

Spawn a taru and a bench pod.

Fly to the pod, Sling load and attach it.

Land somewhere and get out of chopper.

Let infantry go in pod an i return as a pilot and...nothing, no bug no jump and roll...

I tried with the covered pod too...

Need the mods you use and if possible a vid of the bug would be nice :).

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Thanks for publishing the update on Armaholic :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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As my Predecessor said :

1.4 :

-Removed : Dependency to CBA, initialisaion of the mod moved to .fsm.

-Added : Shortcut with configuration in CBA "Configure addons" menu in options.

-Added : Integration with AGM who add a menu in self action. Shortcut in AGM Options.

-Added : Deactivation of CBA shortcut if AGM detected.

-Added : Message feedback in vehicle chat when Attach, Detach, Drop Pod with or without parachute.

-Added : Sound feedback.

Thx FoxHound and kecharles28

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Awesome, AGM Integration is just what I was wondering about! :D

I got the same bug as StiwiWonder in the latest 1.4 version, I tried with Taru Cargo Pod. Will do more testing. :)

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Thx Jonpas :).

You have the same bug with the taru and a cargo pod ? By cargo i mean the covered one...If any of you could do a vid (or explicit screens...)it will be great cause it seems i can't reproduce it :s...

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I did some more testing, the helicopter only jumps after:

- You have a pod attached (any pod)

- You land and turn the engine Off

- Wait for the helicopter's rotors to stop spinning (important!)

- Get back into the Pilot's seat

- Jump to death

If the rotors are spinning faster you jump lower, if they are spinning faster you jump higher. Tested with Advanced Flight Model, it seems like it wants to ascend really fast, could be something with the weight.

Try it on Advanced Flight Model.

I also managed to find another "bug", when you have the pod attached you can "Unhook" it and then you can't detach it anymore until you "Hook" it again (Unhook and Hook as displayed in scroll-wheel action menu), but when you "Hook" it again the ropes just hang off, but it's still all functional.

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I wouldn't mind if you put the mod up on Steam, by the way. This way I'll have an easier time with updating it (that means, I don't have to do anything for it to be on the latest version). :>

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So will this new update work with anything that has defined classes referencing the default stuff? I didn't get you my new class names for CMP Tarus in time for the new update (I literally get home today! xD) and that's something we wanted to do.

I'll just test when I get home.

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TheEvanCat : Nope its the good (bad) old method with classname list...And i think i will update this to be Dynamically read from parent classname...

Another update incoming when I would have fixed the Jonpas and Lex bug...So dont panic if all goes well i you will not need to give me your classname ;).

Jonpas : I will check this cause normally its already the case ...

Edited by NorX_Aengell

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Also, when AGM is enabled, there are still scroll-wheel options there, kinda doesn't make sense.

The easiest way to do this is to enter the following line BEFORE you do "addAction":

if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "agm_core")) exitWith {};

Or you can do it AROUND "addAction":

if (!isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "agm_core")) then {
 // addAction here

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StiwiWonder or Jonpas, i think I have found a sort of Workaround for the helicopter bumping to hell with the AFM (and my fuc**** god that was hard, thx bis for this...) and I want a user of the AFM to test it and say me if it's really fix his bug before I release the next version...Would you mind to test it ? You or another user having issue with the AFM...

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New update :

1.4.1 :

- Fixed : Issue with the Advanced Flight Model who cause the Taru bump to Hell when you get out and get in with a pod attached.

- Changed : The way the Taru and pod are recognised, now with classname parent. (should improved compatibility with other mod with Taru...)

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Thanks for publishing the update on Armaholic :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Heya NorX_Aengell, I propose an enhancement that could be made, but I am not entirely sure if it would be an enhancement at all.

Currently you always check if the Pod is attached using "attachedObjects > 0". I believe this might clash with other mods/scripts that attach objects to vehicles. How I've done this in one of the mods in our community is by using setVariable on the helicopter and saving the object that the script attaches directly into the variable. Here is an extract from my script:

// Create and Attach the object to the helicopter
_object = "Land_FMradio_F" createVehicle position _heli;
_object attachTo [_heli, [0, 0, 0]];

// Set Variable for menu conditions
_heli setVariable ["TAG_objectAttached", _object, true];[u][b]

// Get object (from Variable value)
_object = _heli getVariable "TAG_objectAttached"
// If radio is not playing already, then exit (for 'Killed' EH)
if (isNil{_object}) exitWith {};
// Remove Variable (by setting 'nil' value on setVariable)
_heli setVariable ["TAG_objectAttached", nil, true];

Hope it helps, cheers!

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This looks like a great mod. Unfortunately I cant get it to work. :(

This is to be installed both client and server side right?

There is no need for CBA?

It seems to not be working because i never get a menu action of Attach or Detach when i have lifted a pod.

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The mod seems to be having some troubles with the latest dev-branch update. I am getting script errors when lifting something for the first time. It's fixed with attaching / detaching the pod at least once. Also I've get damaged rotors again, which seems to be unrelated to the hotfix... or not, actually I've got no idea right now. Will check it out again a bit more at a later time.

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