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Scripting the "Hook" waypoint without the game crashing?

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Am I using the "Hook" waypoint correctly? As doing the following steps results in the game crashing:

1. Name a Hunter "car".

2. Name a Huron "heli".

3. Place the following into your debug console and press local execute:

[] spawn {
_wpxx = (group heli) addWaypoint [getpos car , 0];     
[(group heli), 0] setWaypointCombatMode "red";     
_wpxx setWaypointType "HOOK";        
_wpxx setWaypointSpeed "FULL";       
_wpxx setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE";       
_wpxx setWaypointFormation "LINE"; 

4. Drive the car a few meters from its position when you pressed execute.

If car remains still while the Heli is trying to pick it up Arma does not crash, however if it moves a small distance it crashes 100% of the time. I don't think its a game bug as attaching the "Lift Cargo" (Life Cargo == Hook) waypoint in the editor to any vehicle that your are driving around does not crash the game.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Game crashes are never part of the normal operation. Please report your findings on the Feedback Tracker. (You can find a quick-link to it on the main-menu in the game in the box on the upper-right corner)

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Am I using the "Hook" waypoint correctly? As doing the following steps results in the game crashing:

1. Name a Hunter "car".

2. Name a Huron "heli".

3. Place the following into your debug console and press local execute:

[] spawn {
_wpxx = (group heli) addWaypoint [getpos car , 0];     
[color="#008000"][(group heli), 0] setWaypointCombatMode "red"; [/color]    
[color="#B22222"] _wpxx setWaypointType "HOOK";        
_wpxx setWaypointSpeed "FULL";       
_wpxx setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE";       
_wpxx setWaypointFormation "LINE"; [/color]

4. Drive the car a few meters from its position when you pressed execute.

If car remains still while the Heli is trying to pick it up Arma does not crash, however if it moves a small distance it crashes 100% of the time. I don't think its a game bug as attaching the "Lift Cargo" (Life Cargo == Hook) waypoint in the editor to any vehicle that your are driving around does not crash the game.

Any help would be appreciated.

Can freeze your interface or crash the game when executing code with errors in debug console. If it is just an undefined variable it will throw an error. If its a general expression error it can crash your session.

Off the top of my head, it looks like incorrect syntax with the waypoint commands. The first parameter is supposed to be an array. Green illustrates good syntax, red illustrates there may be an issue.

I don't know about this driving around after you've executed the code, it should crash as soon as you press Local Execute, if there is an issue.

In any case, try turning the first parameter into an array, as you have done with setWaypointCombatMode.

Also I have not yet seen any documentation supporting "HOOK" as a valid waypoint type. Can you please link me to information about the "HOOK" waypoint type.

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from the wiki on setwaypointtype check the note from Jacmac - it is suggested to use the _wpxx instead of [group heli,0]

[] spawn {
_wpxx = (group heli) addWaypoint [getpos car , 0];     
_wpxx setWaypointCombatMode "red";     
_wpxx setWaypointType "HOOK";        
_wpxx setWaypointSpeed "FULL";       
_wpxx setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE";       
_wpxx setWaypointFormation "LINE"; 

EDIT: After testing in VR

Confirmed as explained in OP, if the vehicle is moved crashes the game.

In my example I was driving the vehicle and then press esc and execute.

EDIT2: tested with AI driving with single waypoint on Car, same result

Edited by KevsnoTrev

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Looks like you may have stumbled across a bug, perhaps try to simulate it a few more times for reliable reproduction, then as DE says search feedback tracker for similar issue. If none exists then create another issue for Devs to see.

Here is another resource to check out.


It is already known that if a vehicle being airlifted is deleted, a CTD will result. Seems like this is similar. Something to do with waypoints attached to vehicles, if the vehicle is deleted, the waypoint should go to nullPos (or better yet be deleted), but it doesn't yet with the "LIFT CARGO" waypoint type. Every 1-2 seconds the attached waypoint updates the position of the 'car', but if car is null object bad things happen. :)

Good finding OP.

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