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D. Patterson

Run Script On KeyPress?

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As soon as a player gets in a boat, I want to enable a hotkey to run a script. As soon as the player leaves the boat, it runs the script again (Without them having to hit the hotkey). displaySetEventHandler makes no sense to me and I cant even get it to work with simple hint scripts and no conditions. Google doesn't produce any helpful answers either. I'd like to avoid triggers or waitUntils if possible.

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Display event handlers are fun. Really fun, even. In this case, it would be much easier to just use an addAction, though. Check this out:

[] spawn
while {true} do
	waitUntil {(typeOf(vehicle(player))) == "BOAT_CLASSNAME"};
	_hotKey = player addAction ["",
		0 = [] execVM "myScript.sqf";
	}, 6, [], false, true, "User20", "(typeOf(vehicle(player))) == 'BOAT_CLASSNAME'"];
	waitUntil {(vehicle(player)) == player};
	player removeAction _hotkey;
	0 = [] execVM "myScript.sqf";

All you have to do is replace BOAT_CLASSNAME with the boat classname (duh), and set a key for User Action 20 in your keybindings. Anytime a player hits that key, the script will run.

---------- Post added at 20:04 ---------- Previous post was at 19:51 ----------

I'd like to avoid ... waitUntils if possible.

Not sure why, but if it's really that big of an issue, there is a workaround using "GetIn" & "GetOut" event handlers.

player addEventHandler ["GetIn",
if ((_this select 1) == "driver" && {typeOf(_this select 0) == "BOAT_CLASSNAME"}) then
	_hotKey = (_this select 2) addAction ["",
		0 = [] execVM "myScript.sqf";
	}, 6, [], false, true, "User20", "(typeOf(vehicle(player))) == 'BOAT_CLASSNAME'"];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["hotKeyAction", _hotKey];
player addEventHandler ["GetOut",
if ((_this select 1) == "driver" && {typeOf(_this select 0) == "BOAT_CLASSNAME"}) then
	if !(isNil {missionNamespace getVariable "hotKeyAction"}) then
		(_this select 2) removeAction (missionNamespace getVariable "hotKeyAction");
		missionNamespace setVariable ["hotKeyAction", nil];
	0 = [] execVM "myScript.sqf";

(Since there are still a few broken things in Arma, and as I do not know the current operational state of the "GetIn" & "GetOut" event handlers, I will not be held liable for broken code/game crashes resultant from use of provided examples)

Edited by DreadedEntity

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Was probably an honest mistake. I doubt he tried what he posted because it's pseudo code and doesn't even have real class names.

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player addeventhandler ["getin/getout... Have you tried this yourself?

I'll admit that I spent way too long looking at this post and figuring out why you thought this wouldn't work. I shouldn't get on the computer when I'm drinking

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