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Point me in the right direction!

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Hi guys,

I bought ARMA III back in alpha stage, and I played it quite a bit and realized it was going to be a huge game in terms of scope, growth and community involvement. I left the game to pursue other interests but want to come back to it but the problem is the game is somewhat daunting unless I want out-of-the-box gameplay. I remember playing some cool mods and user missions and I'm sure at this stage everything is just bigger and BETTER.

What I'd like is some guidance from the community here to get me and my crew of 4 friends back into the game either at a COOP level or a PVP multiplayer level:

1/ what is the best user interface enhancement mod now?

2/ are there any other 'gotta have' mods that you recommend we get?

3/ suggestions for populated/popular servers hosting multiplayer games (Canada/USA)

4/ What are the best user made COOP missions out there now?

Much appreciated, gents!

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EGAD, this game sucks ass.

I mean, brilliant concept...love the simulation itself, and the game runs great, looks great and theoretically is the best FPS war sim out there. But poorly executed - what a clusterfuck when you try to play with friends. Spent most of the night looking for a co-op server with at least 12 people on. When we found one, no one was communicating and the mission (find weapon caches and clear enemy units) was boring as hell. We played for an hour not even finding an enemy. Other squadmates were non-compliant and unresponsive.

Same for the Sector Control servers we tried. Friendly fire wasn't discouraged, so people that got bored just started shooting the guys beside them. My two other friends playing with me were constantly freezing up and having to restart. In-game voice chat was terrible - stuttery and laggy. Had to rely on teamspeak. But then you cant cooperate with your whole team.

In the end we tried to HOST our own game and it's still as clunky as the beta. Forwarding ports and trial and error for the most part. We got one started, and the difficulty is preposterous - just as I remember in the beta. We tried coop - escape from Altis. We spawn in about 400 metres from a enemy tank unit and grenade launcher truck and were immediately mowed down. Foot patrols that we couldn't find were one-shotting us from the mountains somewhere.

Utter BS.

And thanks for the hundred+ views without comment. What else should I have expected, right? You're the same dudes I tried to get help from playing last night in-game. Unresponsive, unhelpful, and likely too bored to give a shite. Feel free to flame away now, as I don't care. It'll be to deaf ears at this point, I'm done here.

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Read your first post... was going to give some pointers. Realized you gave up after 24 hours when none of us 'unhelpful' people gave you an answer.

All of the complaints you mentioned have 'solutions' via 3rd party mods, config settings, etc. It's just not something where you can press a button and solve it.

Oh and don't expect a high-level of COOP gameplay on public servers.. it just doesn't happen for the most part (there are exceptions).

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Too good, just too good

The game sucks ass because you played on a server with awful players. Great logic.

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Hey check out my PM to you. There are some good guys here and they do help A LOT. So don't get down, I just saw your post now. Gotta give some peeps time.

We have a pub server that is for serious players only. filter JSOCOM and visit the website at JSOCOM.COM. trust me if there are idiots or tk'ers on the server with admin they are kicked and banned.

So check us out. we have several different missions to play all based on #'s and what players want to do.

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