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ARMA 3: People using arma 2 stuff?

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I noticed arma 2 ports. Are these mods causing problems or anything. Like are they fully working or anything that can cause arma 3 to have problems

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Yes they work most I've seen are complete ports and have no issues as far as I know and have tried.

Any ports you having been looking at but are not sure whether or not you should try it?

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I love porting.... I do a lot of mod porting with Arma 2 mods and even Arma 1 stuff. Now, yes it's possible it causes lag (only in that session until you reopen the game) However trust me, IT WONT BE GOOD SOMETIMES! Arma 2 mods or vanilla content will not have good textures sometimes. Like, B52 I ported in Saturday night. It had great graphics however how A3 and A2 work is it didn't port in the whole entire cockpit (1st person) Another issue is with mods I ported like F4 Phantom it will not allow you to get inside the vehicle with the error "Vehicle is Full" However mods I suggest like B2 Spirit ported into arma 3 truly is a beauty. I suggest "Legacy Of Cold War" Great mod and is fluid. Again another suggestion "F22" mod from Arma 2 is a beauty and works perfect HOWEVER like I said in some imports you get bad lag even if your computer has "amazing CPU". If your asking though on how to port. There's two ways. Easy way or the hard way. Steps below.

Easy Way Steps

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Hard way (not really hard)

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Hope this helped! :o

Also remember you can always also texture up and enhance the import (with mod maker's permission) in "Oxygen 2"

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To nip this in the bud, you may not port an addon from one game to another without the author's express permission, unless the readme says otherwise. If there is no readme, you may not port it. End of story.

Also, Tristen, that's not porting what you brought up, that's simply throwing an A2 pbo into an A3 mod folder. It might work, but it has an equal chance of breaking your game/crashing to desktop.

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Like, B52 I ported in Saturday night
would this be Gnat's B52?

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  eVCySkul378488Ve said:
I noticed arma 2 ports. Are these mods causing problems or anything. Like are they fully working or anything that can cause arma 3 to have problems

As said before this topic devolves into a flame war... most of the time in my stuff it requires some resizing, adjustment, adding proxies, etc. But as said by Gunter, it's a matter of taking the time to adjust to the new engine.

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