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Fabric/Cloth Pysics... On clothing?

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Ok, so the other day was was messing around with flags and waving them around because I liked how they react to he wind and the movement. Than I realized... What if some weigh was added to the flag like cloth, and added to clothing? Like a light dress shirt l, or maybe even a little more practical, a cape maybe? Would this be possible?

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you can have a go yourself if you don't believe me

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I've tried it back in OFP time and it looked ugly (just put the proxy flag in the back of the character model). But i created nice flagbearers. But those waving flags were lagging anyway.

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Well the fabric in Arma 3 is a ton times more fluent than back in OFP. If it won't work for cloths, maybe more cloth material could be used for other things like flaps on objects like table umbrella's, maybe the sides of the Zamak covered, making the cover actually have physics? Would that e possible?

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The flag is just animated, there's no physics to it whatsoever, and the flag simulation is restricted to class ProxyFlag objects IIRC.

BI said repeatedly they wont add GPU-dependent PhysX features like APEX Clothing. Never mind the fact that it eats FPS in every game I've ever played that has it (Mafia II, Arkham Origins etc.)

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Ok, so the other day was was messing around with flags and waving them around because I liked how they react to he wind and the movement. Than I realized... What if some weigh was added to the flag like cloth, and added to clothing? Like a light dress shirt l, or maybe even a little more practical, a cape maybe? Would this be possible?

How did you wave them around? Is there a flag model a player can pick up?

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No, flag pole in editor. If you can find a script to move around the object, wave it back and forth. Look at the flag on the pole, and notice that it moves around and reacts to the way you move it with no glitchiness what so ever. I'm almost certain it's not animated. animated objects don't react to wind direction/being moved around. An animated object would only move in it's looped animation. The flag has some sort of physics support or something.

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More news. The Helicopter DLC includes a weather cone. Guess what the weather cone is made out of? Yes. The same fabric the Flag is made out of, expect its got wrinkles in it, but it still reacts to the wind as you would expect a weather Cone to do. I watched the Weather cone and the flag, and they are both flowing in the same direction. So i'd like to see more things using fabric. It looks great.

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