iceman77 19 Posted October 11, 2014 (edited) !!! Completed !!! Stringtable.xml ( Updated ) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Project name="DLSR"> <Package name="DLSR"> <Container name="Header Text"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_mainHeader"> <Original>DLSR</Original> <English>DLSR</English> <Czech>DLSR</Czech> <French>DLSR</French> <German>DLSR</German> <Italian>DLSR</Italian> <Polish>DLSR</Polish> <Portuguese>DLSR</Portuguese> <Russian>DLSR</Russian> <Spanish>DLSR</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_weaponHeader"> <Original>Weapons</Original> <English>Weapons</English> <Czech>ZbranÄ›</Czech> <French>Armes</French> <German>Waffen</German> <Italian>Armi</Italian> <Polish>BroÅ„</Polish> <Portuguese>Armas</Portuguese> <Russian>Оружие</Russian> <Spanish>Armas</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_ammoHeader"> <Original>Ammo</Original> <English>Ammo</English> <Czech>Munice</Czech> <French>Munitions</French> <German>Munition</German> <Italian>Munizioni</Italian> <Polish>Amunicja</Polish> <Portuguese>Munição</Portuguese> <Russian>БоеприпаÑÑ‹</Russian> <Spanish>Munición</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_accHeader"> <Original>Accessories</Original> <English>Accessories</English> <Czech>Doplňky</Czech> <French>Accessoires</French> <German>Ausstattung</German> <Italian>Accessori</Italian> <Polish>Akcesoria</Polish> <Portuguese>Acessórios</Portuguese> <Russian>Оборудование</Russian> <Spanish>Accesorios</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformsHeader"> <Original>Uniforms</Original> <English>Uniforms</English> <Czech>Uniformy</Czech> <French>Uniformes</French> <German>Uniformen</German> <Italian>Uniformi</Italian> <Polish>Mundury</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniformes</Portuguese> <Russian>Униформы</Russian> <Spanish>Uniformes</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_vestsHeader"> <Original>Vests</Original> <English>Vests</English> <Czech>Vesty</Czech> <French>Gilets</French> <German>Westen</German> <Italian>Gibernaggio</Italian> <Polish>Kamizelki</Polish> <Portuguese>Coletes</Portuguese> <Russian>Жилеты</Russian> <Spanish>Chalecos</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_backPacksHeader"> <Original>Backpacks</Original> <English>Backpacks</English> <Czech>Batohy</Czech> <French>Sacs à dos</French> <German>Rucksäcke</German> <Italian>Zaini</Italian> <Polish>Plecaki</Polish> <Portuguese>Mochilas</Portuguese> <Russian>Рюкзаки</Russian> <Spanish>Mochilas</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_headGearHeader"> <Original>Headgear</Original> <English>Headgear</English> <Czech>Pokrývky hlavy</Czech> <French>Couvre-chef</French> <German>Kopfbedeckung</German> <Italian>Elmetto</Italian> <Polish>Nakrycia gÅ‚owy</Polish> <Portuguese>Capacete</Portuguese> <Russian>Головной убор</Russian> <Spanish>Casco</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_glassesHeader"> <Original>Glasses</Original> <English>Glasses</English> <Czech>Brýle</Czech> <French>Lunettes</French> <German>Brillen</German> <Italian>Occhiali</Italian> <Polish>Okulary</Polish> <Portuguese>Oculos</Portuguese> <Russian>Очки</Russian> <Spanish>Gafas</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_compatibleHeader"> <Original>Compatible Items</Original> <English>Compatible Items</English> <Czech>Kombinovatelné vÄ›ci</Czech> <French>Éléments Compatibles</French> <German>Kompatible Elemente</German> <Italian>Oggetti Compatibili</Italian> <Polish>Przedmioty kompatybilne</Polish> <Portuguese>Itens compativeis</Portuguese> <Russian>СовмеÑтимые вещи</Russian> <Spanish>Items compatibles</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformContainerHeader"> <Original>Uniform Items</Original> <English>Uniform Items</English> <Czech>Položky v uniformÄ›</Czech> <French>Éléments d'uniforme</French> <German>Uniform Elemente</German> <Italian>Oggetti per Uniformi</Italian> <Polish>Przedmioty w mundurze</Polish> <Portuguese>Itens do uniforme</Portuguese> <Russian>Вещи униформы</Russian> <Spanish>Items del uniforme</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_vestContainerHeader"> <Original>Vest Items</Original> <English>Vest Items</English> <Czech>Položky ve vestÄ›</Czech> <French>Éléments de Gilet</French> <German>Westen Elemente</German> <Italian>Oggetti per Gibernaggio</Italian> <Polish>Przedmioty w kamizelce</Polish> <Portuguese>Itens do colete</Portuguese> <Russian>Вещи жилета</Russian> <Spanish>Items del chaleco</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_backPackContainerHeader"> <Original>Backpack Items</Original> <English>Backpack Items</English> <Czech>Položky v batohu</Czech> <French>Éléments de Sac à Dos</French> <German>Rucksack Elemente</German> <Italian>Oggetti per Zaini</Italian> <Polish>Przedmioty w plecaku</Polish> <Portuguese>Itens da mochila</Portuguese> <Russian>Вещи рюкзака</Russian> <Spanish>Items de la mochila</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_gearContainerHeader"> <Original>Equipped Gear</Original> <English>Equipped Gear</English> <Czech>PoužÃvané vybavenÃ</Czech> <French>Armement</French> <German>Ausrüstung</German> <Italian>Attrezzatura Equipaggiata</Italian> <Polish>Wyposażenie w użyciu</Polish> <Portuguese>Equipamento equipado</Portuguese> <Russian>СнарÑжение</Russian> <Spanish>Equipado</Spanish> </Key> </Container> <Container name="Tool Tips"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_saveLoadToolTip"> <Original>Manage your loadouts</Original> <English>Manage your loadouts</English> <Czech>Upravit výzbroj</Czech> <French>Gérer vos loadouts</French> <German>Loadouts verwalten</German> <Italian>Gestisci l'equipaggiamento</Italian> <Polish>ZarzÄ…dzaj ekwipunkiem</Polish> <Portuguese>Gerencie seus equipamentos</Portuguese> <Russian>Изменить ÑнарÑжение</Russian> <Spanish>Administra tus loadouts</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_CTCToolTip"> <Original>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Original> <English>Copy current loadout to clipboard</English> <Czech>KopÃrovat souÄasnou výzbroj do schránky</Czech> <French>Copie ce loadout vers le presse-papier</French> <German>Aktuelles Loadout in Zwischenablage kopieren</German> <Italian>Copia l'equipaggiamento corrente nella clipboard</Italian> <Polish>Skopiuj obecny ekwipunek do schowka</Polish> <Portuguese>Copie os equipamentos para área de transferência</Portuguese> <Russian>Копировать текущее ÑнарÑжение в буфер обмена</Russian> <Spanish>Copiar loadout actual a portapapeles</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_loadLoad"> <Original>Load</Original> <English>Load</English> <Czech>NaÄÃst</Czech> <French>Charge</French> <German>Laden</German> <Italian>Carica</Italian> <Polish>Åaduj</Polish> <Portuguese>Carregar</Portuguese> <Russian>Загрузить</Russian> <Spanish>Cargar</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_replaceLoad"> <Original>Replace</Original> <English>Replace</English> <Czech>Nahradit</Czech> <French>Remplacer</French> <German>Ersetzen</German> <Italian>Sostituisci</Italian> <Polish>ZastÄ…p</Polish> <Portuguese>Substituir</Portuguese> <Russian>Заменить</Russian> <Spanish>Reemplazar</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_deleteLoad"> <Original>Delete</Original> <English>Delete</English> <Czech>Smazat</Czech> <French>Supprimer</French> <German>Entfernen</German> <Italian>Cancella</Italian> <Polish>UsuÅ„</Polish> <Portuguese>Deletar</Portuguese> <Russian>Удалить</Russian> <Spanish>Borrar</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_renameLoad"> <Original>Rename</Original> <English>Rename</English> <Czech>PÅ™ejmenovat</Czech> <French>Renommer</French> <German>Umbenennen</German> <Italian>Rinomina</Italian> <Polish>ZmieÅ„ nazwÄ™</Polish> <Portuguese>Renomear</Portuguese> <Russian>Переим.</Russian> <Spanish>Renombrar</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_createLoad"> <Original>Create</Original> <English>Create</English> <Czech>VytvoÅ™it</Czech> <French>Créer</French> <German>Erstellen</German> <Italian>Crea</Italian> <Polish>Stwórz</Polish> <Portuguese>Criar</Portuguese> <Russian>Создать</Russian> <Spanish>Crear</Spanish> </Key> </container> <Container name="Button Text"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addItem"> <Original>Add Item</Original> <English>Add Item</English> <Czech>PÅ™idat položku</Czech> <French>Ajouter élément</French> <German>Element hinzufügen</German> <Italian>Aggiungi Oggetto</Italian> <Polish>Dodaj przedmiot</Polish> <Portuguese>Adicionar item</Portuguese> <Russian>Добавить вещь</Russian> <Spanish>Añadir Item</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_removeItem"> <Original>Remove Item</Original> <English>Remove Item</English> <Czech>Odebrat položku</Czech> <French>Enlever Element</French> <German>Element entfernen</German> <Italian>Rimuovi Oggetto</Italian> <Polish>UsuÅ„ przedmiot</Polish> <Portuguese>remover item</Portuguese> <Russian>Удалить вещь</Russian> <Spanish>Borrar Item</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addMagazine"> <Original>Add Magazine</Original> <English>Add Magazine</English> <Czech>PÅ™idat zásobnÃk</Czech> <French>Ajouter Chargeur</French> <German>Magazin hinzufügen</German> <Italian>Aggiungi Caricatore</Italian> <Polish>Dodaj magazynek</Polish> <Portuguese>Adicionar carregador</Portuguese> <Russian>Добавить магазин</Russian> <Spanish>Añadir cargador</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addAcc"> <Original>Add Acc</Original> <English>Add Acc</English> <Czech>PÅ™idat doplňky</Czech> <French>Ajouter Acc</French> <German>Ausstattung hinzufügen</German> <Italian>Aggiungi Acc</Italian> <Polish>Dodaj akcesorium</Polish> <Portuguese>adicionar Acc</Portuguese> <Russian>Добавить оборудование</Russian> <Spanish>Añadir Acc</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_Gear"> <Original>Gear</Original> <English>Gear</English> <Czech>VybavenÃ</Czech> <French>Équipement</French> <German>Ausrüstung</German> <Italian>Equipaggiamento</Italian> <Polish>Wyposażenie</Polish> <Portuguese>Equipamento</Portuguese> <Russian>СнарÑж.</Russian> <Spanish>Equipo</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_exit"> <Original>Exit DLSR</Original> <English>Exit DLSR</English> <Czech>UkonÄit DLSR</Czech> <French>Quitter DLSR</French> <German>DLSR beenden</German> <Italian>Esci da DLSR</Italian> <Polish>Wyjdź z DLSR</Polish> <Portuguese>Sair do DLSR</Portuguese> <Russian>Выйти из DLSR</Russian> <Spanish>Salir DLSR</Spanish> </Key> </Container> <Container name="Warnings"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_MainGearWarn"> <Original>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Original> <English>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</English> <Czech>Tuto vÄ›c nemůžeÅ¡ vložit do svého vybavenÃ. Vyber platné umÃstÄ›nÃ.</Czech> <French>Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter cet élément à votre équipement principal. Veulliez d'abord choisir un autre conteneur.</French> <German>Du kannst diesen Gegenstand nicht in dein Inventar packen. Bitte wähle zuerst einen passenden Container.</German> <Italian>Non puoi inserire questo oggetto nel contenitore. Prima seleziona un contenitore valido.</Italian> <Polish>Nie możesz umieÅ›cić tego przedmiotu w głównym wyposażeniu. Wybierz wpierw prawidÅ‚owy zasobnik.</Polish> <Portuguese>Você não pode colocar este item no seu equipamento principal. Selecione uma opção valida antes.</Portuguese> <Russian>Ð’Ñ‹ не можете добавить Ñту вещь в инвентарь. ПожалуйÑта, Ñначала выберите подходÑщее ÑнарÑжение.</Russian> <Spanish>No puedes poner ese item en tu equipo. Por favor elige primero un contenedor válido.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_equipSignal"> <Original>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Original> <English>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</English> <Czech>Vzal sis %1 do %2.</Czech> <French>Vous avez équipé le %1 à votre %2.</French> <German>Du hast %1 zu deine(r/m) %2 hinzugefügt.</German> <Italian>Ha equipaggiato il suo %1 al suo %2.</Italian> <Polish>ZamontowaÅ‚eÅ› %1 na %2.</Polish> <Portuguese>Você equipou o %1 no seu %2.</Portuguese> <Russian>Ð’Ñ‹ уÑтановили %1 на %2.</Russian> <Spanish>Te has equipoado el %1 a tu %2.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_compatWarn"> <Original>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Original> <English>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</English> <Czech>%1 nenà kombinovatelná souÄást s tvými zbranÄ›mi. Pokud chceÅ¡ pÅ™idat %1, vyber odpovÃdajÃcà umÃstÄ›nà a pÅ™idej položku tam.</Czech> <French>%1 n'est compatible avec aucun de vos armes équipés. Si vous désirez vous équiper de %1, veuillez choisir un conteneur qui convient et ajouter l'élément.</French> <German>%1 ist mit keiner deiner Waffen kompatibel. Wenn du dennoch ein(e) %1 tragen willst, wähle bitte einen passenden Container und füge diesen Gegenstand hinzu.</German> <Italian>%1 non e' compatibile con nessuna delle tue armi equipaggiate. Se vuoi comunque trasportare un/una %1 seleziona in contenitore appropriato ed aggiungi l'oggetto.</Italian> <Polish>%1 nie jest kompatybilny z żadnÄ… z używanych broni. JeÅ›li mimo to chcesz wziąć %1, wybierz odpowiedni zasobnik i umieść w nim przedmiot.</Polish> <Portuguese>%1 não é compativel com nenhuma de suas armas. Se você ainda quer carregar %1, selecione uma opção correta e adicione o item.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1 не ÑовмеÑтимо Ñ Ð²Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ð¼ оружием. ЕÑли вы вÑÑ‘ же хотите получить %1, пожалуйÑта, выберите подходÑщее ÑнарÑжение и добавьте вещь.</Russian> <Spanish>%1 no es compatible con ningún arma que tengas equipada. Si aún quieres llevar un %1, por favor elige un contenedor apropiado y añade el item.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_placedInContMsg"> <Original>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Original> <English>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</English> <Czech>Vložil jsi %1 do %2.</Czech> <French>Vous avez mis le %1 dans votre %2.</French> <German>Du hast %1 in deine(n) %2 getan.</German> <Italian>Ha messo il suo %1 nel suo %2.</Italian> <Polish>UmieÅ›ciÅ‚eÅ› %1 w %2.</Polish> <Portuguese>Você colocou o %1 na sua %2.</Portuguese> <Russian>Ð’Ñ‹ помеÑтили %1 в %2.</Russian> <Spanish>Has colocado el %1 en tu %2.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_noRoomWarn"> <Original>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Original> <English>Your %1 has no room for that item.</English> <Czech>%1 je již plná, pro dalÅ¡Ã vÄ›c nenà mÃsto.</Czech> <French>Votre %1 n'a pas d'espace pour cet élément.</French> <German>Dein(e) %1 hat keinen Platz für diesen Gegenstand.</German> <Italian>Il vostro %1 non ha spazio per quel elemento.</Italian> <Polish>Ten przedmiot siÄ™ nie zmieÅ›ci w %1.</Polish> <Portuguese>Sua %1 não tem mais espaço para este item.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1 не имеет меÑта Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñтой вещи.</Russian> <Spanish>Your %1 no tiene espacio para ese item.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_sideWarn"> <Original>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Original> <English>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</English> <Czech>%1 nemůžeÅ¡ si vzÃt %2 ,protože jsi strana %3.</Czech> <French>%1 Vous ne pouvez vous équiper de %2 parce que vous êtes du côté %3.</French> <German>Du kannst eine %1 nicht mit %2 ausstatten, da du Seite %3 bist.</German> <Italian>%1 non puo equipaggiarsi di %2 perché è del lato %3.</Italian> <Polish>%1, nie możesz nosić %2 ponieważ jesteÅ› po stronie %3.</Polish> <Portuguese>%1 você não pode equipar %2 porque você é do lado %3.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1, вы не можете получить %2, поÑкольку ваша Ñторона - %3.</Russian> <Spanish>%1 no puedes equiparte un %2 porque eres del equipo %3.</Spanish> </Key> </container> </Package> </Project> Edited October 15, 2014 by Iceman77 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heeeere's johnny! 51 Posted October 12, 2014 What about German? :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted October 12, 2014 Oops. Yes German too. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heeeere's johnny! 51 Posted October 12, 2014 (edited) Why do you use two stringtable elements for the same word? Just some examples: STR_A3_DLSR_txt_weaponHeader and STR_A3_DLSR_btn_Weapons are the same word. Same goes STR_A3_DLSR_txt_ammoHeader and STR_A3_DLSR_btn_ammo STR_A3_DLSR_txt_accHeader and STR_A3_DLSR_btn_accessories STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformsHeader and STR_A3_DLSR_btn_uniforms Why not give it a more general name and put it only once? Second problem is that almost every language in this stringtable (except English) has more than one article (while English only has "the"). So in order to not let the translation look strangely, try to avoid that where you can, e.g. in STR_A3_DLSR_hint_equipSignal. If you could give some more information about what will be behind %1 etc, we might be able to make more accurate texts depending on the "gender" of the word(s). So anyway, here's the german translation. If there should be any length problems, let me know. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Project name="DLSR"> <Package name="DLSR"> <Container name="Header Text"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_mainHeader"> <Original>DLSR</Original> <English>DLSR</English> <Czech>DLSR</Czech> <French>DLSR</French> <German>DLSR</German> <Italian>DLSR</Italian> <Polish>DLSR</Polish> <Portuguese>DLSR</Portuguese> <Russian>DLSR</Russian> <Spanish>DLSR</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_weaponHeader"> <Original>Weapons</Original> <English>Weapons</English> <Czech>Weapons</Czech> <French>Weapons</French> <German>Waffen</German> <Italian>Weapons</Italian> <Polish>Weapons</Polish> <Portuguese>Weapons</Portuguese> <Russian>Weapons</Russian> <Spanish>Weapons</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_ammoHeader"> <Original>Ammo</Original> <English>Ammo</English> <Czech>Ammo</Czech> <French>Ammo</French> <German>Munition</German> <Italian>Ammo</Italian> <Polish>Ammo</Polish> <Portuguese>Ammo</Portuguese> <Russian>Ammo</Russian> <Spanish>Ammo</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_accHeader"> <Original>Accessories</Original> <English>Accessories</English> <Czech>Accessories</Czech> <French>Accessories</French> <German>Ausstattung</German> <Italian>Accessories</Italian> <Polish>Accessories</Polish> <Portuguese>Accessories</Portuguese> <Russian>Accessories</Russian> <Spanish>Accessories</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformsHeader"> <Original>Uniforms</Original> <English>Uniforms</English> <Czech>Uniforms</Czech> <French>Uniforms</French> <German>Uniformen</German> <Italian>Uniforms</Italian> <Polish>Uniforms</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniforms</Portuguese> <Russian>Uniforms</Russian> <Spanish>Uniforms</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_vestsHeader"> <Original>Vests</Original> <English>Vests</English> <Czech>Vests</Czech> <French>Vests</French> <German>Westen</German> <Italian>Vests</Italian> <Polish>Vests</Polish> <Portuguese>Vests</Portuguese> <Russian>Vests</Russian> <Spanish>Vests</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_backPacksHeader"> <Original>Backpacks</Original> <English>Backpacks</English> <Czech>Backpacks</Czech> <French>Backpacks</French> <German>Rucksäcke</German> <Italian>Backpacks</Italian> <Polish>Backpacks</Polish> <Portuguese>Backpacks</Portuguese> <Russian>Backpacks</Russian> <Spanish>Backpacks</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_headGearHeader"> <Original>Headgear</Original> <English>Headgear</English> <Czech>Headgear</Czech> <French>Headgear</French> <German>Kopfbedeckung</German> <Italian>Headgear</Italian> <Polish>Headgear</Polish> <Portuguese>Headgear</Portuguese> <Russian>Headgear</Russian> <Spanish>Headgear</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_glassesHeader"> <Original>Glasses</Original> <English>Glasses</English> <Czech>Glasses</Czech> <French>Glasses</French> <German>Brillen</German> <Italian>Glasses</Italian> <Polish>Glasses</Polish> <Portuguese>Glasses</Portuguese> <Russian>Glasses</Russian> <Spanish>Glasses</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_compatibleHeader"> <Original>Compatible Items</Original> <English>Compatible Items</English> <Czech>Compatible Items</Czech> <French>Compatible Items</French> <German>Kompatible Elemente</German> <Italian>Compatible Items</Italian> <Polish>Compatible Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Compatible Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Compatible Items</Russian> <Spanish>Compatible Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformContainerHeader"> <Original>Uniform Items</Original> <English>Uniform Items</English> <Czech>Uniform Items</Czech> <French>Uniform Items</French> <German>Uniform Elemente</German> <Italian>Uniform Items</Italian> <Polish>Uniform Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniform Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Uniform Items</Russian> <Spanish>Uniform Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_vestContainerHeader"> <Original>Vest Items</Original> <English>Vest Items</English> <Czech>Vest Items</Czech> <French>Vest Items</French> <German>Westen Elemente</German> <Italian>Vest Items</Italian> <Polish>Vest Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Vest Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Vest Items</Russian> <Spanish>Vest Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_backPackContainerHeader"> <Original>Backpack Items</Original> <English>Backpack Items</English> <Czech>Backpack Items</Czech> <French>Backpack Items</French> <German>Rucksack Elemente</German> <Italian>Backpack Items</Italian> <Polish>Backpack Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Backpack Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Backpack Items</Russian> <Spanish>Backpack Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_gearContainerHeader"> <Original>Equipped Gear</Original> <English>Equipped Gear</English> <Czech>Equipped Gear</Czech> <French>Equipped Gear</French> <German>Ausrüstung</German> <Italian>Equipped Gear</Italian> <Polish>Equipped Gear</Polish> <Portuguese>Equipped Gear</Portuguese> <Russian>Equipped Gear</Russian> <Spanish>Equipped Gear</Spanish> </Key> </Container> <Container name="Tool Tips"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_saveLoadToolTip"> <Original>Manage your loadouts</Original> <English>Manage your loadouts</English> <Czech>Manage your loadouts</Czech> <French>Manage your loadouts</French> <German>Loadouts verwalten</German> <Italian>Manage your loadouts</Italian> <Polish>Manage your loadouts</Polish> <Portuguese>Manage your loadouts</Portuguese> <Russian>Manage your loadouts</Russian> <Spanish>Manage your loadouts</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_CTCToolTip"> <Original>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Original> <English>Copy current loadout to clipboard</English> <Czech>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Czech> <French>Copy current loadout to clipboard</French> <German>Aktuelles Loadout in Zwischenablage kopieren</German> <Italian>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Italian> <Polish>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Polish> <Portuguese>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Portuguese> <Russian>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Russian> <Spanish>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_loadLoad"> <Original>Load</Original> <English>Load</English> <Czech>Load</Czech> <French>Load</French> <German>Laden</German> <Italian>Load</Italian> <Polish>Load</Polish> <Portuguese>Load</Portuguese> <Russian>Load</Russian> <Spanish>Load</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_replaceLoad"> <Original>Replace</Original> <English>Replace</English> <Czech>Replace</Czech> <French>Replace</French> <German>Ersetzen</German> <Italian>Replace</Italian> <Polish>Replace</Polish> <Portuguese>Replace</Portuguese> <Russian>Replace</Russian> <Spanish>Replace</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_deleteLoad"> <Original>Delete</Original> <English>Delete</English> <Czech>Delete</Czech> <French>Delete</French> <German>Entfernen</German> <Italian>Delete</Italian> <Polish>Delete</Polish> <Portuguese>Delete</Portuguese> <Russian>Delete</Russian> <Spanish>Delete</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_renameLoad"> <Original>Rename</Original> <English>Rename</English> <Czech>Rename</Czech> <French>Rename</French> <German>Umbenennen</German> <Italian>Rename</Italian> <Polish>Rename</Polish> <Portuguese>Rename</Portuguese> <Russian>Rename</Russian> <Spanish>Rename</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_createLoad"> <Original>Create</Original> <English>Create</English> <Czech>Create</Czech> <French>Create</French> <German>Erstellen</German> <Italian>Create</Italian> <Polish>Create</Polish> <Portuguese>Create</Portuguese> <Russian>Create</Russian> <Spanish>Create</Spanish> </Key> </container> <Container name="Button Text"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addItem"> <Original>Add Item</Original> <English>Add Item</English> <Czech>Add Item</Czech> <French>Add Item</French> <German>Element hinzufügen</German> <Italian>Add Item</Italian> <Polish>Add Item</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Item</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Item</Russian> <Spanish>Add Item</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_removeItem"> <Original>Remove Item</Original> <English>Remove Item</English> <Czech>Remove Item</Czech> <French>Remove Item</French> <German>Element entfernen</German> <Italian>Remove Item</Italian> <Polish>Remove Item</Polish> <Portuguese>Remove Item</Portuguese> <Russian>Remove Item</Russian> <Spanish>Remove Item</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addMagazine"> <Original>Add Magazine</Original> <English>Add Magazine</English> <Czech>Add Magazine</Czech> <French>Add Magazine</French> <German>Magazin hinzufügen</German> <Italian>Add Magazine</Italian> <Polish>Add Magazine</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Magazine</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Magazine</Russian> <Spanish>Add Magazine</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addAcc"> <Original>Add Acc</Original> <English>Add Acc</English> <Czech>Add Acc</Czech> <French>Add Acc</French> <German>Ausstattung hinzufügen</German> <Italian>Add Acc</Italian> <Polish>Add Acc</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Acc</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Acc</Russian> <Spanish>Add Acc</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_Weapons"> <Original>Weapons</Original> <English>Weapons</English> <Czech>Weapons</Czech> <French>Weapons</French> <German>Waffen</German> <Italian>Weapons</Italian> <Polish>Weapons</Polish> <Portuguese>Weapons</Portuguese> <Russian>Weapons</Russian> <Spanish>Weapons</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_ammo"> <Original>Ammo</Original> <English>Ammo</English> <Czech>Ammo</Czech> <French>Ammo</French> <German>Munition</German> <Italian>Ammo</Italian> <Polish>Ammo</Polish> <Portuguese>Ammo</Portuguese> <Russian>Ammo</Russian> <Spanish>Ammo</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_accessories"> <Original>Accessories</Original> <English>Accessories</English> <Czech>Accessories</Czech> <French>Accessories</French> <German>Ausstattung</German> <Italian>Accessories</Italian> <Polish>Accessories</Polish> <Portuguese>Accessories</Portuguese> <Russian>Accessories</Russian> <Spanish>Accessories</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_uniforms"> <Original>Uniforms</Original> <English>Uniforms</English> <Czech>Uniforms</Czech> <French>Uniforms</French> <German>Uniformen</German> <Italian>Uniforms</Italian> <Polish>Uniforms</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniforms</Portuguese> <Russian>Uniforms</Russian> <Spanish>Uniforms</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_vests"> <Original>Vests</Original> <English>Vests</English> <Czech>Vests</Czech> <French>Vests</French> <German>Westen</German> <Italian>Vests</Italian> <Polish>Vests</Polish> <Portuguese>Vests</Portuguese> <Russian>Vests</Russian> <Spanish>Vests</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_backpacks"> <Original>Backpacks</Original> <English>Backpacks</English> <Czech>Backpacks</Czech> <French>Backpacks</French> <German>Rucksäcke</German> <Italian>Backpacks</Italian> <Polish>Backpacks</Polish> <Portuguese>Backpacks</Portuguese> <Russian>Backpacks</Russian> <Spanish>Backpacks</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_headgear"> <Original>Headgear</Original> <English>Headgear</English> <Czech>Headgear</Czech> <French>Headgear</French> <German>Kopfbedeckung</German> <Italian>Headgear</Italian> <Polish>Headgear</Polish> <Portuguese>Headgear</Portuguese> <Russian>Headgear</Russian> <Spanish>Headgear</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_glasses"> <Original>Glasses</Original> <English>Glasses</English> <Czech>Glasses</Czech> <French>Glasses</French> <German>Brillen</German> <Italian>Glasses</Italian> <Polish>Glasses</Polish> <Portuguese>Glasses</Portuguese> <Russian>Glasses</Russian> <Spanish>Glasses</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_Gear"> <Original>Gear</Original> <English>Gear</English> <Czech>Gear</Czech> <French>Gear</French> <German>Ausrüstung</German> <Italian>Gear</Italian> <Polish>Gear</Polish> <Portuguese>Gear</Portuguese> <Russian>Gear</Russian> <Spanish>Gear</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_exit"> <Original>Exit DLSR</Original> <English>Exit DLSR</English> <Czech>Exit DLSR</Czech> <French>Exit DLSR</French> <German>DLSR beenden</German> <Italian>Exit DLSR</Italian> <Polish>Exit DLSR</Polish> <Portuguese>Exit DLSR</Portuguese> <Russian>Exit DLSR</Russian> <Spanish>Exit DLSR</Spanish> </Key> </Container> <Container name="Warnings"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_MainGearWarn"> <Original>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Original> <English>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</English> <Czech>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Czech> <French>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</French> <German>Du kannst diesen Gegenstand nicht in dein Inventar packen. Bitte wähle zuerst einen passenden Container.</German> <Italian>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Italian> <Polish>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Polish> <Portuguese>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Portuguese> <Russian>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Russian> <Spanish>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_equipSignal"> <Original>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Original> <English>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</English> <Czech>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Czech> <French>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</French> <German>Du hast %1 zu deinem/deiner %2 hinzugefügt.</German> <Italian>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Italian> <Polish>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Polish> <Portuguese>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Portuguese> <Russian>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Russian> <Spanish>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_compatWarn"> <Original>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Original> <English>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</English> <Czech>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Czech> <French>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</French> <German>%1 ist mit keiner deiner Waffen kompatibel. Wenn du dennoch ein(e) %1 tragen willst, wähle bitte einen passenden Container und füge diesen Gegenstand hinzu.</German> <Italian>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Italian> <Polish>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Polish> <Portuguese>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Russian> <Spanish>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_placedInContMsg"> <Original>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Original> <English>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</English> <Czech>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Czech> <French>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</French> <German>Du hast %1 in dein(e) %2 getan.</German> <Italian>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Italian> <Polish>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Polish> <Portuguese>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Portuguese> <Russian>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Russian> <Spanish>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_noRoomWarn"> <Original>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Original> <English>Your %1 has no room for that item.</English> <Czech>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Czech> <French>Your %1 has no room for that item.</French> <German>Dein(e) %1 hat keinen Platz für diesen Gegenstand.</German> <Italian>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Italian> <Polish>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Polish> <Portuguese>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Portuguese> <Russian>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Russian> <Spanish>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_sideWarn"> <Original>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Original> <English>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</English> <Czech>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Czech> <French>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</French> <German>Du kannst %1 nicht mit %2 ausstatten, da du Seite %3 bist.</German> <Italian>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Italian> <Polish>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Polish> <Portuguese>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Russian> <Spanish>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Spanish> </Key> </container> </Package> </Project> Regards, waltenberg aka Johnny Edited October 12, 2014 by waltenberg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted October 12, 2014 (edited) Why do you use two stringtable elements for the same word? Ones for button and one's for txt. Each has their own "container". While I could reuse one key... I don't want to. I went through each individually (in my dialog) and made an entry into the xml.. under the appropriate container, for my own sanity. Thanks for the german translate. ---------- Post added at 02:10 ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 ---------- Also, %1 could be any number (hundreds) of items class names. Should print the class name on the screen. I don't see the problem though most times. One occasion, there may be a hiccup regarding localization with a word or two. I tried to dis-clude formatting any normal words. Classnames, config stuff only. Anyhow, just looking for translations here. PM any technical feedback to me =) Edited October 12, 2014 by Iceman77 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dum3d0 11 Posted October 12, 2014 I'll traslate Italian. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted October 12, 2014 Swell thanks alot dude. Appreciate it very much. ---------- Post added at 03:20 ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 ---------- I do see what you mean though walt concerning with the duplicates. I'll see if i can trim that down =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heeeere's johnny! 51 Posted October 12, 2014 I do see what you mean though walt concerning with the duplicates. I'll see if i can trim that down =) A'ight. ^_^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted October 12, 2014 Fixxed =). Good look'n out dude and thanks for the translation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heeeere's johnny! 51 Posted October 12, 2014 (edited) Nice =) (This post was actually longer, but the senselessness of the text finally made me delete it again since I cannot delete whole posts.) Edited October 12, 2014 by waltenberg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icaruk 14 Posted October 12, 2014 (edited) I'm translating spanish right now. Edit: Done :D <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Project name="DLSR"> <Package name="DLSR"> <Container name="Header Text"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_mainHeader"> <Original>DLSR</Original> <English>DLSR</English> <Czech>DLSR</Czech> <French>DLSR</French> <German>DLSR</German> <Italian>DLSR</Italian> <Polish>DLSR</Polish> <Portuguese>DLSR</Portuguese> <Russian>DLSR</Russian> <Spanish>DLSR</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_weaponHeader"> <Original>Weapons</Original> <English>Weapons</English> <Czech>Weapons</Czech> <French>Weapons</French> <German>Weapons</German> <Italian>Weapons</Italian> <Polish>Weapons</Polish> <Portuguese>Weapons</Portuguese> <Russian>Weapons</Russian> <Spanish>Armas</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_ammoHeader"> <Original>Ammo</Original> <English>Ammo</English> <Czech>Ammo</Czech> <French>Ammo</French> <German>Ammo</German> <Italian>Ammo</Italian> <Polish>Ammo</Polish> <Portuguese>Ammo</Portuguese> <Russian>Ammo</Russian> <Spanish>Munición</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_accHeader"> <Original>Accessories</Original> <English>Accessories</English> <Czech>Accessories</Czech> <French>Accessories</French> <German>Accessories</German> <Italian>Accessories</Italian> <Polish>Accessories</Polish> <Portuguese>Accessories</Portuguese> <Russian>Accessories</Russian> <Spanish>Accesorios</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformsHeader"> <Original>Uniforms</Original> <English>Uniforms</English> <Czech>Uniforms</Czech> <French>Uniforms</French> <German>Uniforms</German> <Italian>Uniforms</Italian> <Polish>Uniforms</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniforms</Portuguese> <Russian>Uniforms</Russian> <Spanish>Uniformes</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_vestsHeader"> <Original>Vests</Original> <English>Vests</English> <Czech>Vests</Czech> <French>Vests</French> <German>Vests</German> <Italian>Vests</Italian> <Polish>Vests</Polish> <Portuguese>Vests</Portuguese> <Russian>Vests</Russian> <Spanish>Chalecos</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_backPacksHeader"> <Original>Backpacks</Original> <English>Backpacks</English> <Czech>Backpacks</Czech> <French>Backpacks</French> <German>Backpacks</German> <Italian>Backpacks</Italian> <Polish>Backpacks</Polish> <Portuguese>Backpacks</Portuguese> <Russian>Backpacks</Russian> <Spanish>Mochilas</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_headGearHeader"> <Original>Headgear</Original> <English>Headgear</English> <Czech>Headgear</Czech> <French>Headgear</French> <German>Headgear</German> <Italian>Headgear</Italian> <Polish>Headgear</Polish> <Portuguese>Headgear</Portuguese> <Russian>Headgear</Russian> <Spanish>Casco</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_glassesHeader"> <Original>Glasses</Original> <English>Glasses</English> <Czech>Glasses</Czech> <French>Glasses</French> <German>Glasses</German> <Italian>Glasses</Italian> <Polish>Glasses</Polish> <Portuguese>Glasses</Portuguese> <Russian>Glasses</Russian> <Spanish><Gafas</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_compatibleHeader"> <Original>Compatible Items</Original> <English>Compatible Items</English> <Czech>Compatible Items</Czech> <French>Compatible Items</French> <German>Compatible Items</German> <Italian>Compatible Items</Italian> <Polish>Compatible Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Compatible Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Compatible Items</Russian> <Spanish>Items compatibles</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformContainerHeader"> <Original>Uniform Items</Original> <English>Uniform Items</English> <Czech>Uniform Items</Czech> <French>Uniform Items</French> <German>Uniform Items</German> <Italian>Uniform Items</Italian> <Polish>Uniform Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniform Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Uniform Items</Russian> <Spanish>Items del uniforme</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_vestContainerHeader"> <Original>Vest Items</Original> <English>Vest Items</English> <Czech>Vest Items</Czech> <French>Vest Items</French> <German>Vest Items</German> <Italian>Vest Items</Italian> <Polish>Vest Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Vest Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Vest Items</Russian> <Spanish>Items del chaleco</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_backPackContainerHeader"> <Original>Backpack Items</Original> <English>Backpack Items</English> <Czech>Backpack Items</Czech> <French>Backpack Items</French> <German>Backpack Items</German> <Italian>Backpack Items</Italian> <Polish>Backpack Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Backpack Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Backpack Items</Russian> <Spanish>Items de la mochila</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_gearContainerHeader"> <Original>Equipped Gear</Original> <English>Equipped Gear</English> <Czech>Equipped Gear</Czech> <French>Equipped Gear</French> <German>Equipped Gear</German> <Italian>Equipped Gear</Italian> <Polish>Equipped Gear</Polish> <Portuguese>Equipped Gear</Portuguese> <Russian>Equipped Gear</Russian> <Spanish>Equipado</Spanish> </Key> </Container> <Container name="Tool Tips"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_saveLoadToolTip"> <Original>Manage your loadouts</Original> <English>Manage your loadouts</English> <Czech>Manage your loadouts</Czech> <French>Manage your loadouts</French> <German>Manage your loadouts</German> <Italian>Manage your loadouts</Italian> <Polish>Manage your loadouts</Polish> <Portuguese>Manage your loadouts</Portuguese> <Russian>Manage your loadouts</Russian> <Spanish>Administra tus loadouts</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_CTCToolTip"> <Original>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Original> <English>Copy current loadout to clipboard</English> <Czech>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Czech> <French>Copy current loadout to clipboard</French> <German>Copy current loadout to clipboard</German> <Italian>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Italian> <Polish>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Polish> <Portuguese>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Portuguese> <Russian>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Russian> <Spanish>Copiar loadout actual a portapapeles</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_loadLoad"> <Original>Load</Original> <English>Load</English> <Czech>Load</Czech> <French>Load</French> <German>Load</German> <Italian>Load</Italian> <Polish>Load</Polish> <Portuguese>Load</Portuguese> <Russian>Load</Russian> <Spanish>Cargar</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_replaceLoad"> <Original>Replace</Original> <English>Replace</English> <Czech>Replace</Czech> <French>Replace</French> <German>Replace</German> <Italian>Replace</Italian> <Polish>Replace</Polish> <Portuguese>Replace</Portuguese> <Russian>Replace</Russian> <Spanish>Reemplazar</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_deleteLoad"> <Original>Delete</Original> <English>Delete</English> <Czech>Delete</Czech> <French>Delete</French> <German>Delete</German> <Italian>Delete</Italian> <Polish>Delete</Polish> <Portuguese>Delete</Portuguese> <Russian>Delete</Russian> <Spanish>Borrar</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_renameLoad"> <Original>Rename</Original> <English>Rename</English> <Czech>Rename</Czech> <French>Rename</French> <German>Rename</German> <Italian>Rename</Italian> <Polish>Rename</Polish> <Portuguese>Rename</Portuguese> <Russian>Rename</Russian> <Spanish>Renombrar</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_createLoad"> <Original>Create</Original> <English>Create</English> <Czech>Create</Czech> <French>Create</French> <German>Create</German> <Italian>Create</Italian> <Polish>Create</Polish> <Portuguese>Create</Portuguese> <Russian>Create</Russian> <Spanish>Crear</Spanish> </Key> </container> <Container name="Button Text"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addItem"> <Original>Add Item</Original> <English>Add Item</English> <Czech>Add Item</Czech> <French>Add Item</French> <German>Add Item</German> <Italian>Add Item</Italian> <Polish>Add Item</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Item</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Item</Russian> <Spanish>Añadir Item</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_removeItem"> <Original>Remove Item</Original> <English>Remove Item</English> <Czech>Remove Item</Czech> <French>Remove Item</French> <German>Remove Item</German> <Italian>Remove Item</Italian> <Polish>Remove Item</Polish> <Portuguese>Remove Item</Portuguese> <Russian>Remove Item</Russian> <Spanish>Borrar Item</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addMagazine"> <Original>Add Magazine</Original> <English>Add Magazine</English> <Czech>Add Magazine</Czech> <French>Add Magazine</French> <German>Add Magazine</German> <Italian>Add Magazine</Italian> <Polish>Add Magazine</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Magazine</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Magazine</Russian> <Spanish>Añadir cargador</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addAcc"> <Original>Add Acc</Original> <English>Add Acc</English> <Czech>Add Acc</Czech> <French>Add Acc</French> <German>Add Acc</German> <Italian>Add Acc</Italian> <Polish>Add Acc</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Acc</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Acc</Russian> <Spanish>Añadir Acc</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_Gear"> <Original>Gear</Original> <English>Gear</English> <Czech>Gear</Czech> <French>Gear</French> <German>Gear</German> <Italian>Gear</Italian> <Polish>Gear</Polish> <Portuguese>Gear</Portuguese> <Russian>Gear</Russian> <Spanish>Equipo</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_exit"> <Original>Exit DLSR</Original> <English>Exit DLSR</English> <Czech>Exit DLSR</Czech> <French>Exit DLSR</French> <German>Exit DLSR</German> <Italian>Exit DLSR</Italian> <Polish>Exit DLSR</Polish> <Portuguese>Exit DLSR</Portuguese> <Russian>Exit DLSR</Russian> <Spanish>Salir DLSR</Spanish> </Key> </Container> <Container name="Warnings"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_MainGearWarn"> <Original>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Original> <English>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</English> <Czech>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Czech> <French>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</French> <German>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</German> <Italian>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Italian> <Polish>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Polish> <Portuguese>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Portuguese> <Russian>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Russian> <Spanish>No puedes poner ese item en tu equipo. Por favor elige primero un contenedor válido.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_equipSignal"> <Original>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Original> <English>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</English> <Czech>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Czech> <French>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</French> <German>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</German> <Italian>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Italian> <Polish>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Polish> <Portuguese>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Portuguese> <Russian>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Russian> <Spanish>Te has equipoado el %1 a tu %2.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_compatWarn"> <Original>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Original> <English>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</English> <Czech>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Czech> <French>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</French> <German>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</German> <Italian>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Italian> <Polish>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Polish> <Portuguese>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Russian> <Spanish>%1 no es compatible con ningún arma que tengas equipada. Si aún quieres llevar un %1, por favor elige un contenedor apropiado y añade el item.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_placedInContMsg"> <Original>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Original> <English>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</English> <Czech>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Czech> <French>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</French> <German>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</German> <Italian>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Italian> <Polish>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Polish> <Portuguese>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Portuguese> <Russian>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Russian> <Spanish>Has colocado el %1 en tu %2.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_noRoomWarn"> <Original>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Original> <English>Your %1 has no room for that item.</English> <Czech>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Czech> <French>Your %1 has no room for that item.</French> <German>Your %1 has no room for that item.</German> <Italian>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Italian> <Polish>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Polish> <Portuguese>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Portuguese> <Russian>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Russian> <Spanish>Your %1 no tiene espacio para ese item.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_sideWarn"> <Original>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Original> <English>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</English> <Czech>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Czech> <French>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</French> <German>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</German> <Italian>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Italian> <Polish>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Polish> <Portuguese>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Russian> <Spanish>%1 no puedes equiparte un %2 porque eres del equipo %3.</Spanish> </Key> </container> </Package> </Project> Edited October 12, 2014 by Icaruk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davidzi 11 Posted October 12, 2014 (edited) French and Italian <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Project name="DLSR"> <Package name="DLSR"> <Container name="Header Text"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_mainHeader"> <Original>DLSR</Original> <English>DLSR</English> <Czech>DLSR</Czech> <French>DLSR</French> <German>DLSR</German> <Italian>DLSR</Italian> <Polish>DLSR</Polish> <Portuguese>DLSR</Portuguese> <Russian>DLSR</Russian> <Spanish>DLSR</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_weaponHeader"> <Original>Weapons</Original> <English>Weapons</English> <Czech>Weapons</Czech> <French>Armes</French> <German>Waffen</German> <Italian>Armi</Italian> <Polish>Weapons</Polish> <Portuguese>Weapons</Portuguese> <Russian>Weapons</Russian> <Spanish>Weapons</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_ammoHeader"> <Original>Ammo</Original> <English>Ammo</English> <Czech>Ammo</Czech> <French>Munitions</French> <German>Munition</German> <Italian>Munizioni</Italian> <Polish>Ammo</Polish> <Portuguese>Ammo</Portuguese> <Russian>Ammo</Russian> <Spanish>Ammo</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_accHeader"> <Original>Accessories</Original> <English>Accessories</English> <Czech>Accessories</Czech> <French>Accessoires</French> <German>Ausstattung</German> <Italian>Accessori</Italian> <Polish>Accessories</Polish> <Portuguese>Accessories</Portuguese> <Russian>Accessories</Russian> <Spanish>Accessories</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformsHeader"> <Original>Uniforms</Original> <English>Uniforms</English> <Czech>Uniforms</Czech> <French>Uniformes</French> <German>Uniformen</German> <Italian>Divise</Italian> <Polish>Uniforms</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniforms</Portuguese> <Russian>Uniforms</Russian> <Spanish>Uniforms</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_vestsHeader"> <Original>Vests</Original> <English>Vests</English> <Czech>Vests</Czech> <French>Gilets</French> <German>Westen</German> <Italian>Giubotti</Italian> <Polish>Vests</Polish> <Portuguese>Vests</Portuguese> <Russian>Vests</Russian> <Spanish>Vests</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_backPacksHeader"> <Original>Backpacks</Original> <English>Backpacks</English> <Czech>Backpacks</Czech> <French>Sacs à dos</French> <German>Rucksäcke</German> <Italian>Zaini</Italian> <Polish>Backpacks</Polish> <Portuguese>Backpacks</Portuguese> <Russian>Backpacks</Russian> <Spanish>Backpacks</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_headGearHeader"> <Original>Headgear</Original> <English>Headgear</English> <Czech>Headgear</Czech> <French>Couvre-chef</French> <German>Kopfbedeckung</German> <Italian>Copricapo</Italian> <Polish>Headgear</Polish> <Portuguese>Headgear</Portuguese> <Russian>Headgear</Russian> <Spanish>Headgear</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_glassesHeader"> <Original>Glasses</Original> <English>Glasses</English> <Czech>Glasses</Czech> <French>Lunettes</French> <German>Brillen</German> <Italian>Occhiali</Italian> <Polish>Glasses</Polish> <Portuguese>Glasses</Portuguese> <Russian>Glasses</Russian> <Spanish>Glasses</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_compatibleHeader"> <Original>Compatible Items</Original> <English>Compatible Items</English> <Czech>Compatible Items</Czech> <French>Éléments Compatibles</French> <German>Kompatible Elemente</German> <Italian>Elementi Compatibili</Italian> <Polish>Compatible Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Compatible Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Compatible Items</Russian> <Spanish>Compatible Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformContainerHeader"> <Original>Uniform Items</Original> <English>Uniform Items</English> <Czech>Uniform Items</Czech> <French>Éléments d'uniforme</French> <German>Uniform Elemente</German> <Italian>Elementi di Divisa</Italian> <Polish>Uniform Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniform Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Uniform Items</Russian> <Spanish>Uniform Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_vestContainerHeader"> <Original>Vest Items</Original> <English>Vest Items</English> <Czech>Vest Items</Czech> <French>Éléments de Gilet</French> <German>Westen Elemente</German> <Italian>Elementi di Giubotto</Italian> <Polish>Vest Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Vest Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Vest Items</Russian> <Spanish>Vest Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_backPackContainerHeader"> <Original>Backpack Items</Original> <English>Backpack Items</English> <Czech>Backpack Items</Czech> <French>Éléments de Sac à Dos</French> <German>Rucksack Elemente</German> <Italian>Elementi di Zaino</Italian> <Polish>Backpack Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Backpack Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Backpack Items</Russian> <Spanish>Backpack Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_gearContainerHeader"> <Original>Equipped Gear</Original> <English>Equipped Gear</English> <Czech>Equipped Gear</Czech> <French>Armement</French> <German>Ausrüstung</German> <Italian>Armamento</Italian> <Polish>Equipped Gear</Polish> <Portuguese>Equipped Gear</Portuguese> <Russian>Equipped Gear</Russian> <Spanish>Equipped Gear</Spanish> </Key> </Container> <Container name="Tool Tips"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_saveLoadToolTip"> <Original>Manage your loadouts</Original> <English>Manage your loadouts</English> <Czech>Manage your loadouts</Czech> <French>Gérer vos loadouts</French> <German>Loadouts verwalten</German> <Italian>Gestire i suoi loadouts</Italian> <Polish>Manage your loadouts</Polish> <Portuguese>Manage your loadouts</Portuguese> <Russian>Manage your loadouts</Russian> <Spanish>Manage your loadouts</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_CTCToolTip"> <Original>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Original> <English>Copy current loadout to clipboard</English> <Czech>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Czech> <French>Copie ce loadout vers le presse-papier</French> <German>Aktuelles Loadout in Zwischenablage kopieren</German> <Italian>Copia questo loadout verso gli Appunti</Italian> <Polish>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Polish> <Portuguese>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Portuguese> <Russian>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Russian> <Spanish>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_loadLoad"> <Original>Load</Original> <English>Load</English> <Czech>Load</Czech> <French>Charge</French> <German>Laden</German> <Italian>Carica</Italian> <Polish>Load</Polish> <Portuguese>Load</Portuguese> <Russian>Load</Russian> <Spanish>Load</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_replaceLoad"> <Original>Replace</Original> <English>Replace</English> <Czech>Replace</Czech> <French>Remplacer</French> <German>Ersetzen</German> <Italian>Sostituire</Italian> <Polish>Replace</Polish> <Portuguese>Replace</Portuguese> <Russian>Replace</Russian> <Spanish>Replace</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_deleteLoad"> <Original>Delete</Original> <English>Delete</English> <Czech>Delete</Czech> <French>Supprimer</French> <German>Entfernen</German> <Italian>Sopprimere</Italian> <Polish>Delete</Polish> <Portuguese>Delete</Portuguese> <Russian>Delete</Russian> <Spanish>Delete</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_renameLoad"> <Original>Rename</Original> <English>Rename</English> <Czech>Rename</Czech> <French>Renommer</French> <German>Umbenennen</German> <Italian>Rinominare</Italian> <Polish>Rename</Polish> <Portuguese>Rename</Portuguese> <Russian>Rename</Russian> <Spanish>Rename</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_createLoad"> <Original>Create</Original> <English>Create</English> <Czech>Create</Czech> <French>Créer</French> <German>Erstellen</German> <Italian>Creare</Italian> <Polish>Create</Polish> <Portuguese>Create</Portuguese> <Russian>Create</Russian> <Spanish>Create</Spanish> </Key> </container> <Container name="Button Text"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addItem"> <Original>Add Item</Original> <English>Add Item</English> <Czech>Add Item</Czech> <French>Ajouter élément</French> <German>Element hinzufügen</German> <Italian>Aggiungerere Elemento</Italian> <Polish>Add Item</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Item</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Item</Russian> <Spanish>Add Item</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_removeItem"> <Original>Remove Item</Original> <English>Remove Item</English> <Czech>Remove Item</Czech> <French>Enlever Element</French> <German>Element entfernen</German> <Italian>Togliere Elemento</Italian> <Polish>Remove Item</Polish> <Portuguese>Remove Item</Portuguese> <Russian>Remove Item</Russian> <Spanish>Remove Item</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addMagazine"> <Original>Add Magazine</Original> <English>Add Magazine</English> <Czech>Add Magazine</Czech> <French>Ajouter Chargeur</French> <German>Magazin hinzufügen</German> <Italian>Aggiungere Caricatore</Italian> <Polish>Add Magazine</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Magazine</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Magazine</Russian> <Spanish>Add Magazine</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addAcc"> <Original>Add Acc</Original> <English>Add Acc</English> <Czech>Add Acc</Czech> <French>Ajouter Acc</French> <German>Ausstattung hinzufügen</German> <Italian>Aggiungi Acc</Italian> <Polish>Add Acc</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Acc</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Acc</Russian> <Spanish>Add Acc</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_Gear"> <Original>Gear</Original> <English>Gear</English> <Czech>Gear</Czech> <French>Équipement</French> <German>Ausrüstung</German> <Italian>Equipaggiamento</Italian> <Polish>Gear</Polish> <Portuguese>Gear</Portuguese> <Russian>Gear</Russian> <Spanish>Gear</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_exit"> <Original>Exit DLSR</Original> <English>Exit DLSR</English> <Czech>Exit DLSR</Czech> <French>Quitter DLSR</French> <German>DLSR beenden</German> <Italian>Uscire DLSR</Italian> <Polish>Exit DLSR</Polish> <Portuguese>Exit DLSR</Portuguese> <Russian>Exit DLSR</Russian> <Spanish>Exit DLSR</Spanish> </Key> </Container> <Container name="Warnings"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_MainGearWarn"> <Original>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Original> <English>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</English> <Czech>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Czech> <French>Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter cet élément à votre équipement principal. Veulliez d'abord choisir un autre conteneur.</French> <German>Du kannst diesen Gegenstand nicht in dein Inventar packen. Bitte wähle zuerst einen passenden Container.</German> <Italian>Non puo aggiungere questo elemento al suo equipaggiamento principale. Scelga prima un altro contenitore.</Italian> <Polish>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Polish> <Portuguese>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Portuguese> <Russian>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Russian> <Spanish>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_equipSignal"> <Original>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Original> <English>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</English> <Czech>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Czech> <French>Vous avez équipé le %1 à votre %2.</French> <German>Du hast %1 zu deinem/deiner %2 hinzugefügt.</German> <Italian>Ha equipaggiato il suo %1 al suo %2.</Italian> <Polish>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Polish> <Portuguese>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Portuguese> <Russian>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Russian> <Spanish>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_compatWarn"> <Original>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Original> <English>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</English> <Czech>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Czech> <French>%1 n'est compatible avec aucun de vos armes équipés. Si vous désirez vous équiper de %1, veuillez choisir un conteneur qui convient et ajouter l'élément.</French> <German>%1 ist mit keiner deiner Waffen kompatibel. Wenn du dennoch ein(e) %1 tragen willst, wähle bitte einen passenden Container und füge diesen Gegenstand hinzu.</German> <Italian>%1 non è compatibile con nessun arma equipaggiata. Se vuole equipaggiarsi di %1, scelga un contenitore adatto e aggiunga l'elemento.</Italian> <Polish>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Polish> <Portuguese>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Russian> <Spanish>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_placedInContMsg"> <Original>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Original> <English>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</English> <Czech>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Czech> <French>Vous avez mis le %1 dans votre %2.</French> <German>Du hast %1 in dein(e) %2 getan.</German> <Italian>Ha messo il suo %1 nel suo %2.</Italian> <Polish>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Polish> <Portuguese>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Portuguese> <Russian>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Russian> <Spanish>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_noRoomWarn"> <Original>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Original> <English>Your %1 has no room for that item.</English> <Czech>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Czech> <French> Votre %1 n'a pas d'espace pour cet élément.</French> <German>Dein(e) %1 hat keinen Platz für diesen Gegenstand.</German> <Italian>Il vostro %1 non ha spazio per quel elemento.</Italian> <Polish>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Polish> <Portuguese>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Portuguese> <Russian>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Russian> <Spanish>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_sideWarn"> <Original>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Original> <English>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</English> <Czech>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Czech> <French>%1 Vous ne pouvez vous équiper de %2 parce que vous êtes du côté %3.</French> <German>Du kannst %1 nicht mit %2 ausstatten, da du Seite %3 bist.</German> <Italian>%1 non puo equipaggiarsi di %2 perché è del lato %3.</Italian> <Polish>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Polish> <Portuguese>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Russian> <Spanish>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Spanish> </Key> </container> </Package> </Project> Saw that someone else started working on the Italian translation. You should probably pick his as mine is a little rusty. Edited October 12, 2014 by DavidZi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dum3d0 11 Posted October 12, 2014 (edited) Choose what you like but I'm Italian ;) PS: Iceman77, I need some practical example, read below.. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Project name="DLSR"> <Package name="DLSR"> <Container name="Header Text"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_mainHeader"> <Original>DLSR</Original> <English>DLSR</English> <Czech>DLSR</Czech> <French>DLSR</French> <German>DLSR</German> <Italian>DLSR</Italian> DLSR stand for? Is the name of the mod? <Polish>DLSR</Polish> <Portuguese>DLSR</Portuguese> <Russian>DLSR</Russian> <Spanish>DLSR</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_weaponHeader"> <Original>Weapons</Original> <English>Weapons</English> <Czech>Weapons</Czech> <French>Weapons</French> <German>Weapons</German> <Italian>Armi</Italian> <Polish>Weapons</Polish> <Portuguese>Weapons</Portuguese> <Russian>Weapons</Russian> <Spanish>Weapons</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_ammoHeader"> <Original>Ammo</Original> <English>Ammo</English> <Czech>Ammo</Czech> <French>Ammo</French> <German>Ammo</German> <Italian>Munizioni</Italian> <Polish>Ammo</Polish> <Portuguese>Ammo</Portuguese> <Russian>Ammo</Russian> <Spanish>Ammo</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_accHeader"> <Original>Accessories</Original> <English>Accessories</English> <Czech>Accessories</Czech> <French>Accessories</French> <German>Accessories</German> <Italian>Accessori</Italian> <Polish>Accessories</Polish> <Portuguese>Accessories</Portuguese> <Russian>Accessories</Russian> <Spanish>Accessories</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformsHeader"> <Original>Uniforms</Original> <English>Uniforms</English> <Czech>Uniforms</Czech> <French>Uniforms</French> <German>Uniforms</German> <Italian>Uniformi</Italian> <Polish>Uniforms</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniforms</Portuguese> <Russian>Uniforms</Russian> <Spanish>Uniforms</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_vestsHeader"> <Original>Vests</Original> <English>Vests</English> <Czech>Vests</Czech> <French>Vests</French> <German>Vests</German> <Italian>Gibernaggio</Italian> <Polish>Vests</Polish> <Portuguese>Vests</Portuguese> <Russian>Vests</Russian> <Spanish>Vests</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_backPacksHeader"> <Original>Backpacks</Original> <English>Backpacks</English> <Czech>Backpacks</Czech> <French>Backpacks</French> <German>Backpacks</German> <Italian>Zaini</Italian> <Polish>Backpacks</Polish> <Portuguese>Backpacks</Portuguese> <Russian>Backpacks</Russian> <Spanish>Backpacks</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_headGearHeader"> <Original>Headgear</Original> <English>Headgear</English> <Czech>Headgear</Czech> <French>Headgear</French> <German>Headgear</German> <Italian>Elmetto</Italian> <Polish>Headgear</Polish> <Portuguese>Headgear</Portuguese> <Russian>Headgear</Russian> <Spanish>Headgear</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_glassesHeader"> <Original>Glasses</Original> <English>Glasses</English> <Czech>Glasses</Czech> <French>Glasses</French> <German>Glasses</German> <Italian>Occhiali</Italian> <Polish>Glasses</Polish> <Portuguese>Glasses</Portuguese> <Russian>Glasses</Russian> <Spanish>Glasses</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_compatibleHeader"> <Original>Compatible Items</Original> <English>Compatible Items</English> <Czech>Compatible Items</Czech> <French>Compatible Items</French> <German>Compatible Items</German> <Italian>Oggetti Compatibili</Italian> <Polish>Compatible Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Compatible Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Compatible Items</Russian> <Spanish>Compatible Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformContainerHeader"> <Original>Uniform Items</Original> <English>Uniform Items</English> <Czech>Uniform Items</Czech> <French>Uniform Items</French> <German>Uniform Items</German> <Italian>Oggetti per Uniformi</Italian> <Polish>Uniform Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniform Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Uniform Items</Russian> <Spanish>Uniform Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_vestContainerHeader"> <Original>Vest Items</Original> <English>Vest Items</English> <Czech>Vest Items</Czech> <French>Vest Items</French> <German>Vest Items</German> <Italian>Oggetti per Gibernaggio</Italian> <Polish>Vest Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Vest Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Vest Items</Russian> <Spanish>Vest Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_backPackContainerHeader"> <Original>Backpack Items</Original> <English>Backpack Items</English> <Czech>Backpack Items</Czech> <French>Backpack Items</French> <German>Backpack Items</German> <Italian>Oggetti per Zaini</Italian> <Polish>Backpack Items</Polish> <Portuguese>Backpack Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Backpack Items</Russian> <Spanish>Backpack Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_gearContainerHeader"> <Original>Equipped Gear</Original> <English>Equipped Gear</English> <Czech>Equipped Gear</Czech> <French>Equipped Gear</French> <German>Equipped Gear</German> <Italian>Attrezzatura Equipaggiata</Italian> <Polish>Equipped Gear</Polish> <Portuguese>Equipped Gear</Portuguese> <Russian>Equipped Gear</Russian> <Spanish>Equipped Gear</Spanish> </Key> </Container> <Container name="Tool Tips"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_saveLoadToolTip"> <Original>Manage your loadouts</Original> <English>Manage your loadouts</English> <Czech>Manage your loadouts</Czech> <French>Manage your loadouts</French> <German>Manage your loadouts</German> <Italian>Gestisci l'equipaggiamento</Italian> <Polish>Manage your loadouts</Polish> <Portuguese>Manage your loadouts</Portuguese> <Russian>Manage your loadouts</Russian> <Spanish>Manage your loadouts</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_CTCToolTip"> <Original>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Original> <English>Copy current loadout to clipboard</English> <Czech>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Czech> <French>Copy current loadout to clipboard</French> <German>Copy current loadout to clipboard</German> <Italian>Copia l'equipaggiamento corrente nella clipboard</Italian> <Polish>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Polish> <Portuguese>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Portuguese> <Russian>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Russian> <Spanish>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_loadLoad"> <Original>Load</Original> <English>Load</English> <Czech>Load</Czech> <French>Load</French> <German>Load</German> <Italian>Carica</Italian> <Polish>Load</Polish> <Portuguese>Load</Portuguese> <Russian>Load</Russian> <Spanish>Load</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_replaceLoad"> <Original>Replace</Original> <English>Replace</English> <Czech>Replace</Czech> <French>Replace</French> <German>Replace</German> <Italian>Sostituisci</Italian> <Polish>Replace</Polish> <Portuguese>Replace</Portuguese> <Russian>Replace</Russian> <Spanish>Replace</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_deleteLoad"> <Original>Delete</Original> <English>Delete</English> <Czech>Delete</Czech> <French>Delete</French> <German>Delete</German> <Italian>Cancella</Italian> <Polish>Delete</Polish> <Portuguese>Delete</Portuguese> <Russian>Delete</Russian> <Spanish>Delete</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_renameLoad"> <Original>Rename</Original> <English>Rename</English> <Czech>Rename</Czech> <French>Rename</French> <German>Rename</German> <Italian>Rinomina</Italian> <Polish>Rename</Polish> <Portuguese>Rename</Portuguese> <Russian>Rename</Russian> <Spanish>Rename</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_createLoad"> <Original>Create</Original> <English>Create</English> <Czech>Create</Czech> <French>Create</French> <German>Create</German> <Italian>Crea</Italian> <Polish>Create</Polish> <Portuguese>Create</Portuguese> <Russian>Create</Russian> <Spanish>Create</Spanish> </Key> </container> <Container name="Button Text"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addItem"> <Original>Add Item</Original> <English>Add Item</English> <Czech>Add Item</Czech> <French>Add Item</French> <German>Add Item</German> <Italian>Aggiungi Oggetto</Italian> <Polish>Add Item</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Item</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Item</Russian> <Spanish>Add Item</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_removeItem"> <Original>Remove Item</Original> <English>Remove Item</English> <Czech>Remove Item</Czech> <French>Remove Item</French> <German>Remove Item</German> <Italian>Rimuovi Oggetto</Italian> <Polish>Remove Item</Polish> <Portuguese>Remove Item</Portuguese> <Russian>Remove Item</Russian> <Spanish>Remove Item</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addMagazine"> <Original>Add Magazine</Original> <English>Add Magazine</English> <Czech>Add Magazine</Czech> <French>Add Magazine</French> <German>Add Magazine</German> <Italian>Aggiungi Caricatore</Italian> <Polish>Add Magazine</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Magazine</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Magazine</Russian> <Spanish>Add Magazine</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addAcc"> <Original>Add Acc</Original> <English>Add Acc</English> <Czech>Add Acc</Czech> <French>Add Acc</French> <German>Add Acc</German> <Italian>Aggiungi Acc</Italian> "acc" stand for? <Polish>Add Acc</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Acc</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Acc</Russian> <Spanish>Add Acc</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_Weapons"> <Original>Weapons</Original> <English>Weapons</English> <Czech>Weapons</Czech> <French>Weapons</French> <German>Weapons</German> <Italian>Armi</Italian> <Polish>Weapons</Polish> <Portuguese>Weapons</Portuguese> <Russian>Weapons</Russian> <Spanish>Weapons</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_ammo"> <Original>Ammo</Original> <English>Ammo</English> <Czech>Ammo</Czech> <French>Ammo</French> <German>Ammo</German> <Italian>Munizioni</Italian> <Polish>Ammo</Polish> <Portuguese>Ammo</Portuguese> <Russian>Ammo</Russian> <Spanish>Ammo</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_accessories"> <Original>Accessories</Original> <English>Accessories</English> <Czech>Accessories</Czech> <French>Accessories</French> <German>Accessories</German> <Italian>Accessori</Italian> <Polish>Accessories</Polish> <Portuguese>Accessories</Portuguese> <Russian>Accessories</Russian> <Spanish>Accessories</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_uniforms"> <Original>Uniforms</Original> <English>Uniforms</English> <Czech>Uniforms</Czech> <French>Uniforms</French> <German>Uniforms</German> <Italian>Uniformi</Italian> <Polish>Uniforms</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniforms</Portuguese> <Russian>Uniforms</Russian> <Spanish>Uniforms</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_vests"> <Original>Vests</Original> <English>Vests</English> <Czech>Vests</Czech> <French>Vests</French> <German>Vests</German> <Italian>Gibernaggio</Italian> <Polish>Vests</Polish> <Portuguese>Vests</Portuguese> <Russian>Vests</Russian> <Spanish>Vests</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_backpacks"> <Original>Backpacks</Original> <English>Backpacks</English> <Czech>Backpacks</Czech> <French>Backpacks</French> <German>Backpacks</German> <Italian>Zaini</Italian> <Polish>Backpacks</Polish> <Portuguese>Backpacks</Portuguese> <Russian>Backpacks</Russian> <Spanish>Backpacks</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_headgear"> <Original>Headgear</Original> <English>Headgear</English> <Czech>Headgear</Czech> <French>Headgear</French> <German>Headgear</German> <Italian>Elmetto</Italian> <Polish>Headgear</Polish> <Portuguese>Headgear</Portuguese> <Russian>Headgear</Russian> <Spanish>Headgear</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_glasses"> <Original>Glasses</Original> <English>Glasses</English> <Czech>Glasses</Czech> <French>Glasses</French> <German>Glasses</German> <Italian>Occhiali</Italian> <Polish>Glasses</Polish> <Portuguese>Glasses</Portuguese> <Russian>Glasses</Russian> <Spanish>Glasses</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_Gear"> <Original>Gear</Original> <English>Gear</English> <Czech>Gear</Czech> <French>Gear</French> <German>Gear</German> <Italian>Equipaggiamento</Italian> <Polish>Gear</Polish> <Portuguese>Gear</Portuguese> <Russian>Gear</Russian> <Spanish>Gear</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_exit"> <Original>Exit DLSR</Original> <English>Exit DLSR</English> <Czech>Exit DLSR</Czech> <French>Exit DLSR</French> <German>Exit DLSR</German> <Italian>Esci da DLSR</Italian> <Polish>Exit DLSR</Polish> <Portuguese>Exit DLSR</Portuguese> <Russian>Exit DLSR</Russian> <Spanish>Exit DLSR</Spanish> </Key> </Container> <Container name="Warnings"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_MainGearWarn"> <Original>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Original> <English>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</English> <Czech>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Czech> <French>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</French> <German>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</German> <Italian>Non puoi inserire questo oggetto nel contenitore. Prima seleziona un contenitore valido</Italian> <Polish>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Polish> <Portuguese>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Portuguese> <Russian>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Russian> <Spanish>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_equipSignal"> <Original>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Original> <English>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</English> <Czech>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Czech> <French>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</French> <German>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</German> <Italian>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Italian> need a practical example, english "the" could be many words in italian "il, lo, la, i, gli, le" (the mine is "la mina", the rifle is "il fucile") <Polish>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Polish> <Portuguese>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Portuguese> <Russian>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Russian> <Spanish>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_compatWarn"> <Original>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Original> <English>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</English> <Czech>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Czech> <French>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</French> <German>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</German> <Italian>%1 non e' compatibile con nessuna delle tue armi equipaggiate. Se vuoi comunque trasportare un/una %1 seleziona in contenitore appropriato ed aggiungi l'oggetto</Italian> Again I need example for "1%" but this could be only "un" or "una" so you can leave "un/una" <Polish>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Polish> <Portuguese>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Russian> <Spanish>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_placedInContMsg"> <Original>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Original> <English>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</English> <Czech>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Czech> <French>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</French> <German>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</German> <Italian>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Italian> need a practical example, english "the" could be many words in italian "il, lo, la, i, gli, le" (the mine is "la mina", the rifle is "il fucile") <Polish>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Polish> <Portuguese>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Portuguese> <Russian>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Russian> <Spanish>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_noRoomWarn"> <Original>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Original> <English>Your %1 has no room for that item.</English> <Czech>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Czech> <French>Your %1 has no room for that item.</French> <German>Your %1 has no room for that item.</German> <Italian>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Italian> As above could be (il tuo 1% non ha) or (la tua 1% non ha) <Polish>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Polish> <Portuguese>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Portuguese> <Russian>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Russian> <Spanish>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_sideWarn"> <Original>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Original> <English>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</English> <Czech>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Czech> <French>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</French> <German>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</German> <Italian>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Italian> need practical example <Polish>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Polish> <Portuguese>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Russian> <Spanish>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Spanish> </Key> </container> </Package> </Project> DavidZi.. something is right something is not and something is funny like "vest" you traslated with "giubbotto" but this mean "jacket" ;) Edited October 12, 2014 by DuM3D0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heeeere's johnny! 51 Posted October 12, 2014 need a practical example, english "the" could be many words in italian "il, lo, la, i, gli, le" That's what I was talking about. In German, French and probably any other language in this stringtable, we have the problem of multiple noun markers for "the" (German: der, die, das) and "a" (German: ein, eine) and then there's also different forms when declining the noun... So I tried to avoid noun markers for the sake of readability instead of writing "der/den/die/das/des...". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted October 12, 2014 Thanks so much guys. Just translate what you can and don't worry about the nouns. Do the best you can and I'll deal with them later. Again, I really appreciate this =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted October 12, 2014 Polish: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Project name="DLSR"> <Package name="DLSR"> <Container name="Header Text"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_mainHeader"> <Original>DLSR</Original> <English>DLSR</English> <Czech>DLSR</Czech> <French>DLSR</French> <German>DLSR</German> <Italian>DLSR</Italian> <Polish>DLSR</Polish> <Portuguese>DLSR</Portuguese> <Russian>DLSR</Russian> <Spanish>DLSR</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_weaponHeader"> <Original>Weapons</Original> <English>Weapons</English> <Czech>Weapons</Czech> <French>Weapons</French> <German>Weapons</German> <Italian>Weapons</Italian> <Polish>BroÅ„</Polish> <Portuguese>Weapons</Portuguese> <Russian>Weapons</Russian> <Spanish>Weapons</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_ammoHeader"> <Original>Ammo</Original> <English>Ammo</English> <Czech>Ammo</Czech> <French>Ammo</French> <German>Ammo</German> <Italian>Ammo</Italian> <Polish>Amunicja</Polish> <Portuguese>Ammo</Portuguese> <Russian>Ammo</Russian> <Spanish>Ammo</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_accHeader"> <Original>Accessories</Original> <English>Accessories</English> <Czech>Accessories</Czech> <French>Accessories</French> <German>Accessories</German> <Italian>Accessories</Italian> <Polish>Akcesoria</Polish> <Portuguese>Accessories</Portuguese> <Russian>Accessories</Russian> <Spanish>Accessories</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformsHeader"> <Original>Uniforms</Original> <English>Uniforms</English> <Czech>Uniforms</Czech> <French>Uniforms</French> <German>Uniforms</German> <Italian>Uniforms</Italian> <Polish>Mundury</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniforms</Portuguese> <Russian>Uniforms</Russian> <Spanish>Uniforms</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_vestsHeader"> <Original>Vests</Original> <English>Vests</English> <Czech>Vests</Czech> <French>Vests</French> <German>Vests</German> <Italian>Vests</Italian> <Polish>Kamizelki</Polish> <Portuguese>Vests</Portuguese> <Russian>Vests</Russian> <Spanish>Vests</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_backPacksHeader"> <Original>Backpacks</Original> <English>Backpacks</English> <Czech>Backpacks</Czech> <French>Backpacks</French> <German>Backpacks</German> <Italian>Backpacks</Italian> <Polish>Plecaki</Polish> <Portuguese>Backpacks</Portuguese> <Russian>Backpacks</Russian> <Spanish>Backpacks</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_headGearHeader"> <Original>Headgear</Original> <English>Headgear</English> <Czech>Headgear</Czech> <French>Headgear</French> <German>Headgear</German> <Italian>Headgear</Italian> <Polish>Nakrycia gÅ‚owy</Polish> <Portuguese>Headgear</Portuguese> <Russian>Headgear</Russian> <Spanish>Headgear</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_glassesHeader"> <Original>Glasses</Original> <English>Glasses</English> <Czech>Glasses</Czech> <French>Glasses</French> <German>Glasses</German> <Italian>Glasses</Italian> <Polish>Okulary</Polish> <Portuguese>Glasses</Portuguese> <Russian>Glasses</Russian> <Spanish>Glasses</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_compatibleHeader"> <Original>Compatible Items</Original> <English>Compatible Items</English> <Czech>Compatible Items</Czech> <French>Compatible Items</French> <German>Compatible Items</German> <Italian>Compatible Items</Italian> <Polish>Przedmioty kompatybilne</Polish> <Portuguese>Compatible Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Compatible Items</Russian> <Spanish>Compatible Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_uniformContainerHeader"> <Original>Uniform Items</Original> <English>Uniform Items</English> <Czech>Uniform Items</Czech> <French>Uniform Items</French> <German>Uniform Items</German> <Italian>Uniform Items</Italian> <Polish>Przedmioty w mundurze</Polish> <Portuguese>Uniform Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Uniform Items</Russian> <Spanish>Uniform Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_vestContainerHeader"> <Original>Vest Items</Original> <English>Vest Items</English> <Czech>Vest Items</Czech> <French>Vest Items</French> <German>Vest Items</German> <Italian>Vest Items</Italian> <Polish>Przedmioty w kamizelce</Polish> <Portuguese>Vest Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Vest Items</Russian> <Spanish>Vest Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_backPackContainerHeader"> <Original>Backpack Items</Original> <English>Backpack Items</English> <Czech>Backpack Items</Czech> <French>Backpack Items</French> <German>Backpack Items</German> <Italian>Backpack Items</Italian> <Polish>Przedmioty w plecaku</Polish> <Portuguese>Backpack Items</Portuguese> <Russian>Backpack Items</Russian> <Spanish>Backpack Items</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_txt_gearContainerHeader"> <Original>Equipped Gear</Original> <English>Equipped Gear</English> <Czech>Equipped Gear</Czech> <French>Equipped Gear</French> <German>Equipped Gear</German> <Italian>Equipped Gear</Italian> <Polish>Wyposażenie w użyciu</Polish> <Portuguese>Equipped Gear</Portuguese> <Russian>Equipped Gear</Russian> <Spanish>Equipped Gear</Spanish> </Key> </Container> <Container name="Tool Tips"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_saveLoadToolTip"> <Original>Manage your loadouts</Original> <English>Manage your loadouts</English> <Czech>Manage your loadouts</Czech> <French>Manage your loadouts</French> <German>Manage your loadouts</German> <Italian>Manage your loadouts</Italian> <Polish>ZarzÄ…dzaj ekwipunkiem</Polish> <Portuguese>Manage your loadouts</Portuguese> <Russian>Manage your loadouts</Russian> <Spanish>Manage your loadouts</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_CTCToolTip"> <Original>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Original> <English>Copy current loadout to clipboard</English> <Czech>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Czech> <French>Copy current loadout to clipboard</French> <German>Copy current loadout to clipboard</German> <Italian>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Italian> <Polish>Skopiuj obecny ekwipunek do schowka</Polish> <Portuguese>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Portuguese> <Russian>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Russian> <Spanish>Copy current loadout to clipboard</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_loadLoad"> <Original>Load</Original> <English>Load</English> <Czech>Load</Czech> <French>Load</French> <German>Load</German> <Italian>Load</Italian> <Polish>Åaduj</Polish> <Portuguese>Load</Portuguese> <Russian>Load</Russian> <Spanish>Load</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_replaceLoad"> <Original>Replace</Original> <English>Replace</English> <Czech>Replace</Czech> <French>Replace</French> <German>Replace</German> <Italian>Replace</Italian> <Polish>ZastÄ…p</Polish> <Portuguese>Replace</Portuguese> <Russian>Replace</Russian> <Spanish>Replace</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_deleteLoad"> <Original>Delete</Original> <English>Delete</English> <Czech>Delete</Czech> <French>Delete</French> <German>Delete</German> <Italian>Delete</Italian> <Polish>UsuÅ„</Polish> <Portuguese>Delete</Portuguese> <Russian>Delete</Russian> <Spanish>Delete</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_renameLoad"> <Original>Rename</Original> <English>Rename</English> <Czech>Rename</Czech> <French>Rename</French> <German>Rename</German> <Italian>Rename</Italian> <Polish>ZmieÅ„ nazwÄ™</Polish> <Portuguese>Rename</Portuguese> <Russian>Rename</Russian> <Spanish>Rename</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_createLoad"> <Original>Create</Original> <English>Create</English> <Czech>Create</Czech> <French>Create</French> <German>Create</German> <Italian>Create</Italian> <Polish>Stwórz</Polish> <Portuguese>Create</Portuguese> <Russian>Create</Russian> <Spanish>Create</Spanish> </Key> </container> <Container name="Button Text"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addItem"> <Original>Add Item</Original> <English>Add Item</English> <Czech>Add Item</Czech> <French>Add Item</French> <German>Add Item</German> <Italian>Add Item</Italian> <Polish>Dodaj przedmiot</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Item</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Item</Russian> <Spanish>Add Item</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_removeItem"> <Original>Remove Item</Original> <English>Remove Item</English> <Czech>Remove Item</Czech> <French>Remove Item</French> <German>Remove Item</German> <Italian>Remove Item</Italian> <Polish>UsuÅ„ przedmiot</Polish> <Portuguese>Remove Item</Portuguese> <Russian>Remove Item</Russian> <Spanish>Remove Item</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addMagazine"> <Original>Add Magazine</Original> <English>Add Magazine</English> <Czech>Add Magazine</Czech> <French>Add Magazine</French> <German>Add Magazine</German> <Italian>Add Magazine</Italian> <Polish>Dodaj magazynek</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Magazine</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Magazine</Russian> <Spanish>Add Magazine</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_addAcc"> <Original>Add Acc</Original> <English>Add Acc</English> <Czech>Add Acc</Czech> <French>Add Acc</French> <German>Add Acc</German> <Italian>Add Acc</Italian> <Polish>Dodaj akcesorium</Polish> <Portuguese>Add Acc</Portuguese> <Russian>Add Acc</Russian> <Spanish>Add Acc</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_Gear"> <Original>Gear</Original> <English>Gear</English> <Czech>Gear</Czech> <French>Gear</French> <German>Gear</German> <Italian>Gear</Italian> <Polish>Wyposażenie</Polish> <Portuguese>Gear</Portuguese> <Russian>Gear</Russian> <Spanish>Gear</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_btn_exit"> <Original>Exit DLSR</Original> <English>Exit DLSR</English> <Czech>Exit DLSR</Czech> <French>Exit DLSR</French> <German>Exit DLSR</German> <Italian>Exit DLSR</Italian> <Polish>Wyjdź z DLSR</Polish> <Portuguese>Exit DLSR</Portuguese> <Russian>Exit DLSR</Russian> <Spanish>Exit DLSR</Spanish> </Key> </Container> <Container name="Warnings"> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_MainGearWarn"> <Original>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Original> <English>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</English> <Czech>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Czech> <French>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</French> <German>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</German> <Italian>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Italian> <Polish>Nie możesz umieÅ›cić tego przedmiotu w głównym wyposażeniu. Wybierz wpierw prawidÅ‚owy zasobnik.</Polish> <Portuguese>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Portuguese> <Russian>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Russian> <Spanish>You can't put this item into your main gear. Please select a valid container first.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_equipSignal"> <Original>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Original> <English>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</English> <Czech>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Czech> <French>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</French> <German>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</German> <Italian>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Italian> <Polish>UmieÅ›ciÅ‚eÅ› %1 na %2.</Polish> <Portuguese>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Portuguese> <Russian>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Russian> <Spanish>You've equipped the %1 to your %2.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_compatWarn"> <Original>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Original> <English>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</English> <Czech>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Czech> <French>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</French> <German>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</German> <Italian>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Italian> <Polish>%1 nie jest kompatybilny z żadnÄ… z używanych broni. JeÅ›li mimo to chcesz wziąć %1, wybierz odpowiedni zasobnik i umieść w nim przedmiot.</Polish> <Portuguese>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Russian> <Spanish>%1 isn't compatible with any of your equipped weapons. If you would still like to carry a %1, please select an appropriate container and add the item.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_placedInContMsg"> <Original>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Original> <English>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</English> <Czech>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Czech> <French>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</French> <German>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</German> <Italian>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Italian> <Polish>UmieÅ›ciÅ‚eÅ› %1 w %2.</Polish> <Portuguese>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Portuguese> <Russian>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Russian> <Spanish>You've placed the %1 in your %2.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_noRoomWarn"> <Original>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Original> <English>Your %1 has no room for that item.</English> <Czech>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Czech> <French>Your %1 has no room for that item.</French> <German>Your %1 has no room for that item.</German> <Italian>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Italian> <Polish>Ten przedmiot siÄ™ nie zmieÅ›ci w %1.</Polish> <Portuguese>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Portuguese> <Russian>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Russian> <Spanish>Your %1 has no room for that item.</Spanish> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_sideWarn"> <Original>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Original> <English>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</English> <Czech>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Czech> <French>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</French> <German>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</German> <Italian>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Italian> <Polish>%1 nie możesz używać %2 ponieważ jesteÅ› po stronie %3.</Polish> <Portuguese>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Portuguese> <Russian>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Russian> <Spanish>%1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3.</Spanish> </Key> </container> </Package> </Project> Note: dynamic text (%1 something %2) works poorly in Polish due to grammar rules. This may lead to ugly sentences. Also translating of some phrases is highly context-sensitive, while context not always is clear. This in few cases may lead to nonsensical sentences. Example of %1, %2 and %3 would be helpful eg for: You've equipped the %1 to your %2. or %1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted October 12, 2014 Thanks so much :cool: . Example of %1, %2 and %3 would be helpful eg for: You've equipped the %1 to your %2. or %1 you can't equip a %2 because you're side %3. You've equipped the accessory_class_name to your weapon_className. (name player) you can't equip a uniform_classname because you're side (side player). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heeeere's johnny! 51 Posted October 13, 2014 Is STR_A3_DLSR_hint_noRoomWarn for vest, containers or both? Are the weapons only primary weapons (rifle and larger) or can it be anything from pistol, granade, rifle to rocket launcher? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted October 13, 2014 STR_A3_DLSR_hint_noRoomWarn is a warning message used for all containers (Uinform, Vest, Backpack). It's to let the player know there's no room for the item they're trying to put into the container. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heeeere's johnny! 51 Posted October 13, 2014 Oh, ok so their's no actual container, it's the uniforms, vests and backpacks which are the containers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted October 13, 2014 The weapons category is rifle, pistol, MG and RPG types. ---------- Post added at 16:43 ---------- Previous post was at 16:42 ---------- Oh, ok so their's no actual container, it's the uniforms, vests and backpacks which are the containers? Uhh what? I refer to uniforms, vests, backpacks as containers. Why? I'm affraid I don't understand the issue :p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heeeere's johnny! 51 Posted October 13, 2014 I understood it that way. If not, fine. I'm just asking, because that has an impact on the wording before the %X in the respective strings and I'm considering to post updated strings based on what you say there is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted October 13, 2014 I see. I appreciate you making the extra effort. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heeeere's johnny! 51 Posted October 13, 2014 Updated strings: <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_equipSignal"> <German>Du hast %1 zu deine(r/m) %2 hinzugefügt.</German> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_placedInContMsg"> <German>Du hast %1 in deine(n) %2 getan.</German> </Key> <Key ID="STR_A3_DLSR_hint_sideWarn"> <German>Du kannst eine %1 nicht mit %2 ausstatten, da du Seite %3 bist.</German> </Key> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted October 13, 2014 Smooth. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites