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Modified Cars but the problem with randomize color

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dear arma 3 modding community,

im new to arma 3 vehicle configs and trying to modify a few arma 3 vehicles for better fuel consumption in the way to create a new car which uses the original config + another skin than the original ones.

class CfgVehicles
class C_Hatchback_01_sport_F;	// External class reference
class KBS_Hatchback_polizei: KBS_Hatchback_01_sport_F
	vehicleClass = "KBS_Vehicles";
	displayName = "Hatchback RS Police";
	author = "original by BI; modified by snajdan";
	fuelCapacity = 3.5;
	fuelConsumptionRate = 22;
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\KBS\Texturen\Cops\cop_hatchback.paa"};
	class EventHandlers {};

But if i spawn the vehicle it showing us for 1-2 seconds the new texture, but after that it takes a random one. How i can change that?

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dear arma 3 modding community,

im new to arma 3 vehicle configs and trying to modify a few arma 3 vehicles for better fuel consumption in the way to create a new car which uses the original config + another skin than the original ones.

class CfgVehicles
class C_Hatchback_01_sport_F;	// External class reference
class KBS_Hatchback_polizei: KBS_Hatchback_01_sport_F
	vehicleClass = "KBS_Vehicles";
	displayName = "Hatchback RS Police";
	author = "original by BI; modified by snajdan";
	fuelCapacity = 3.5;
	fuelConsumptionRate = 22;
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\KBS\Texturen\Cops\cop_hatchback.paa"};
	class EventHandlers {};

But if i spawn the vehicle it showing us for 1-2 seconds the new texture, but after that it takes a random one. How i can change that?

It's actually rather easy, just define class eventHandlers with empty init like this:

class eventHandlers
init = "";

Hope it helps :icon_twisted:

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doesn't work for me

       class KBS_Hatchback_polizei: C_Hatchback_01_sport_F
	vehicleClass = "KBS_Vehicles";
	displayName = "Ford Fiesta RS WRC Polizei";
	author = "original by BI; modified by KBS";
	maxSpeed = 279;
	fuelCapacity = 3.5;
	fuelConsumptionRate = 22;
	maxOmega = 722.57;
	enginePower = 340;
	peakTorque = 400;
	idleRpm = 900;
	redRpm = 6900;
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\KBS\Texturen\Cops\cop_hatchback.paa"};
	class eventHandlers
		init = "";

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doesn't work for me

Well, that's strange as this works fine for me (doesn't display any texture as I obviously don't have Your texture):

class cfgVehicles
class C_Hatchback_01_sport_F;
class KBS_Hatchback_polizei: C_Hatchback_01_sport_F
	displayName = "Ford Fiesta RS WRC Polizei";
	author = "original by BI; modified by KBS";
	maxSpeed = 279;
	fuelCapacity = 3.5;
	fuelConsumptionRate = 22;
	maxOmega = 722.57;
	enginePower = 340;
	peakTorque = 400;
	idleRpm = 900;
	redRpm = 6900;
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\KBS\Texturen\Cops\cop_hatchback.paa"};
	class eventHandlers
		init = "";

I have just removed vehicleClass as I don't have it defined, but should not affect anything.

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can't get it to work...i tried yours and removed one of the \ at the hiddenSelectionsTextures

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"KBS\Texturen\Cops\cop_hatchback.paa"};

instead of

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\KBS\Texturen\Cops\cop_hatchback.paa"};

nothing works....i looked in other car addons and all of them works but mine not o_O

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are you sure you have repacked your addon? Do you have by chance old unpacked files in your A3 folder? Unpacked files have priority over packed stuff.

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now i tried it over this eventhandler after i know that we can disable the randomization script

		class EventHandlers
			init = "this setVariable [""BIS_enableRandomization"", false];";

and its not working again....i looked in other addons and i see no mistake. My texture is in 2048x2048 and .paa.

If i place the vehicle in editor and preview the mission its not working how i said. BUT if im put again

this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false];

in the vehicle init and preview its working for Hatchback and Offroad but not for SUV......

edit 1:

Ok sometimes i hate it how BI do it

for suv its not camo or camo2 its camo 1.....now the SUV is working. BUT i cant disable it over eventhandler init to turn off Randomization.

It works only if i enter it in the init over the mission file but its no perfect solution for me

		class EventHandlers
			init = "this setVariable [""BIS_enableRandomization"", false];";

Is this right how i did it or is something broken?

edit 2:

yep got it working "perfectly"

class EventHandlers
		init = "(_this select 0) setVariable [""BIS_enableRandomization"", false];";

= key to success

Edited by wrongbottle

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I have same error like you ... but only since the 1.32 Arma update

I work a own personal addons with new car

Everythink was ok but since yesterday ( Arma 3 update 1.32)

70% of my custom car spawn and after 1 or 2 sec take a ??random?? skin from another ...

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hey Nark0t1k its me snajdan from AltisLifeRPG forum^^

got it working now, read the "edit 2". All working fine now :-)

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Unmasked :o

Look too fast this topics and don't see that was solve :$

Thanks to enlightened me :D

Have fun ;-)

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I've just tried this. It removes the random headgear and glasses but my unit still spawns with a random backpack :(

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