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Are custom faces still broken?

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Hey guys, I know that custom faces didnt work for a long time, and I have no clue if they ever fixed it or what, I thought there had been some mods that fixed something with it...

Anyway I am just wondering if they work now, they are still broken or .. what is the "status" of them currently?


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problem with the faces is that the arms are a diffrent texture and bis wasn't kind enough to tell us how we can select a seprate part of arms from there selection...

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Yes it's still pretty boke. The main problem is that the arms are a TOTALLY different texture from the head etc. Like KBBW said above. bis wasn't kind enough to tell us how we can select a seprate part of arms from there selection...

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Do anyone knows a way to make BIS know we want them to finally fix this ?? It's not that difficult, I suppose !!

And anyone knows if there's a way to use the campaign character faces ? I mean, could I use Kerry face from the Survive chapter ? I suppose textures must be somewhere...

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Do anyone knows a way to make BIS know we want them to finally fix this ?? It's not that difficult, I suppose !!

And anyone knows if there's a way to use the campaign character faces ? I mean, could I use Kerry face from the Survive chapter ? I suppose textures must be somewhere...

Using the configViewer would be your best bet at finding them, then something like the following:

(configFile >> "CfgFaces" >> ...rest of config directory...)

EDIT: Got bored:

(configfile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Kerry" >> "Kerry")
(configfile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Kerry" >> "Kerry_A_F")
(configfile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Kerry" >> "Kerry_B1_F")
(configfile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Kerry" >> "Kerry_B2_F")
(configfile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Kerry" >> "Kerry_C_F")

Edited by JShock

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Using the configViewer would be your best bet at finding them, then something like the following:

(configFile >> "CfgFaces" >> ...rest of config directory...)

EDIT: Got bored:

(configfile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Kerry" >> "Kerry")
(configfile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Kerry" >> "Kerry_A_F")
(configfile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Kerry" >> "Kerry_B1_F")
(configfile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Kerry" >> "Kerry_B2_F")
(configfile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Kerry" >> "Kerry_C_F")

You made my day, mate !!! As I'm still learning, that was exactly what I was looking for !! Now I just need to apply and see if I can get what I want by myself...or I will come back hoping for your help XD

EDIT: Almost found it...what I need is into this config:

configfile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Man_A3" >> "Kerry"

Actually if you looks in the preview screen, in the highlighted line, it is disabled=1. To be able to select it as face in the profile and use it on MP I need it to be disabled=0


The question

Off course I noticed I had to change also the displayname to not be just "default face", but the question is always the same, and it's that simple: how can I change that configs ? Google doesn't help that much...

Edited by Malcom86

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The question

Off course I noticed I had to change also the displayname to not be just "default face", but the question is always the same, and it's that simple: how can I change that configs ? Google doesn't help that much...

Now, for that, I would say you would need to make an addon. Now here I'm completely guessing, but you may be able to get away with do something like this in the description.ext (you may need to include the rest of the config lines):

class CfgFaces
class Man_A3
	class Kerry
		disabled = 0;


Barring that it's disabled for a reason, and only BI can re-enable it, of course :p.

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I belive we need a dress up / custom Face DLC.

Definitely !! Or at least BI can finally fix it or help with the blue arms bug, so we can have custom faces at last !!!

Anyway I'll work on it, at least I can try. I'll try with the code JShock gave me, I have also a friend who can help as I'm pretty newb at this...

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