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Raven Vest _co.paa location?

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Hey all,

I've been looking for days for the texture file ( _co.paa) location for the Raven vest (V_TacVestIR_blk).

There's no hiddenselectiontexture or selection assigned to it in it's config.cpp. Below in spoilers is the config entry for the Raven:

class V_TacVestIR_blk: Vest_NoCamo_Base
	author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive";
	_generalMacro = "V_TacVestIR_blk";
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "$STR_A3_V_TacVestIR_blk0";
	picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_TacVestIR_blk_CA.paa";
	model = "\A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\equip_ir_vest01";
	class ItemInfo: VestItem
		uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\equip_ir_vest01";
		containerClass = "Supply100";
		mass = 60;
		armor = 20;
		passThrough = 0.5;

So, maybe I'm crazy and just dont see where the equip_IR_vest01_co.paa is located in A3. But if anyone knows, please let me know. Been digging for a few days with no hope. :P

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Hey all,

I've been looking for days for the texture file ( _co.paa) location for the Raven vest (V_TacVestIR_blk).

There's no hiddenselectiontexture or selection assigned to it in it's config.cpp. Below in spoilers is the config entry for the Raven:

class V_TacVestIR_blk: Vest_NoCamo_Base
	author = "$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive";
	_generalMacro = "V_TacVestIR_blk";
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "$STR_A3_V_TacVestIR_blk0";
	picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_TacVestIR_blk_CA.paa";
	model = "\A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\equip_ir_vest01";
	class ItemInfo: VestItem
		uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\equip_ir_vest01";
		containerClass = "Supply100";
		mass = 60;
		armor = 20;
		passThrough = 0.5;

So, maybe I'm crazy and just dont see where the equip_IR_vest01_co.paa is located in A3. But if anyone knows, please let me know. Been digging for a few days with no hope. :P

It uses the opfor 'tech' textures

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OPFOR-> Data -> tech_rus_co.paa

But afaik it doesn't have hiddenselections and can't be retextured. But maybe I missed something.

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That seems to be it. Thanks. Interesting how it's using the OPFOR helmet in the _co.

@BI, hiddenselections please? :P

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This is a bit trickier, because the vest actually uses two textures:



Therefore, I have added two camo selections (camo1 and camo2) into the model, but I haven't tinkered with the vest's config at all. Instead, I would suggest you making an addon with the following code, which should allow you the retexturing.

class CfgWeapons
class VestItem;
class Vest_NoCamo_Base;
class V_TacVestIR_blk: Vest_NoCamo_Base
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"texture1","texture2"};
	class ItemInfo: VestItem
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};

Please note the magic won't work until the next Dev-Branch update.

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Glad to help. :) I'll track the thread in case some additional support is needed.

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Spectre, have you tried to use HiddenSelections on the Raven Vest in the last few updates? Does it work now on stable?

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I don't run the dev version, so I haven't even tried to test it on stable. Until it's pushed, I wont be - unless I missed an update in the past week and a half. I do, however, have the .psd templates ready to go when it is pushed.

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Locklear, can we get the same support for the Kerry backpack? (another related thread)

I updated Kerry's Backpack's model and adjusted its config with the following:

hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\bags\data\backpack_compact_rgr_co.paa","a3\characters_f\blufor\data\vests_rgr_co.paa"};

With the next Dev-Branch update, you will be able to change textures of the backpack via defining both textures in hiddenSelectionsTextures. Have fun and thank you for using the Encoding Department. :)

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Hate to be that guy that requests all the things. But would it also be possible to get HiddenSelections added to the 4-Five?

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Locklear, I attempted to change the kerry backpack. No joy. The following is my config for it.

class TFA_Kitbag_Test: B_AssaultPack_Kerry
	_generalMacro = "TFA_Kitbag_Test";
	picture = "\A3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\bags\data\ui\icon_B_C_Compact_blk_ca.paa";
	model = "\A3\Characters_f_epa\BLUFOR\backpack_kerry";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\TFA_Gear\data\textures\tfa_kitbag_mcam.paa","\TFA_Gear\data\textures\tfa_mcam_vest_co.paa"};
	displayName = "TFA Kitbag (Test)";
	scope = 2;
	maximumLoad = 350;
	passThrough = 1;
	mass = 4;

There is no error. It just doesn't want to change the textures. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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Locklear, I attempted to change the kerry backpack. No joy. The following is my config for it.

class TFA_Kitbag_Test: B_AssaultPack_Kerry
	_generalMacro = "TFA_Kitbag_Test";
	picture = "\A3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\bags\data\ui\icon_B_C_Compact_blk_ca.paa";
	model = "\A3\Characters_f_epa\BLUFOR\backpack_kerry";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\TFA_Gear\data\textures\tfa_kitbag_mcam.paa","\TFA_Gear\data\textures\tfa_mcam_vest_co.paa"};
	displayName = "TFA Kitbag (Test)";
	scope = 2;
	maximumLoad = 350;
	passThrough = 1;
	mass = 4;

There is no error. It just doesn't want to change the textures. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Please make sure you're on the Dev-Branch. In case it's not working with the Dev-Branch, please let me know (PM is okay, too).

Hate to be that guy that requests all the things. But would it also be possible to get HiddenSelections added to the 4-Five?

I'm sorry but currently there are no plans to make pistols retexturable due to some issues we hope to solve in the future.

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I am not on the dev branch. Yesterday's changelog for 1.32 stated this fix was included. Was it incorrect?

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I'm sorry but currently there are no plans to make pistols retexturable due to some issues we hope to solve in the future.

Damn :( But thanks for the answer :)

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Locklear, thanks for the commentary. Looks like it slipped in the very top of yesterday's changelog. But it's still only in dev build.

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Locklear, thanks for the commentary. Looks like it slipped in the very top of yesterday's changelog. But it's still only in dev build.

After a brief investigation, I found out the change had been stated in the 1.32 changelog by mistake. The backpack is retexturable in Dev-Branch only at the moment; concerning Main Branch, please wait for the next update.

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Does someone maybe know where I can find the Tactical Vest [ V_TacVest_blk ] and the Carrier Rig (Green) [ V_PlateCarrier3_rgr ] texture files in Arma. I want to extract the texture and create some customs skins for them. Currently I am using the PBO Manager 1.4 Beta to extract them.

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It's \A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\tacticalvest_black_co.paa for V_TacVest_blk, and \A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\Data\vests_rgr_co.paa for V_PlateCarrier3_rgr. However, V_PlateCarrier3_rgr have no selections defined in config, so in case you would inherit a new class from this one, don't forget to add hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}.

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