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MANW Rewards

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I know only the 3 best of each category will be rewarded.

However, it may lead to some frustration for those who have spent a lot of time creating something for BIS and the community.

So I wondered if a small prize could be awarded to those who passed the first step (the 20 ones selected in each category or even the 10 ones), like expansion or DLC bundle offered by BIS.

Nothing too big, just to say "Thanks for spending your free time to create something for the community, to improve / enhance the game..."

What do you think?

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The competition was announced a long time ago, the prizes and deadlines and rules were also set a long time ago. This proposal doesn't really make much sense, to be quite honest. It's akin to the policy in schools these days where everybody gets on the team, instead of those who earn a spot with skill, or passion. If you don't win a prize, you don't win a prize. You are not going to get a handout from BIS saying "Thank you for spending your free time, blah blah blah" because, guess what, you chose to spend your free time that way. Just like the hundreds of addonmakers over the years who poured their free time, blood, sweat, and tears into making something for the community, your only reward will be the appreciation of the people who use your stuff.

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I think all those entries who are extremely high quality, deserve some kind of prize, even if they are not the best in the category.

But obviously not a "consolation" prize for everyone, because if not, the whole contest loses all its charm.

  PenguinInATuxedo said:
No matter who wins, We all win.


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But then that would mean defining what is "extremely high quality" and what isn't. If it's "extremely high quality" then odds are it will be in the top 3 in it's category anyways.

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  Darkhorse 1-6 said:
But then that would mean defining what is "extremely high quality" and what isn't. If it's "extremely high quality" then odds are it will be in the top 3 in it's category anyways.

Not all categories have top 3, and obviously it's the jury responsibility to decide which ones are extremely high quality.

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Consolation prize to save me from frustration? Are we like a children, that need to be consoled with a candy, when another child receives birthday gifts? BIS will do, whatever they want. I would guess, they will thank to all participants, and that's it. More, than enough to me. My potential frustration will be my problem, but why should I be frustrated when loosing? Sad, maybe, after all I want to win, but I knew the rules, I was well awared, so I'll put lot of work without any warranty nor big hope of any money prize. I agreed to participate in the contest of such rules, it's my decision and my consequences. If someone decided to participate with assumption, so he'll win, and only then all his work will get any meaning, then this was his choice and his risk of frustration as potential consequence of loosing. Not a big problem to me - I probably would do same work without MANW too. MANW participation is a great bonus to me. And kind of test for myself. How good really am I, when I'm working on 100%? Good to know such thing about yourself. If I misjudged myself, then a little of frustration would be quite healthy experience.

Personally, I feel highly rewarded by opportunity to spend my free time in such awesome, rewarding way (creation is rewarding by itself). That was great months. And we are getting many cool stuff to play with thanks to MANW. And some of us may win some money. Quite huge money. Or the unique trip. Or even, if BIS decide such, there is a chance of some cooperation with BIS, if any entry they will consider worthy/interesting to them. And some recognition. Not enough?

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