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Help me understand convexities please

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I want to bring a model into ArmA. (first off, holy ****, you need a lot of LODs...)

Oxygen2 always tells me that following Vertecies ("Points") are not Convex: http://puu.sh/bxgN6/c3d11da1c9.png

I do not understand why they (and their counterparts on the bottom) are not convex.

I thought I forgot what convex was, I googled, found this image and knew, I didn't forget it: http://www.shrani.si/f/1d/Oj/w73l1yU/convexconc.png

So, how are those vertecies not convex:confused:

Thanks in advance,


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IRC, all the angles between faces needs to be 90 degrees or less, not 180 degrees like in the picture posted. You can have multiple convex shapes rather than a single one just as well.

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I think you can remove them, or move a little as on the picture - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/129498485/Arma/convex.jpg

Ok, thank you, I will try that and post if it worked.

Edit: I did exactly as described, this happened: http://puu.sh/bynvY/2d0d0d271c.png (still not convex + edges gone crazy)

I also tried merging the verts, (the 2 on the sides merged into the one at front) also leads to non-convex :/

IRC, all the angles between faces needs to be 90 degrees or less, not 180 degrees like in the picture posted. You can have multiple convex shapes rather than a single one just as well.

Ok, but for me it looks like they are <= 90°

And how do you mean "multiple convex shapes rather than just one"? Sry, but I do not really understand this :)


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maybe it would help if you show your object so we can help you divide it up.

Right now i dont even know why you have those extra edges in there. Only corners should have vertices. If you could delete a vertex/point and still get the same shape you had before, it was a wasted point.

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Well I fixed it now...

I now have my Geometry LOD being over 50 single boxes instead of a few edited objects.

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