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Custom map crashes Arma 3

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I did the awesome tutorial in French (I forget the name) for map making and thought "oh this is stupidly easy, no worries". As I know from making addons, wrong. So I have completed all stages, when I pack the map I do not get any errors. But every time I go to select the map in the editor it immediately crashes my game. I'll post a unbinarized of the entire folder and all relevant crash info.


MAP/ Crash Info:




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your sat images are corrupted, probably not the cause of crashing though.

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I took a look at your map files, imported them to TB, generated the layers, exported the .wrp, and opened it in Mikero's PboProject. Crunched it and it spit out 2 errors in your config.cpp file.

Line 9 author[]={"Richards.D"};

Line 57 author = "Richards.D";

I removed the . from in between the names and re-crunched it and there were no more errors.

Map loaded fine in Arma 3

I would recomend you use the PboProject to pack your terrain, as it shows any errors that you may have.


Look for newest version PboProject ..... it is "pboProject."

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Thank you for the help.. so I guess I cannot put the period in my name and that crashes it? Regardless, I used the default A3 Addon Builder (BinPBO) to pack the map. I'll look into this to see if it is a better option.


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RichardsD Addonbuilder can not pack your Terrain professionally!

We recommend to use the Pbo Project from Mikero Tools!

And you can check your RPT File to see the errors.

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this will be fixed on a subsequent update to dePbo.dll, It mistakenly sees it as a file reference

I'd appreciate future errors like this being reported at dev-heaven so that i can attend to them promptly.

As for addon builder:

1) It cannot build arma3 pbos, only arma3 files wrapped in an arma2 style

2) it cannot binarise any rtm except human skeletons

3) it cannot work with the newly introduced array[]+= syntax for config.cpp's

4) it (generally) can't create animated doors (eg) for buildings because it doesn't know where to look (there are work-arounds)

5) thru no fault of it's own, you will (generally) get missing icons on your map

6) it ignores most errors. it will build regardless, and let you ctd in game. Notably, it doesn't care, that files and textures don't exist.

If past history is the judge, these problems will never be fixed.

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Yes indeed, I began to use PBO Tools and my map had tons of errors, and when it does let me pack w/ addon builder there are no textures which is lovely. More experimentation is needed I think

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I had a familar problem today; I found out it was because my satellite texture was not to the right size. :) Try playing around with that

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