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Steam parameters Aren't taken effect.

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So basically I run a I7 4770k, 16gbs, 780Ti.

My current parameters are -high -maxMem=8129 -maxVRAM=2048 -exThreads=7 -cpuCount=4

I noticed they weren't taking effect due to fps not increasing, but then there was a separate arma 3 launcher where I could change the parameter and they took effect, but didn't really understand them and that decreased fps.

Is there something I'm doing wrong?

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Never heard of "-high" what does that do ?

-maxMem=8129 wont do any good - think maximum are 3071 - other parameters seem fine.

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Yeah, the -high parameter doesn't exist. It's a common misconception in many tweaking guides.

You can launch arma with MS-DOS command 'START' which does have a /HIGH switch. (i.e. >START /HIGH arma3.exe) This sets the Arma's process priority to high. Which doesn't really improve performance in 98% of the cases. Only when there's something wrong with your system and it erroneosly gives some other processes a higher priority than Arma. Any healthy modern operating system should handle this just fine by itself.

And by the way, -exThreads=7 and -cpuCount=4 are as pointless, because these are exactly the same values the game sets for you automatically.

So if you think these gave you a fps boost, it's just a placebo effect.

Edited by Greenfist

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I think so - as far as I know none of the above parameters are used in Arma3.

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The parameters do work in Arma 3 but there's no use setting them manually.

But wasn't the maxmem's default value something below the maximum of 2047? Like 1700? Or doesn't it apply anymore?

I know that the maximum of 3072 was enabled only briefly in the dev branch, but it proved to be unstable for some. So it was removed completely for now.

Anyway, it doesn't really effect average fps, it might only alleviate some occasional stutter at best.

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I notice we shared the same problem, at least when I had the game working. It now completely crashes, so I'm afraid I'm not able to help you until I help my self.

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