nyles 11 Posted June 28, 2002 First off I want to give you BIS, a big hug for Resistance. The new units rock, the new campaign is well designed and Nogova is more beautiful than i would have imagined. I have spent one day now with Resistance and want to give you some feedback on what excatly I liked and what I think could be improved. As I said above, the new missions are very well designed, but there is one thing I personally would have loved to see: variety. Apart from that new prototype helicopter, there is not a single new unit to be seen for the Russians. A sad thing when you consider that you fight them throughout the campaign. I can understand that the time for making new models was kinda limited but some small units basically being converted units already in the game would have been great already. An open Ural without the cover or 1-2 new UAZ variants come to my mind there. Easy to make, yet extremely effective in adding variety. Another thing is the stationary Russian M2. I would have loved to see this replaced by a proper Russian large calibre MG as it is featured a lot during the campaign and kinda spoils the atmosphere. Another thing I would have liked to see but which would have taken some time to make (which seems to have been problem due to all the other new units made) is some sort of new wheeled apc like that btr80 or at least another armed varient of the BRDM. I can fully understand that NATO troops didn't get new stuff (note that i don't count sidearms etc.. for that) as the new campaign simply didnt call for any new NATO stuff. The Resistance however are kinda low equiped as well. I would have loved to see some alternative resistance  grunts with Fals or G3s instead of that Czech AK47. Simply for the heck of variety. I mean, you added those great new weapons to the game, but still there is not even one unit equipt with them in the editor. If you want to add them, you have to do so via scripting, which is also kinda complicated because I have yet to find any reference on how I call the new weapons in the editor. Maybe I have simply overseen them, though. Staying with the Resistance, I have to say that some more civilian interaction with them would have been nice for me. In the original flashpoint there was that single mission where you as a russian has to fight guerillia on Malden. On that mission, there were a lot of armed civilians, giving the whole side a more Resistance like look rather than a professional Army. Furtermore I would have loved to see at least one water and one air unit for the Resistance and Civilians as well. It doesn't matter if they were used in the campaign or not, but that way mission makers would have a wider of choice of possibilities without being forced to use user made addons, which almost NO sever uses. Even without those points I mentioned up there, the campaign is still very enjoyable, though. Not only exploring the new island beside, but the design of the missions itself is extremly funny. Now, I want to point out some other things which have been suggested on the boards a hundred times, but which I still miss in Resistance. 1. The first thing of course is the physics stuff like bouncing helicopters, sliding tanks etc.. I know that these seem to be some extremely hard to do changed, but still you should really spent some time on this. Even if that bouncing is hard to master, at least the tanks could be tweaked. During the campaign there were some situations were I entered a bmp, parked on non-horizon ground. As soon as I entered, it started to rapidly move down the hill and I had my problems with bringing it under control and eventually stop it. I know, that you are aware of all this, still I think that pointing this out again and again is a good thing. 2. Staying with vehicles: One feature I suggested a while back and which I really hoped might find its way into Resistance was the ability for tank commanders to tell their gunners on where to point the turret. You can tell infantry where to look at, while clicking at that direction plus holding ALT key (or whatever key you binded for that). Why not make the same thing be possible for tank commanders. When you designate a position to look up, the AI gunner will rotate the turret to that direction, making the Bradley commander spot useable, at last. More to come, soon'ish. Feel free to post your own constructive criticism in here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rastavovich 0 Posted June 28, 2002 The drop function was definitly missing and now there it is. Well done. As Nyles wrote there is no readme, where we can find the weapon names, but there is also no way to find the new scripting commands, and I miss a version history, I have no clue what was changed up to v1.75. Btw a "must have addon". PS: Can you implement that a command returns the description of a marker, something like descmarker "markername" returns string for example: Marker1 with "Here I am" as description descmarker "Marker1" returns "Here I am" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paratrooper 0 Posted June 28, 2002 The new island is amazing, so are the Police! And the buildings, magnificent in my opinion, i had doubts about resistance but it was worth twice the money. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joltan 0 Posted June 28, 2002 One word: Terrain. It looks a bit like the Russians used this island for bomb testes before (maybe this is what the reference in the intro "30 years ago" is about? ). Ok, this mught be asking a bit too much from a game like resistance. The algorithm used to deform the terrain is a bit weird. I mean, if you're going for realism than much of the hills should be smoother, not looking as if someone with a big sledgehammmer had tried to beat the shit out of them! Erosion might create ravines or even steep falls, but seldom will you see any dents like those on the new island (or the on old ones when you open these maps in OFPR). On islands located as far north as these seem to be (at least around 50° or 60° latitude) you have too much rainfall and cold winters for these dents to last for a long time. Terrain with fine detail is a good thing, the trees are superb, and the new buildings (i like those big apartment blocks) wonderfull. But those dents are really too much! Edit: I should add, that it looks strange only in a few areas, now that I had a bit more time to look around. In general (at least on the new island), it looks superb, but especially on the old islands there are some areas that look like the US just had a carpet bombing run over these. Good work anyway.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madmike 0 Posted June 28, 2002 I love all the different buildings. I havent done much exploring yet but I started off at the airport and then flew to the factories down the road and had a good look in the buildings. I also drove around in the bus. I love the new weapon sounds but I still have yet to try the handguns and all of the new weapons. The only thing I dont like is there is still the clipping problem with buildings, theres nothing worse than taking cover in a building only to end up running through the wall to get blown up by a T72 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted June 30, 2002 3. FN-FAL and HKG3A4 images are swapped on weapon selection screen. Furthermore, it's kinda strange that after some time in the campaign, you can no longer access those CIA delivered wargear like the G3 or the XMS. I think it was around the 3rd mission after the one where you have to meet with that boat and bring the stuff to your base. I have now liberated the Capital, but still I can't get my old stuff. Ammo is running short for the AUGs and FALs i was lucky enough to hand to my men in time. Note though, that the weapon stocking still works. I can store new found weapons and items, just the old stockpile is gone. 5. Most missions where you have to seize and hold certain objectives are ending way too fast. You don't have any time to salvage enemy stockpiles or save some good/rare weapons from fallen teammates. Kinda sad as this works against the new system, allowing you to take over equipment to the next mission. 4. Helicopters. It seems that nothing has been done regarding the flight AI. Helis still crash mid-air (even those in the same team). There is no real formation flight happening like you saw in that resistance preview movie. The lead helicopter always speeds ahead, while the rest waits another 5-10 seconds until they decide to follow. And finally, the Russian AT-6 missiles still miss a lot. They mostly shoot over the enemies head and hit the ground a few metres behind. Thats even way too often on long distances (>500m) while staying on target. 5. Another addition to vehicle stuff. While its unlikely to get a fix for all those sliding and bouncing, a quick fix which could already improve the feeling of tanks in OPFP a lot would be to make AI controlled tanks turn less on the spot. Currently they simply can't stand still and are constantly looking around. It just looks silly. Please make it so, that only the turret is allowed to rotate when scanning for targets on the spot. It might be hard to come up with a solution for vehicles being members of a squad, but it would be nice to see a tad less movement from the tanks there. Maybe code it so that they don't have to maintain team formation every time a soldier moves an inch, but be a tad more forgivable on this. The best way however, would still be to make infantry move less as well. more to come... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted July 1, 2002 6. Another G3 and FAL thingie: They both use the same sound in-game. Dunno if this was done on purpose or like with the images something was mixed up. Perhaps there was simply not enough time to do another sound file until release. I hope to see (hear actually) another sound for the FAL in an upcomming patch as IMHO the current suits the G3 pretty good. 7. Pistols: The pistols are a very nice and handsome addition. I really love to have a tokarev as sidearm, just in case. It really saved my life once in a while during the campaign. There is one thing though, which I really don't like on the pistols. The bullets seem to hop-up far too much. When using iron sight you have to aim at the feet to hit the chest even at mid range. I would have done it the other way around as pistols are extremely accurate even on long distances in the game. If the bullets would actually drop instead of rise, you would have to cover the enemy completly with the black gun shape, making it less effective on long ranges. Currently it's way too easy to abuse pistols as sniper weapons. 8. With Resistance, I noticed an excessive amount of tracers. I haven't really checked every weapon, but it seems that every one of them is firing tracers. For me at least, this kinda destroys the atmosphere to a certain degree. I would love to see tracers on Autocannons and MG's (handheld, crew-served and vehicle mounted) but currently even pistols use them. I know that you can disable tracers via the difficulty settings, but I don't want to miss them completly (see MGs). Making every 5th round a tracer on the above mentioned weapons could be enough already. Especially on night missions, the muzzle flash is strong enough to give away positions, there is no need for GREEN laser all over the place. 9. Weapon damage: I really hoped that Resistance would partly adjust some weapon data, but unfortunatly I was wrong. Still, I want to present my view of the weapon damage on how it should be. The major point for me is scale here. No matter how the damage values are, be it that you need 10 shots to kill a soldier or one single hit, the calibre of any weapon in the game should be taken into account for the calculation of it's damage compared to other weapons. I was really upset that the G3 rifle given such a low damage level. You sometimes need 3 hits to the chest to kill a person. I mean, this weapon has 7.62 calibre ammo, yet it is very weak compared to other 5.56 weapons like the AK74 or the MGs. Regardless of what will be done to weapon data in the future, BIS should always try to maintain scale. All weapons firing the same calibre should do the same damage. Even though it would be a big change in gameplay, this should be considered for any upcomming patch. The basic weapons, the M16 and the AK47, are pretty fair in-game at the moment, but especially new implemented weapons and the PK and M60 machineguns need some tweaking. When playing online only few people actually want to play as machinegunner. It's already hard enough to score some aimed hits with them, but even if you hit, the damage is very low for 7.62 calibre weapons. On the other side, the G36, while using standard 5.56 ammo, is a total overkill, being able to kill with a toe shot. My philosophy is that weapons should be balanced not by damage alone, but also by tweaking accuracy (which would make the G36 perform extremly good already) and other values like rate of fire and reload time. I really hope that if someone of BIS is reading this, they take a minute and think about what I suggest here. In the end it will add to the Flashpoint experience a lot. Comments are still very welcome... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Satchel 0 Posted July 1, 2002 Some observations: - AI pathfinding needs improvement. Not uncommon a truck driver ,whom has been issued the order to follow, looses your lead, even if he´s just some 100m or so distanced and has visuals on you, i turned the voice loudness already completely down to make the "where are you" msg less annoying. AI also has problem getting from A to B in a timely manner on a direct way, i had a truck issued to a specific point on the map, he constantly was driving snake lines, braking, going backwards and turning like wild, although i could see the destination i sent him to even from my position. - AI awareness needs improvement. In the "Hostages" mission you have control of a team (2 soldiers) at the beginning of the mission, i issued them the order to "hide" and "stealth"  waiting for the reinforcing group as enemy forces were about to make efforts for retaking the town. Now what these 2 guys did was to run right into the enemys main assault in the open, although there was plenty of cover inside the town they wanted to reach the forest or something. - Pistols have tracers, not in real life but in OFP:R . - There is a flaw with the "occupation" mission, it appears only to end if you "clense" all enemys from the map, but the mission briefing only states to take and hold the object, not to go on a manhunt.  - Tanks still have a breaking distance as someone on a waxed surfboard without fins beeing pushed at 50 km/h across an ice rink. At downhill slopes its almost impossible to come to a halt, even if you didn´t touch the gas a single time on your race down. Vehicles are still bouncing&sliding. - In multiplayer games 50cal. guns mounted on M151´s bounce and wobble if you get behind them, making it impossible to aim immediately. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted July 1, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nyles @ June 30 2002,03:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">...Furthermore, it's kinda strange that after some time in the campaign, you can no longer access those CIA delivered wargear like the G3 or the XMS. I think it was around the 3rd mission after the one where you have to meet with that boat and bring the stuff to your base. I have now liberated the Capital, but still I can't get my old stuff. Ammo is running short for the AUGs and FALs i was lucky enough to hand to my men in time. Note though, that the weapon stocking still works. I can store new found weapons and items, just the old stockpile is gone...<span id='postcolor'> Yes, thats ab big bug in the campaign, it seems like saving a game is the only way to keep all the things in stockpile. Whenever you use "Return" or "Continue" to continue playing the campaign, it always forgets the weapons and ammunition in the stockpile. Perhaps you find some weapons in it, but they only seem to be bonus equipment defined for the mission. I was very annoyed. I had stopped playing after i got the CIA delivered euipment, believing when i use "Continue" my new weapons would be available in the briefing the next day, but they all were gone. I hope when i return to the campaign this time with a inmisson savegame my stockpile weapons wont be disapeared. Its hard work to get back into businnes when you start a mission without a single rocket. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Storm 0 Posted July 2, 2002 First of the just like to say Resistance definitely rocks and is a welcome addition to the OFP universe. But the main point for me is after reading about how you have to keep your weapons/ammo/men for the next mission on all the previews and notes around I decided to stock pile the Ural at the start of the game near your house for a good 20 minutes with everything I could find around that would fit in it, and how long did I get to keep that vehicle for. One more mission. Oh well. It seems you can only keep your stuff when the campaign decides you can which could get a bit annoying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted July 2, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Storm @ July 02 2002,13:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I decided to stock pile the Ural at the start of the game near your house for a good 20 minutes with everything I could find around that would fit in it, and how long did I get to keep that vehicle for. Â One more mission. Â Oh well. Â <span id='postcolor'> I did the exact same thing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadow 6 Posted July 2, 2002 Sounds to me this is more a bug than a feature. I've read alot of similar stories BIS care to comment on this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhoCares 0 Posted July 2, 2002 I finished yesterday the Occupation mission. Unfortunatly I was too good in the beginning in killing all the enemies around before attacking the base and thus not encountering the problem to search the last guy. The result was, that the mission finished immediatly after I killed all in the base. So I had no chance to pillage all the stuff around Maybe they should give us a switch to finish the mission when we want to, instead of forcing the end... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted July 2, 2002 It's some sort of a dilemma, yes. I don't think though that not forcing the end is a good solution as this would often spoil the atmosphere or colide with outro sequences. Perhaps another idea would be that on certain missions where you have to take and hold specific objects, the game will automatically store all the enemy wargear in your stockpile. That way, you don't need to pick up everything you want but the game will do so automatically after the mission. Note though, that this should only be the case up to a certain range of the ending spot. So if you are going to hold a camp, the equipment in that base will be auto grabbed, but not the stuff from soldiers you killed while proceeding to the base. One problem is that mission where you have to take that one camp in the ruins, but are forced to retreat again on the next mission by gunships. In that case, stuff shouldn't be auto collected as wouldn't be able to take it with you on the retreat. Furthermore you shouldn't be able to select new stuff from your stockpile between those two missions, as you are without backup in that camp. Another possible solution might be to have different predefinable stockpiles. In the case of those two missions, you could only use a predefined stockpile of wargear in that camp, but not your own homestored weargear. Once you have escaped you should be able to access your old stockpile again, but no longer the one from that camp. I know it's kinda tricky to describe, but I think you got the point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Satchel 0 Posted July 3, 2002 Some more observations: - Std equipped enemy soldiers are too effective in low visibility engagements, considering they are wearing no night vision equipped. Their viewing distance is too high as their fire is to accurate in these conditions. While i normally can see nothing at dark with no moonlight (have to turn up contrast and brightness to full to see at least a tiny bit without NVG´s), AI opponents have no hard time seeing and hitting you accurately. The NVG when used is good at short range, but doesn´t really help at medium- long range because of the extensive blocky grain, AI opponents without NVG are hitting better at medium to long range than me with nightvision. - G3/FN-FAL ammo could need a bit more punch across the range spectrum, 1 shot into the torso should usually end the AI´s misery, at most it took me 3 hits (2x torso 1x legs w FN-FAL at long range). I also had an AI soldier running around with a headshot (his face was complete red) after an M21 bullet hit him also long range, he kept on sprinting towards our position. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted July 4, 2002 10. Buildings: The improved clipping for map models works kinda inconsistent. There are many buildings on which you can move around flawlessly, without any clipping, but on some buildings there is still a lot of 'model shaking' once you touch the model. Some farm houses for example are almost useless because of this. I don't know if this depends on the model itself where you have to define weather its stable to walk on or not, or if it's some sort of engine related programming, however something should really be done about this. Afterall you got it working flawlessly on most buildings. I haven't checked the old islands yet, but I assume that there are a lot of clipping bugs on these ones, too. Furthermore there is a very nasty clipping bug on the docks on nogova, where you are hovering a feet over the ground without touching the model. This looks kinda silly and makes the docks being avoided for missions and cutszenes a lot. 11. It's somehow possible to damage the landing gears of airplanes so that they look displaced. They still seem to work but not as good as before. Dunno if this is a bug or a feature, but i think that once the gear is damaged you should not be able to land or take-off at all. A thing I could still do, even though it was a bit more risky as you were slower than usual. 12. Squad MGs are way too inaccurate, still. I would like to see the prone accuracy being upped or furthermore even visually represented by a deployed bipod. Currently MGs in human hands are pretty useless compared to other weapons available. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted July 5, 2002 The new clipping creates new problems: i.e. you can't get on the top of the Everon castle tower! Even entering the basement is difficult. Not good. How to talk to the rebel leader on the top of the tower, in the main campaign? Correction: Its still possible to get upstairs, but you have to make real crazy moves. Yes the 7.62mm rifles don't make enough dammage. A OFP shootingrangetarget needs 3 shots M16/AK74(5.56mm) or MP5 to be destroyed. The G3, FN-FAL, and all pistols need 4 hits for this effect. Ok, 7,62mm/8mm and 9mm are almost the same, but they have to make more and not less damage then 5,56mm bullets. btw: Sag mal Nyles kann es sein das Du vor ein paar Jahren begeistert AHL gespielt hast und AY-Trapper noch kennst? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted July 5, 2002 13. There is a small bug when some models use the binoculars. Once they have drawn the item, they look sideways and not through the binocular. I have noticed this with the new police officer civilans, but there might be more. 14. Many  vehicles are bouncing/jumping even while on a main road. The police jeep is the one on which you will notice this the most. Most of the time this occurs when driving really fast. It's not really a big bouncing but it doesn't feel like you are driving on a real road but across some field. Hard to explain, just test it yourself and you will see. 15. There seems to be a huge problem with police officers. Even if they attack other units, they are not shot back. I placed 10 officers with the editor, making one controlled by myself. I was able to shoot ALL others of my team without any of them returning fire. While this bug is in, it's hard to create any type of mission envolving police. ** Na klar kenn ich den alten Trapper noch. Meld' dich mal du Hund :-) ICQ:61253549 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted July 6, 2002 If you pick up equipment at a ammobox/vehicle and have to leave some old equiment behind, because you can't carry anymore, it is no longer automaticly placed in the storringobject. It will be placed as a little package on the ground near this Object. In multiplayer it slows down the performance, so after a while ofp starts to delete all this packages, and many equipment is lost. Is it because the actionmenu says "Take RPG-Launcher (Drop AT4-Launcher)", even when you pick something up from a Ammobox/Truck? A "Take RPG-Launcher (Drop AT4-Launcher into Truck)" action would be more usefull an the old way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted July 9, 2002 reviving this thread. 16. Free head movement in vehicles: I don't know if this is really possible, but if yes, I would really like to see players in vehicles be able to turn their heads like you can do normally. Sure you can look around while being in a vehicle, but the model does not turn the head, too. I think this would drastically add to the atmosphere as this static straightforward view gives the models a puppet like feeling. 17. Parachutes should not smoke when destroyed. Period. 18. Seat management: OFP currently has four types of places for players in vehicles. driver, gunner, commander and ride in back. The first three are pretty clear as they only allow for one player but the ride in back positions could need some improvement. Let's take the 5-ton truck for example: When you want to ride in back, the first 2 persons are automatically placed in the drivers cabine, regardless of where they tried to enter the vehicle. I would like to see it work that way, that there is a division of ride in back positions and not that ride in back pool like we have right now. Basically this means that when I want to ride in back and enter the vehicle at the back, I can only be placed on the back area of the vehicle and not in the cabine. Furthermore, when I enter at the front door, I can't be placed on the back. It might be difficult to achieve this, especially making all this clear to the AI, but it certainly would add a lot to the game. There are a lot of vehicles which could need several adjustments here. For example the jeeps, trucks and basically every vehicle with a seperated crew compartment. Another thing which I would like to see is how and when crew members can take over stations from other persons. I wouldn't limit the possibility to exchange places to stationary units only, for example. That way, the co-pilot or even a passenger could take over the pilot seat if he gets shot down, or a better pilot riding in back could be asked to take over controls in-flight. There are a lot of nice possibilities which arise from the sheer fact that is would be possible. In tanks for example, the commander could easily take over the gunner station or vice versa. Note though, that currently the commander and gunner can take over the driver station in tanks where the driver is seperated from the rest of the crew like in the abrams or the t-80. This should not be the case. Neither while standing nor while moving. You should have to disembark and enter the vehicle as driver again. This would not only be realistic but makes the handling of a whole tank by a single player more difficult and more fair to other players who try to team up. Furthermore there are some vehicles that could need some more spare ride in back seats like the m113, where there is still a lot of space in the back, even when fully loaded. You did something like this already with the Hind helicopter by increasing passenger capacity from 6 to 8 in one of the last patches if I recall correctly, thus it shouldn't be a big problem. When considering changes regarding seat management, you should always think in a logical way if it would be possible to change from seat A to seat B or not. The option to order AI to switch positions without having to disembark would be nice, too. The current system might work, too, but a rework could add a lot the game as a whole, as it would make it more realistic and for many people more fun to play, too. 19. When moving around with an tank platoon there is often the case that one of your tanks gets shot down leaving a few of the crew injured but alive. In such cases the whole movement speed of the platoon is crippled as the infantry moves very slow and if injured mostly can only crawl. I would suggest to give all of the MBTs another spare seat inside. This seat could simply be the position of the loader which most tanks lack as a crew member anyways in op:fp. I'm not suggesting to give the tanks 4 crew members by default as this would most likely screw up a lot of missions where the max. squadlimit would be exceeded. Just allow personal to use this spare seats (1 per tank) as a "ride in back" option. 20. Even when a rifle has only one or two remaining bullets and you shoot in burst mode, the 3-burst sample ist still being played. Furthermore if you have ammo left and reload weapon you should get a fresh clip plus the chambered round making 30+1 (31 rounds total) in case of M16 or AK74 as an example. Of course one bullet should be taken away from the ejected clip, as it remained in the chamber. If the chambered round was the last of the clip, it should be discarded as there is no ammo left. I hope you get what i mean. Basically it's about realistic ammo management. 21. Vehicle falling damage: On Nogova you can make some excellent stunt performances. The church on that hill near the main bridge comes to mind here. I have once used a bus and smashed through the fence at full speed, falling down the hill. I didn't really expect to survive this as it was just some fun test when i was bored. However, the fact that the bus didn't have a scratch when it touched kinda shocked me. I never tested this before on the cliffs of Malden or other places that's why I only noticed this now, Â but I really hope that there will be some sort of damage system for vehicles, too. Be forgivable with smaller jumps but after a certain height/range/whatever there should at least be some minor damage to the vehicle. Of course jumps like the above mentioned should be fatal for the vehicle. 22. The generel movement behaviour of all tanks/apcs seems more like a wheeled vehicle than a track unit. I would like to see more direct control about speed decrease and better behaviour when climbing hills (in terms of more horse power). A tank can come to an immediate stop in no-time and I don't really think that those huge speed decrease times in op:fp are needed. What I would suggest is to add another bindable key to the game: breaking. This would let any sort of vehicle or tank come to a full stop asap. Currently the only real way to decrease speed is to hold the "back" key, which is very time consumming at a certain speed. I don't mean to replace the "back" key as the option to simply decrease speed should still be possible, but I would like to see a break key for immediate (at least faster) stops. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hatsumi 0 Posted July 9, 2002 I would like to be able to enter an enemy tank without my cocky AT soldiers shooting the boss In the mission following Occupation, when the gunships arrive, I noticed there was still a T80 that had only been abandoned by its crew. I got in drivers position, tank jumps about wildly then BOOM dead, camera pulls back to my own soldier putting RPG launcher back on his shoulder. They have even took out the Ural I used to take them to the 2nd base in Occupation, while we were creeping down the hill to the enemy base. I have found that if you get into the gunners position on that mission, you are ignored by both sides. So I'm taking pot shots at the V80 with T80's main gun for no return fire, managed to kill the Mi17 and Mi24, changed to driver position, tank did not move at all and all of a sudden all hell breaks loose as the V80 starts hammering me with its cannon. This can't be right, can it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-76-Chavez 0 Posted July 9, 2002 Dont know if someone said it before: I think the Glock 17 mag capacity is wrong and I wonder about pistols having tracers. But thats all I guess,the expansion is really great :-) grrrrrrrreetz [76]Chavez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
762WorldOrder 0 Posted July 10, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Staying with vehicles: One feature I suggested a while back and which I really hoped might find its way into Resistance was the ability for tank commanders to tell their gunners on where to point the turret. You can tell infantry where to look at, while clicking at that direction plus holding ALT key (or whatever key you binded for that). Why not make the same thing be possible for tank commanders. When you designate a position to look up, the AI gunner will rotate the turret to that direction, making the Bradley commander spot useable, at last.<span id='postcolor'> You've been able to do something like this already since the orginal OFP release. Â Get into a tank as commander (make sure you get in as commander first), then add a gunner, then switch to driver's seat (you only need two people, don't add a third or he'll become commander and the gunner will ignore you). Â You can drive manually and use your targeting button (right mouse on my setup) to call out targets for the gunner to aim at (I advise switching to freelook mode with the * key and 3rd person mode with the Enter key on the numpad in order to get a better view). Â If you click without a target you will say "No Target" and the gunner will return the turret to the front position. Â You can even choose to manually fire or have the gunner do it for you, but most of the time you want to let the AI do the shooting, especially when you're machine gunning troops. Â For really long range shots or firing at aircraft, you're better off aiming manually in the gunner's seat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruud van Nistelrooy 0 Posted July 10, 2002 JUst want to say - Resistance kicks ass, i haven't had so much fun in opf for ages. now the niggles (hopefully no one has pointed them out) 23. It'd be pretty cool if vehicles didn't sink into the ground. My first impressions of opfr sucked because in cut scenes, stuff looked like it'd been half buried. 24. Fix the mission bugs. I had to use that cheat to get past occupation for example Otherwise, everything is a mssive improvement. the terrain especially kicks ass, it looks great, especially seeing tanks rocket down the bumpier slopes bouncy bouncy The missions kick ass too, and all the new stuff is cool. Hopefully one day they'll make the other islands like nogova (add the realistic terrain). Its the first game i haven't bought on pirate for ages and its well worth the money Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted July 10, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (762WorldOrder @ July 10 2002,06:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Staying with vehicles: One feature I suggested a while back and which I really hoped might find its way into Resistance was the ability for tank commanders to tell their gunners on where to point the turret. You can tell infantry where to look at, while clicking at that direction plus holding ALT key (or whatever key you binded for that). Why not make the same thing be possible for tank commanders. When you designate a position to look up, the AI gunner will rotate the turret to that direction, making the Bradley commander spot useable, at last.<span id='postcolor'> You've been able to do something like this already since the orginal OFP release.  Get into a tank as commander (make sure you get in as commander first), then add a gunner, then switch to driver's seat (you only need two people, don't add a third or he'll become commander and the gunner will ignore you).  You can drive manually and use your targeting button (right mouse on my setup) to call out targets for the gunner to aim at (I advise switching to freelook mode with the * key and 3rd person mode with the Enter key on the numpad in order to get a better view).  If you click without a target you will say "No Target" and the gunner will return the turret to the front position.  You can even choose to manually fire or have the gunner do it for you, but most of the time you want to let the AI do the shooting, especially when you're machine gunning troops.  For really long range shots or firing at aircraft, you're better off aiming manually in the gunner's seat.<span id='postcolor'> I know, but it' still not the same like a real feature for the commander that allows to tell the gunner where to point the turret at. Again with the example of the Bradley gunner, the commander spot currently is useless, because he lacks his own 360° rotatable cupola like the T80 or the M1A2 have. His viewport is fixed to the front of the turret, with the option to slightly look up or down. Place a AI controlled M2A2 Bradley with the Editor and try to engage enemy forces in a somewhat effective way. It's almost impossible with AI atm. I really urge to add the above mentioned feature. It will improve the commander position a lot and might help in making it a bit more attractive for multiplayer games. 25. Tracers: Currently we have way to much tracer fire in flashpoint. I think that reducing mg tracers to every 5th round and taking tracers away from all other weapons, especially from pistols would be a good idea. I guess the tracers were added mostly because of gameplay reasons to give away the position of shooters more easily and also to notice much faster where the rest of your men is shooting at. In my experience most enemies can still be spotted pretty easy because of their muzzle flashes. However, I'm not suggesting to completely remove tracers. As I said, all MGs should still fire tracers, but just not as frequently as they do right now. There is yet another idea I would like to experiment with. As all of you know, currently we have an 'officer with night equiptment' for every side, loaded with items for night battle like flares etc. My idea is about a new unit called 'soldier with night equipment'. Basically this unit would have special tracer ammunition instead of the standard clips or at a ratio of half standard clips and half tracer clips. Maybe give this unit night vision googles as well. The same ammunition should also be given to the existing 'officer with night equipment' instead of his normal ammunition at the same ratio. This idea at first might sound a little strange, but I think this would be a nice addition for MP games mainly, where you would add some variety to night missions which allows for some new tactics for serious gamers. The only different thing to do is to implement the new tracer ammo without causing conflicts to existing loadouts and missions. I would still give it a try. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites