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ATragMX - Handheld ballistics calculator - 1.0 Stable - Release Thread

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--- Description ---

This addon introduces a new item to the game, which helps you to calculate firing solutions.

--- Features ---

* Supports most rifle calibers used in ACE

* Supports manual entry of gun data

* Multiple Targets (up to four)

* Rapid ranging with a Vectronix Pocket Laser Range Finder

* Range Card Generator

* FPS corrected wind drift

* Target Range Estimator

* Target Speed Estimator

* Clicking Memory

* Handles both English (Imperial) and Metric units of measure

* Display in Mils, MOA, Clicks

* Calculates bullet drop, wind drift, lead (moving targets), time of flight, remaining velocity, remaining energy

--- Basic usage ---

Step 1: Select ATragMX in your ACE self interaction menu

Step 2: Select your cartridge (GunList / Arrow up/down buttons on the PDA)

Step 3: Enter the target range (TR)

Step 4: Enter the inclination angle to the target (IA)

Step 5: Enter the cross wind (WC)

Step 6: Enter the head wind (WH)

Step 7: Enter the target speed (TS)

Step 8: Enter the FPS of the client who shoots (if known - otherwise leave empty)

Step 9: Select your scope unit of measurement (MILs, TMOA, SMOA, Clicks)

Finish: Click Calc

--- Target Range Estimator usage ---

Allows you to estimate the range of a target if you know both it's real size and image size in your reticle.

--- Target Speed Estimator usage ---

Allows you to estimate the speed of a target if you know it's range and the time the target takes to pass a certain number of hash marks in your reticle.

--- Relative Click Memory usage ---

Step 1: Calculate a firing solution

Step 2: Adjust your scope accordingly

Step 3: Click the "Update" button

Step 4: Calculate a new firing solution

Finish: Use the data in the "Rel" column as holdover or to adjust your scope

--- Download ---

Zip Package: http://fastshare.org/download/ATragMX_ACE.zip

--- Recommended Reading ---

ATrag User Manual: http://horusvision.com/download/manual_Horus_ATrag-v385.pdf

--- Requirements ---

* CBA - Community Base Addons

* ACE - Advanced Combat Environment

Edited by Ruthberg
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Thanks for sending us the release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Very cool!

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No, but you can modify existing gun profiles by changing the parameters in the main menu gun column to get an adequate fireing solution:


WC = Wind coefficient

BW = Bullet weight in grain

C1 = Ballistic coefficient as airFriction * -1000

MV = Muzzle velocity in m/s (metric units) or feet/s (imperial units)

ZR = Zero range in m (metric units) or yard (imperial units)

Edit: I forgot to mention that you need to press "Enter" while your cursor is in the zero range input field to "re-calibrate" your zero after changing gun parameters.

Edited by Ruthberg

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Hey Ruthberg,

I´ve done as you told but it doesn´t allow me to set zero Abs Elev as you can see here:


As a result, my desired 300 m zero is not "zeroed" as you can see here:


Any clue?

Edited by QuickDagger

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I forgot to mention that you need to press "Enter" while your cursor is in the zero range input field to "re-calibrate" your zero after changing gun parameters.

Edited by Ruthberg

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Thank you Ruthberg.

OK, now I´ve done as you told but the results are still a bit out. Bellow you can see ATrag results compared to real game values (ACE wind drift turned off):

Dist ATragMX Game


100 -2,0 -1,9

200 -1,0 -1,1

300 0,0 0,0

400 1,2 1,2

500 2,7 2,5

600 4,1 4,1

700 5,6 5,7

800 7,4 7,6

900 9,5 9,7

1000 11,7 12,1

The difference of 0,4 Mil´s at 1000 meters is 0,4 m or 40 cm or 16". Possibly a miss, not to mention wind.

Would you mind sharing your equations please, so that we could think together?

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I can see from the A3 forum you´ve used 9,81m/s2 as gravity and 0% Humidity.

Making an enormous ammount of tests I came up with coefGravity = 1.09; in the configs in order to make game drops match better real life drops. The curious part of it is that dividing 9,81 by 1,09 you come up with precisely 9,00000m/s2. Too accurate to be coincidence. That´s why I believe BI uses gravity of 9 and it is hardcoded somewhere, just to refrain game players from using the game as an accurate simulator.

About Humidity, there´s never 0%, most sims use 78% instead.

And I haven´t seen you mention sight height either. It also affects POI.

Mixing these 3 factors might be reason why your calculations differ from game collected results. Oh, and I forgot to mention I use a test rifle with zero dispersion and ammo with zero dispersion too.

Oh, and one more thing that might also help you. You should use:

simulationstep = 0.1;

instead of the default 0.04, so that you might increase FPS. But, pay attention, because changing simulationstep might also change the bullets trajectory.

Edited by QuickDagger

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The range card output is not meant to be used for getting accurate firing solutions. It's accuracy is greatly reduced compared to the main menu output. Otherwise you would have to wait several minutes for the range card output being calculated.

This addon was made specifically for ArmA 2 OA ACE. The algorithm solves the problem numerically by recreating the game physics. Hence changes to the gravity force or simulation interval will throw it off.

Sight height is not taken into account by this addon.

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