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Burnes Armories Tanks and Deployment Vehicles

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Thanks for sending us the release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Loving the tank mate, as you said she's not 100% yet mate, haven't tested the armor but will see if we can get 60 rpg's out of her. I have noticed some errors here and there so let me list them for you.

1. Multiple options to turn on interior light.

2. No driver 3d part :(

3. The lights on the tank at the front aren't working properly.

4. She seems to fluent in movement, too light, possibly try to match the Abrams. Those values are much nicer.

5. Some textures are unfinished or not added yet, like you said will be finished.

6. No dirty version, where is she...I want her!!!!!!

7. Optics are good.

8. Textures around the driver outside view look stretched.

9. The interior light is either broken or it's just unfinished textures.

10. There isn't a telephone unit in the squared rack thing at the back of the tank. Are you adding that? (please do) :)

Other than that, its amazing, good job

1. havn't had that crop up yet. can you give me more specifics on how to reproduce the bug?

2.no as with the abrams this will come later, it is not a bug.

3. this will not be fixed as its not important to me.

4.I'm happy with the handling the Abrams has max torque along its entire torque graph due to its turbine engine. this is not the same with a diesel engine.

5. already explained this needs not be mentioned.

6.it wil lcome with the Multi-spec variant probably next week.

7. thanks, i am working on a loader optic model with an animated bearing indicator. i got the idea from seeing the optic model in the BWmod Leopard with something similar.

8. yes this was something i hadn't anticipated until i saw it from the turned out driver view. it will be fixed.

9. thereis a 'shiney' rvmat on some unfinished/placeholder surfaces that behaves strangely with the lighting. this will be fixed with the interior completion.

10. yes. please see 5.

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Well I'm not sure, it just shows up either twice or three times, but only one of the options functions properly. All i did was load in and start testing, nothing major.

Quick note on the lights, they work, you can see them ahead of the tank like you would normally, but the light source looks like it's further back maybe. I would suggest fixing it, just because it spoils such an superly awesome fantastic piece of art mod. (Yes i'm begging)

Also, the handling is fine for the most part, I just think she needs a little more weight if you know what I mean, can't wait to see the textures in full, will wait patiently until your first update.

And you mentioned the loaders bearing indicator, could you be on to a fix :) very well done my good chap! And don't worry, you haven't let it down.

Edited by Yoshi

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Sounds good, it will be interesting to see in-game. As for the RWS having a GMG, that's something I would really like to see as it will make the tank that little bit more deadly.

Oh forgot to mention. I'm working on a way to allow the commander and loader to fire-from vehicle while turned out. I half made it work when i first tried it out but the way its set up doesn't allow for tank crew to do it natively. but i've found a work-around that will allow it. so that might be a good substitute for not having a pintle mounted weapon. personally i just want to be able to use bino's while turned out like in Steel Beasts...

---------- Post added at 21:15 ---------- Previous post was at 21:08 ----------

Well I'm not sure, it just shows up either twice or three times, but only one of the options functions properly. All i did was load in and start testing, nothing major.

Quick note on the lights, they work, you can see them ahead of the tank like you would normally, but the light source looks like it's further back maybe. I would suggest fixing it, just because it spoils such an superly awesome fantastic piece of art mod. (Yes i'm begging)

Also, the handling is fine for the most part, I just think she needs a little more weight if you know what I mean, can't wait to see the textures in full, will wait patiently until your first update.

And you mentioned the loaders bearing indicator, could you be on to a fix :) very well done my good chap! And don't worry, you haven't it down.

yeah with regards to the lights thing if you load up the abrams you'll find the same thing as I don't much care for headlights on tanks (that's why we have night vision lol :p) I dont really bother with adding light cone proxies or flare effects (same thing with rear/brake lights - counter productive in combat at night lol :P) i'll play with the position of the lightsource a bit though to make the illumination look more like you suggest.

Yeah the loader can't have a 'true' bearing indicator but I could fix up a gunner optic for him that has animated bones that represent a bearing indicator. The guys who did the BWmod did an amazing job with their optics models which had something along those lines (amongst many other really cool features)

---------- Post added at 21:29 ---------- Previous post was at 21:15 ----------

BTW If anyone knows of a realism unit that will be using these and future british armoured vehicles i'm working on let me know. ;)

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FFV would be a great addition for the Challenger. Do you think you would add passenger positions on the Hull of the Challenger using the FFV feature? It would be great for some combat scenarios. Perhaps if there is a passenger on the hull you could disable the main turret from moving to stop it from knocking anyone off. That is if you decide to do that or not.

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Loving the tank mate, as you said she's not 100% yet mate, haven't tested the armor but will see if we can get 60 rpg's out of her. I have noticed some errors here and there so let me list them for you.

1. Multiple options to turn on interior light.

2. No driver 3d part :(

3. The lights on the tank at the front aren't working properly.

4. She seems to fluent in movement, too light, possibly try to match the Abrams. Those values are much nicer.

5. Some textures are unfinished or not added yet, like you said will be finished.

6. No dirty version, where is she...I want her!!!!!!

7. Optics are good.

8. Textures around the driver outside view look stretched.

9. The interior light is either broken or it's just unfinished textures.

10. There isn't a telephone unit in the squared rack thing at the back of the tank. Are you adding that? (please do) :)

Other than that, its amazing, good job

10. Only Clansman had an Infantry Tank Telephone. It was removed when we got Bowman. You can however fit a 4 pack of beer in there quite snuggly (and a six pack under the TISH Barbette, which keeps it nice and cold).

Congrats on the release - will check this out tomorrow

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So the indicator for the bearing can be imitated by adding (shall we say a proxy of sorts) to allow for it's application to previously unwarranted slots. This seems like a really good idea for the problem. You mentioned other features the BWmod had, any your considering implementing in a way to the Abrams and Challenger including future mods?

Thank for the light source response, I just want your mods to be top notch, and I understand where you're coming from with the night aspect.


Mostly all there used for is bad weather, acting as a cautionary light more than anything.

You mentioned page five also, sorry I wasn't able to find what you were referring to. Here is a pic of what I mean.


The object I'm think of sits just right of the Jerry can holder, it's an infantry phone I believe. I was just wondering if your adding this in? also maybe a Jerry can in the holder :)

Oh and I am testing the tank to its limits, currently It take around 17-18 rpg's to down her, i''ll be testing tank rounds and that soon, I'm just about to test satchels and stuff first.

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First, thanks for the first release and i can only say that this looks incredible! Like when i seen it in game it was amazing! However there are a lot of issues that need to be fixed.

-You cannot get in if the vehicle is spawned empty (there is no option to get in)

-there are missing textures on the tracks of the tanks.

-it took me afue goes in the editor for the mission to start due to other missing textures and objects i believe?

Other than that nothing else i have came across! I do understand this is an Alpha so i don't hold it against you Burns!

on behalf of the ArmA community we thank you so much for this incredibly detailed mod.

Thank you!

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First, thanks for the first release and i can only say that this looks incredible! Like when i seen it in game it was amazing! However there are a lot of issues that need to be fixed.

-You cannot get in if the vehicle is spawned empty (there is no option to get in)

-there are missing textures on the tracks of the tanks.

-it took me afue goes in the editor for the mission to start due to other missing textures and objects i believe?

Other than that nothing else i have came across! I do understand this is an Alpha so i don't hold it against you Burns!

on behalf of the ArmA community we thank you so much for this incredibly detailed mod.

Thank you!

fixing those issues now. forgot to remove the p:\ fom the file path, basically if i dont do that it shows up fine on my system because the directory exists for me but obviously appears to be missing for anyone else. I havnt had any issues getting into an empty one yet can you tell me how to reproduce the bug or any mods you are running?

---------- Post added at 23:50 ---------- Previous post was at 23:37 ----------

ok new file will be up shortly. fixed all the missing texture issues. my bad lol. just tested the empty vehicle thing. no issues my end got in just fine.

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You mentioned page five also, sorry I wasn't able to find what you were referring to. Here is a pic of what I mean.


The object I'm think of sits just right of the Jerry can holder, it's an infantry phone I believe. I was just wondering if your adding this in? also maybe a Jerry can in the holder :).

That's an old Clansman fit (look at the atnennae pots, they're a dead giveaway). The box is still there on the Bowman fit, but has nothing in it anymore. Not that we ever used it anyway - only time a PBI tried to use mine I damn near ran him over.

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I didn't come across that bug while testing the tank, I ran my game our mods pack. I haven't had any compatibility issues just yet, but will definitely let you know. I'm currently testing to see how much the chally can stand up too. At the moment she's holding at 18 rpg's max. Here is a small article about the two incidents that the chally took a beating.

"The driver's sight was damaged and while attempting to back away under the commander's directions, the other sights were damaged and the tank threw its tracks entering a ditch. It was hit directly by fourteen rocket propelled grenades from close range and a MILAN anti-tank missile.[14] The crew survived remaining safe within the tank until the tank was recovered for repairs, the worst damage being to the sighting system. It was back in operation six hours later after repairs. One Challenger 2 operating near Basra survived being hit by 70 RPGs in another incident."

You might want to up your stats on the armor - 18 max....is not enough!!! :D hope you do, would be awesome to finally see a tank for what it is, a deadly machine that is far from easy to damage.

Oh and I though you might want to take a look at this.


It lists quite in depth I might add all of the Challengers features, and explains use and development of most of them. Maybe you can use it to better define your ideas for future updates that involve the challenger 2?

Hopefully you can also find a fix for the AI engaging own their own, I think that is an obstacle that will need some TLC.

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New file is uploading now so download link may not work for the next 10 minutes.

V2 Changelog:

Fixed - missing track texture (bad file path)

Fixed - missing commander sight texture (bad file path)

Fixed - cannot load woodland texture (had it mapped to a proxy by mistake)

Fixed - missing sandbag proxy (Bad file path)

just tested it with my P: drive not mounted and now get no errors at all. again sorry about not checking those file paths lol :p

will post again when the new file is up

---------- Post added at 00:59 ---------- Previous post was at 00:45 ----------

OK v2 is up. :)

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It looks nice, Burnes.

Just one I thought to flag up, there seems to be a dependency generated on an "MEU_125_MAINGUN", looking for its config.bin or whatever, which pops up in the editor but all in all doesn't stop the Cr2 from working. I assume its from the M1A2. There's also something relating to eventhandlers that pops up on load and editor load which I don't know if you have any idea about.

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yeah a friend of mine has just flagged a few other things too, working on them now will look into that dependency too, expect another update tonight lol

EDIT - found the meu_125_maingun problem, was referenced in one of the animation sources.

EDIT - found the eventhandler problem and for some reason the editor icon is showing up fine for me but is missing for everyone else, looking into that now

EDIT - fixed the icon problem

Edited by Guest

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Is there any way to place the LCAC in the LPD in the editor and have the bags deflated and prepped for load? Thanks!

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You're awesome Burnes! I also like how the tank recoils a little after firing the cannon hehe.

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Is there any way to place the LCAC in the LPD in the editor and have the bags deflated and prepped for load? Thanks!

try this in the init line:

this animate ["DeflateAnim",-1];this animate ["DeflateAnim2",-1];this setfuel 0;this enablesimulation false;

it might disable the simulation before the animations have played through properly though so it might be better to do this in a script with a sleep command between the setfuel and enablesimulation commands

so it would be

nul = [this] execvm "yourScriptname.sqf";
in the init line of the lcac

and yourscriptname.sqf might be something like:

_lcac = this select 0;

_lcac animate ["DeflateAnim",-1];

_lcac animate ["DeflateAnim2",-1];

_lcac setfuel 0;

sleep 5;

_lcac enablesimulation false;

---------- Post added at 03:25 ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 ----------

V3 is now uploaded. I'm reasonably sure all the blatant errors have now been taken care of.

V3 Changelog:

Fixed Icon missing error

Fixed Reference to bad weapon type in animationsources

Fixed Recoil animation

Fixed Eventhandler error

Fixed further texture errors

EDIT - sorry made a mistake in the coding above, had doublle quotations around each animation name. fixed now

Edited by Guest

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This is one of the must-have mods for primarily armor-based players it seems. I cant wait to give it a shot in MP tomorrow evening!

I'm getting a texture error on starting a mission after placing an M1A2. Its not major, but I saw reference to it earlier in the thread. Is that a pretty much non-issue priority wise? Just want to make sure I'm not repeating something that isnt on the tweak agenda.

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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This is one of the must-have mods for primarily armor-based players it seems. I cant wait to give it a shot in MP tomorrow evening!

I'm getting a texture error on starting a mission after placing an M1A2. Its not major, but I saw reference to it earlier in the thread. Is that a pretty much non-issue priority wise? Just want to make sure I'm not repeating something that isnt on the tweak agenda.

actually i know how to fix that error now so expect an M1A2 update soon too ;)

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Ermm.... I think the back end of the tank might be to light, her back end floats in water. It's quite funny to see. I'll post screens if I can.

http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/535127498253105273/6CE7FD123F4B123231855EC5141F5C4D1E758A4B/ (116 kB)

Oh no....I malfunctioned!

http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/535127498253106458/153917C8B3D589A42498F89C8DA6E5B174876CBD/ (211 kB)

This is not looking good, help me!

http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/535127498253108296/7859984632EB414CF84C3F28C7EBE51B7B9788E1/ (153 kB)

All is well, I found an island.....how do i get off the island?

Might want to look into that after you stop laughing lol

Edited by Yoshi
Adding screen shots

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speaking of floating i'll try and get some working demo's of the MK10 up soon. Talking with a friend about setting up a British Armoured unit atm so will be putting out some British logistics stuff very soon

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I love it, never mind your problem with floating. You just reminded me of something! glad i could help lol

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Anyone who puts my CR2 into a game is a brilliant individual who should have an infinite BJ resource... My hat is off to you fine sir...

I served many years on the Chally with the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment... I have some info that may help you out on the gunnery side of things with out compromising any OPSEC that hasn't already been floating around the tinterwebs...

- APFSDS Should read FIN, That's what we call em... Also the FIN round on the Chally travels so fast that it can't use a trace element. Thus no trace... Very, very fast... Very fast... At 2km no drop... dispersion is like something stupid like 2 feet...

- GPS (Gunners Primary Sight), is 3x and 10x magnification... Also no Night vision... Only Day and TI (Thermal Imaging via the TIS and TISH)...

- GPS, furthermore the TI sight is the large unit mounted over the main gun... And magnification is: 3x and 14.5x

*something to note... Reason for such low Mags is during WW2 the average Tank on Tank action was only 800m... Thus no reason to have 200x mag on main gun*

- No Night Vision... Only Day and TI

And for a picture... This was a real quick example... And the last time I peered through one of these badgers was 2009... Soooo... I'm sure someone will have something to say... Bless their little troll/arm chair general socks...


Ooooops... Almost forgot... When you zoom in with the GPS the large red circle represents what area will be in 10x, thus it disappears to the outer edge, out of sight... So, all you see at 10x mag is the little central aiming gratical... And no big red circle...

Edited by sabelzahntiger

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KRH, for the record. No cashbar in our mess, what what! :p

Been over 6 years but pretty damn sure it said APFSDS in the site picture feedback display. FIN is the nickname. I knocked up an accurate pic of all the site images sometime ago when I was younger and less completely sozzled but buggered if I can find where I put them. Stealbeasts leaves a little to be desired in that area.

From what I recall working with UKF team on the ArmA2 CR2, ArmA doesn't support multiple sites so you have to compromise by putting TI on the CPS & GPS.

Random fact: not putting independent TI on the CPS saved the MOD around £10k per tank. Stupidest decision ever.

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