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HAFM Air mod RWR config fix

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I'm very proud to announce my first official Arma 3 release!

This small PBO, when run with the HAFM_Air PBO will fix the config issues that were stopping the RWR warning from being announced to the pilot - before this, you would get no warning and just get shot out of the sky. I'm sure Aplion was never intending for the RWR to not work, and I'm glad to have been able to help out.

BIG thanks to Corporal_Lib for pointing me in the right direction for the fix, and also to .kju and da12thmonkey for their help with explaining how that sort of thing works.

You can download the HAFM_air_fix.pbo here: https://mega.co.nz/#!At0jEDSI!ac8zyo3BCj7fDXjUk1Y_ormjrNORA4RaUJT-VBGADTg

Just add it like a normal mod, and you'll be spitting those flares out and dodging missiles, without having to use good old eyeball mk1.

I tend to be useless at explaining stuff so here's a quick video showing off the change in action:

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And here it is my mission featuring all HAFM jets and Drunkenjawa´s fix -> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=278117526

(it´s an air combat on takistan - better fps with 7000 of view distance - against Su-35s (John&Sauls), MiG-29K´(Dezkit´s) and Su-39s (Hotshotmike´s) all links at the mission description ;)


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can we get this signed or add the ix to the normal hafm air??? trying to run verified server and cant use this fix

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Sorry for necro-posting but ... how did I missed that ?

@drunkenjawa if you are still active please contact me ...

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