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Getting rid of alpha texture borderline?

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Is there a way how i can get rid of the blue alpha texture borderline?


My alpha is 1 bit (just black&white, no grey), so it should produce a sharp transition...

In the bulldozer pic you can see that it's basically a 1px border, overlaying with the original texture (the stripes you see flicker, so they are z-fighting). Move to top didnt do anything.

Also, how do i make a texture plane 2 sided?

Edited by Fennek

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Are you "Move top-ing" the track object as a whole, or only the faces that are UV mapped to those teeth and upper surface of the pads on the track mesh?

It looks like the whole track is one continuous object so I'm just wondering if you need to be a bit more precise with exactly which faces on the track you are applying the Move top modifier to (albeit it's not easy because O2's selection tools are fairly clumsy to use).

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ok apparently i did something wrong, after tediously moving all the different layers to the top, it looks ok-ish.

Now only one thing is missing: How can i make faces be rendered as 2 sided?

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There is a switch in the "Face Properties" window (shortcut "E"), under the "Lighting and Shadows" section called "Both sides". But it apparently no longer works, at least it didn't for me. What i did was Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V all the faces i wanted double sided, then pressed "W" to reverse the normals.

Edited by teaCup

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You can try to add this in material: maybe it can help.





Also check UV and texture, if there is some alpha space around edges.

Now only one thing is missing: How can i make faces be rendered as 2 sided?

You have to copy-paste and reverse faces.

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You have to copy-paste and reverse faces.

so 2 sided rendering isnt possible... what a weird engine =P That means +600 verts then, not very efficient.

UV and texture match 100%

There is a switch in the "Face Properties" window (shortcut "E"), under the "Lighting and Shadows" section called "Both sides".

Tried that yesterday as well, wondered why it didnt change anything.Thanks for the confirmation.

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